

Corporate Culture in the Core Competence System of Corporations--Reason Position and Management

【作者】 王宇露

【导师】 吴照云;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 人类正凭借强大的文化力进入文化时代。文化时代一个最显著的特征是企业的管理进入文化管理阶段。文化管理就是以文化作为根本手段进行的管理。企业文化管理正逐渐成为不可阻挡的世界潮流,它是现代企业管理向纵深挺进的一个里程碑。企业战略管理的一个基本问题是企业如何获取持续竞争优势,企业核心竞争力理论对这一问题给出了较为合理的解答:企业核心竞争力是企业持续竞争优势之源。但究竟什么是企业的核心竞争力?企业文化是不是企业的核心竞争力?若是,它是否又是唯一的核心竞争力?若还存在其它核心竞争力,企业文化和它们的关系如何?由此,企业又如何来进行企业文化管理呢?本文将对这些问题做出回答。 本文共分为四部分。第一部分为导论。第二部分对企业文化是企业核心竞争力的原因进行了分析。从核心竞争力的理论渊源出发,本文给出了企业核心竞争力的识别标准,即具有价值优越性、独特性和延展性。企业文化由于具有价值优越性、独特性和延展性而成为企业的核心竞争力。识别一种资源或能力是否具有价值优越性,要看这一资源或能力能否经济地创造价值和实现价值。企业文化由于能够增加企业的价值创造,促进企业的价值实现而具有价值优越性。而企业文化能够增加企业价值创造的原因在于企业文化能够降低交易成本和降低单位价值创造的转换成本。企业的价值实现问题可以直接归结为企业提供的商品能否被顾客购买的问题。而顾客是否购买企业提供的商品取决于商品提供给他们的可感知的顾客让渡价值的多少,顾客将从那些他们认为能提供最高顾客让渡价值的企业购买商品。顾客让渡价值是总顾客价值与总顾客成本之差。企业文化由于可以促进顾客感知企业已经创造的价值,增加总顾客价值,降低总顾客成本而能促进价值实现。 第三部分对企业文化在企业核心竞争力体系中的地位进行了分析。该部分分析了企业制度或制度能力对企业各种外部能力的支撑作用;分析了企业创新能力对各种外部能力创新的制约作用;分析了企业制度对企业文化的强化和检视作用;分析了企业文化为什么是制定和创新企业制度的直接依据以及企业文化对企业创新的作用机制,从而得出企业文化在核心竞争力体系中处于基础性地位这一结论。 第四部分分别从价值优越性、延展性、独特性和企业文化的制度化建设等四方面阐述了如何进行企业文化管理。要增强企业文化的价值优越性,须增强企业文化的强度,但增强企业文化的强度需要付出更大的企业文化管理成本。企业文化强度的临界点应该是企业文化管理净收益最大的那一点。企业应在进行成本收益分析的基础上做出企业文化的强度选择。影响企业文化管理成本的因素至少有以下四种:企业制度、企业规模、员工的人力资本和企业家能力。由于企业进行企业文化管理会产生正外部性,这意味着企业承担了额外的企业文化管理成本,所以政府应通过进行社会文化管理和对进行企业文化管理的企业给予文化补贴等方法使外部性内部化,降低企业文化管理成本。同时,企业也应从建立健全现代企业制度;培养具备企业文化管理特质的企业家;招聘员工时考虑员工的文化基础是否与企业文化具有较强的拟合度等三方面采取措施降低企业文化管理成本。核心竞争力的独特性要求企业文化的内容和管理方法必须具有企业特色。一般来说,企业所在产业的特色、企业家和社会文化等因素影响了企业文化的特色。企业在进行企业文化管理时要分析这些因素对企业文化特色的影响机制并采取相应的管理对策。企业文化的延展性主要在四种情况下体现出来,在不同的情况下企业要采取不同的管理措施。进行企业文化管理必须实现企业文化的制度化,制度化的步骤包括了价值观理念化、全面审视现有制度和完善制度实施机制。

【Abstract】 Mankind is relying on the mighty of culture entering into the culture age. One of the most prominent characters of the culture age is the enterprises’ management entering into the culture management stage. The culture management is the management looking culture as the basic means. Corporate culture management is becoming gradually a world trend that cannot be held back, and it is a milestone that modern corporate management faces the deep. A basic problem of the corporate strategy management is a corporation how obtains sustainable competitive advantage, the theory of core competence of the corporation gives a reasonable solution to this problem, the core competence of the corporation is the source that corporation keeps on the competitive advantage. But what is the core competence of the corporation on earth? Is corporate culture the core competence of the corporation? If, it whether again is exclusive core competence? If there are other core competences, corporate culture has what relation with them? And, how corporation again proceed with the corporate culture management? These problems are this paper’s analysis object.This paper is divided into four parts totally. The first part is introduction. The second part analyses the reason why the corporate culture is a core competence of the corporation. Setting out from the origin of theory of core competence, this paper gives identifying standards of the core competence of corporation, which is of the characteristics of value superior, specialty and extension. Corporate culture because having the characteristics of value superior, specialty and extension becomes a core competence of the corporation. In order to identifying a kind of resource or strengths whether to have the characteristics of value superior or not, we must see this resource or strength whether creates value and realizes value economically or not. Corporate culture has the characteristics of value superior because it could increase value creation, facilitate value realization. And the reason why the corporate culture can increase value creation consists in the corporate culture can lower the transaction cost and lower the change cost of per value creation. The problem of corporation’s value realization can be attributed directly as: the product and service that corporation providing whether be bought by customers. But customers whether buy products that enterprises’ provide or not is decided by the sensible value provided by products, customers will buy products from the enterprise that provide them the tallest customer delivered value. But the customer delivered value is an outcome that the total customer value subtracts the total customer cost. The reason why corporate culture can facilitate the value realization are that it can facilitate the customer feel to know the value that enterprises already created, and increase the total customer value, and lower the total customer cost.The third part analyses the position of the corporate culture in the core competence system. That part analyses the sustenance action that the corporate institution or institution competence acts to all kinds of exterior competences, and analyses the restrictive action that the innovation competence acts to every kind of exterior3competences, and analyses the reinforcement action and examination action that the corporate institution acts to the corporate culture, and analyses why the corporate culture is the direct basis that sets up the corporate institution, and analyses the mechanism of action that the corporate institution acts to the corporate innovation. Finally, this paper draws the conclusion that the corporate culture has of the basic position in the core competences system.The fourth part discusses how to manage the corporate culture in order to enhance the basic position of the corporate culture in the core competence system from four aspects respectively; the four aspects are value superior, specialty, extension and the institution of the corporate culture. In order to improve the value superior of

  • 【分类号】F270
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