

Study on Pesticide Administration in China

【作者】 任万明

【导师】 彭向刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 加强和完善农药行政管理是我国面临的一个重大行政管理问题。研究农药行政管理的对策措施是新时期行政管理的重要内容,也是做好农业农村经济工作的重大课题。农药是一种有毒的特殊商品,它一方面对人类作出了不可磨灭的贡献,另一方面也因为管理不善、使用不当给人类造成危害,建立并加强农药行政管理成为各国政府的必然选择。我国的农药行政管理相比发达国家,尽管起步较晚,但发展很快。随着经济的发展,生活水平的提高,观念的转变,农药行政管理已经滞后于经济、社会的发展要求,必须进行系统研究,切实加强行政管理。对于农药行政管理问题的研究,农药界有一些成果,但是大都集中于微观领域,放在行政管理学中对此进行具体研究的很少。本文旨在运用行政环境与行政管理的辩证关系理论,借鉴发达国家农药行政管理的一些成功经验,在研究我国现行农药行政管理实际的基础上,提出适应我国农药行政管理环境变化,加强农药行政管理的五点对策思路,对于加强和完善我国农药行政管理体制,服务农业生产,规范市场秩序,促进我国经济、社会的协调、可持续发展有所裨益。 农药行政管理是国家行政机关凭借国家行政权力,对农药登记、农药生产、农药经营、农药使用、农药质量、农药知识产权保护、农药进出口、环境保护和农产品质量安全依法进行系统的、全面的行政管理。通过有效的行政管理使农药对人类有利的一面发挥到最大,对人类有害的一面控制在最小。对农药行政管理的研究,以农药管理为农业生产服务,为保护生态环境服务,为保障人畜安全和健康服务,为农药生产、经营企业服务为宗旨,以达到尽量减<WP=44>少病虫草害对农业造成损失,保证农业生产的持续稳定增长;创造在市场经济条件下,公平竞争环境,保护合法者权益;促进我国农药事业发展,赶上世界先进水平;保护生态环境,维护我国经济的可持续发展。 我国自五十年代开始对农药生产进行计划管理,并建立统一经营渠道,负责农药销售。随着市场经济的发展,农药由专营走向市场,市场管理的空白导致市场秩序问题突出。自1997年国务院《农药管理条例》实施以来,农药管理工作取得了明显的成效,农药市场秩序明显好转,农药行政管理的法规体系基本形成,农药行政管理的队伍已建立,并进一步完善,市场监管力度进一步加大,农药残留检测工作有了良好开端。我国是世界第二大生产国,第一大使用国,尽管有关部门加强了监管,但农药市场秩序问题还很多,由此而产生的深层次问题已经引起人们的普遍关注。表现在农药市场上,农药产品质量问题严重;农药标签问题突出;国家禁限用农药仍有生产销售;以肥代药现象严重。表现在社会生活中,农产品质量安全水平下降,影响到国际市场竞争力;生态环境恶化,影响到可持续发展;农药药害事故和农药中毒事故屡有发生,影响到社会稳定。表现在生产领域,宏观上缺乏产业发展规划和政策;产业分散,集中度低;大多数企业浮躁贪大,模仿成风;行业内有序竞争、诚信经营的氛围尚未形成。根据行政环境和行政管理辩证关系理论,行政环境决定、影响或制约着行政管理。行政环境是行政管理赖以存在和发展的基础。行政管理必须和只能在一定的行政环境中运行和发挥作用。行政环境改变了,行政管理的存在和活动方式也必须随之改变。农药行政环境是农药行政系统周围的情况和条件的总和,农药行政环境决<WP=45>定、影响或制约着农药行政管理,农药行政管理对农药行政环境具有能动的反作用,两者在实践中达到动态平衡。农药行政管理受到依法治国、诚信经营、经济发展、环境保护和国际经济一体化等政治环境、经济环境、自然环境和国际环境的影响,农药行政环境变了,经济、社会的发展,强烈要求提高农产品质量安全水平,控制环境污染,各方面对农药生产使用限制越来越严格,必然要求加强农药行政管理。农药管理是行政管理的重要组成部分,按照社会主义行政管理的基本原则,加强农药行政管理,要以“三个代表”思想为指导,坚持党的集中统一领导,遵循社会主义市场经济运行规律,切实转变政府职能,充分体现广大人民群众根本利益,体现可持续发展战略,实行科学发展观,做到依法行政,依法管理农药。加强农药行政管理,一要科学规划农药可持续发展战略;二要强化依法治药;三要统一农药行政管理职能;四要规范农药的生产经营使用行为;五要尽快建立农药技术创新体系。农药行政管理是一个系统工程,不能割裂开来,必须把加强农药行政管理的五点对策思路有机地结合起来,建立起适应我国社会主义市场经济要求的、职能明确统一的、科学的农药行政管理体制,以更好地为农业生产服务,为保护生态环境服务,为保障人畜安全和健康服务,为农药生产、经营企业服务,促进我国农药事业健康地发展,促进农产品质量安全水平和市场竞争力的提高,促进经济、社会的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 China is confronted with the reinforcement of management in pesticide administration. It is an important item both in the pesticide administration in the new era and in the economic development in agriculture and in countryside, to study the strategy and measures in administrating pesticide. Pesticide is a special commodity which is toxic. Pesticide has contributed greatly to human being in one hand, however, in the other hand, it also did harms to human being because of the ill administration and abuse of pesticide. Thus, the destined option for governments all over the world is to establish and reinforce the pesticide administration system. Relatively, China is developed fast in pesticide administration establishment, though China started this work later than other countries. Because of the development of economy and living standard, and the social concept, pesticide administration is now behind the requirement of society and economy development. It is urgent now to study systematically and to reinforce the administration of pesticide. In the study in this area, researchers have obtained a few of results which are focused in microscopical area but few are in administration system. Based on the theory of dialectic relationships between administration environment and management, and with the reference to successful experience from developed countries, this paper raises five items dealing with pesticide administration which is suitable to the changing situation of China’s pesticide administration practice on the basis of the study on China’s present pesticide administration system. It is hoped that these <WP=47>suggestions can be helpful to the reinforcement and improvement of China’s pesticide administration system and thus will be helpful to the agriculture practice, to the stipulation of the pesticide market, and to the sustainable and concerted development of the society and economy. Pesticide administration is the action by the administrative state departments to systematically administrate all round the pesticide registration, production, marketing, application, quality, intellectual property, importation and exportation, environment protection and safety and quality of agriculture products on the basis of administration power and law. The effective administration is to play to full the positive function and to minimize the negative function of pesticide to human being. The study on pesticide administration is aimed at serving the agriculture practice, ecosystem protection, human being and animal security and health, pesticide production and marketing enterprises, and then to reduce as many as possible the harmful pathogen, insects and weeds to ensure the least loss and most and sustainable growing of agriculture production. The other aims of the study includes the creation of the equal competition atmosphere, and the protection of the lawful manufacturers and sellers, to speed up the development of China’s pesticide and then to catch up with the leading position in the world, to protect ecosystem and to ensure the sustainable development of China’s economy, in the marketing society. China started planned pesticide administration in the last 50s. A unified marketing system was established which was responsible for selling of pesticide. With the development of marketing economy, pesticide management was developed from dictatorial to marketing, and the blank in market administration led to the order problem of market. From the implementation of ‘Pesticide Administration Byelaw’ in 1997 issued by the state department, the administration of pesticide has worked well, the market order became better, the administration <WP=48>law system has been become complete and systematic, the procession for pesticide administration has been established and improved, the supervision to the pesticide market has been intensified, and there was a good starting in pesticide residue inspection. China is the second largest pesticide production country and the largest pesticide consuming country. Though the supervision w

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F426.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】837