

Study on the Application of Anti-Dumping Both at Home and Abroad

【作者】 李克强

【导师】 黄建军; 熊进光;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 反倾销应用至今已有整整100年的历史了,世界各国在这个过程中先后根据自身的政治、经济、司法制度的特点和国内外经济环境发展变化的情况发起、丰富、发展了各自的反倾销运用工作。WTO《反倾销协议》诞生后,世界各国应用反倾销出现了大体上统一,细节上又各自不同的趋势。随着中国对外开放的逐步加大,以及经济全球化的进一步发展,越来越多的进口产品进入国内市场,其中部分外国企业尤其是大型跨国公司把中国作为倾销对象,以远远低于其国内市场正常价值的价格进入中国国内市场,对我国国内相关产业造成越来越多的损害。国外企业的倾销行为不仅扰乱了中国的市场秩序,而且进一步恶化了本已步履艰难的国有企业经营和竞争环境,致使中国许多企业生产大幅度滑坡,国家大量投资形成的生产能力被闲置,甚至部分企业由于国外企业的倾销而面临倒闭和破产的危险;同时还阻碍了新兴工业的兴建,加大了经济结构调整的难度。为此中国必须在WTO《反倾销协议》的框架内,挥起反倾销之剑加大反倾销力度,为国内产业创造一个公平的竞争环境。但是反倾销犹如一把双刃剑,过于频繁,则必然阻碍国际贸易的正常发展,所以我国只能根据国内外经济环境的实际情况,适度运用反倾销。本文旨在通过对中国、美国和欧盟运用反倾销的对比分析研究,以图找到一个目前更适合我国运用反倾销的方略。第一部分从中外运用反倾销概况谈起,先就倾销和反倾销的国内外研究现状作以概括性介绍并说明本文的研究思路方法和创新点,随后导入倾销的历史演变和定义、反倾销的定义、历史演变、应用概况和特点,给该论文的展开作铺垫。第二部分从重新认识倾销的定义与构成、倾销界定的前提条件、倾销界定的综合标准、倾销存在的危害、过度反倾销的危害五个方面来阐述在理论上中国应当如何应用反倾销。第三部分基于各国运用反倾销都是一个不断发展的和一个不断完善的动态过程,从发展的角度来对比分析中国、美国、欧盟反倾销运用的状况,从中找出指导各国反倾销应用不断发展变化的内在因素和动力。第四部分就中国、美国、欧盟在反倾销运用的几个重点方面,如运用反倾销的基本程序(包括主管机关、立案调查、裁决和行政复审)、司法审查程序和反规避措施等方面进行了细致入微的异同比较研究,从中揭示出中外各国运用反倾销的宏观大致一致性和微观的千差万别,以使人们对中外各国运用反倾销有一个全面的了解。第五部分在承接前四部分的基础上,从建立倾销预警系统和反倾销效应评价系统、建立有效的反倾销机制、完善反倾销执法环境的角度提出了我国运用反倾销的策略。结论部分确立了我国运用反倾销的宗旨:适度运用反倾销,不枉不纵,既能给国内产业提供一个公平的竞争环境,又能促进国际贸易的正常发展。

【Abstract】 The anti-dumping has been applied whole 100 years so far. During the course, every country in the world has successively initiated and enriched respective anti-dumping execution according to their own character of politics, economic and judicial system, of course, the change and development of the domestic and international economy environmental have also been considered. After WTO" Anti-Dumping Agreement" was born, it was the trend that anti-dumping execution was unified as a whole and only a little difference on detail.With China’s gradually increasing open to the outside and economic globalization going step further, more and more import products flow into the domestic market, some foreign enterprises especially large-scale trans-corporations regard China as the target of dumping. The price of dumping products is far lower than that of domestic market. It has caused more and more harms to our domestic relevant industry. Dumping has not only disturbed domestic market order, but also made the competition environment of state-owned enterprises become more and more worse. In fact, these enterprises have already walked with difficulty. A lot of produce has to be decreased by a large margin and large productivity has to be left unused on which China has invested a large amount of money, even some enterprises are facing the risk of going bankrupt because of dumping, at the same time, dumping has also hindered the construction of the infant industry and strengthened the degree of difficulty in the adjustment of economic structure. Just for the reason, in the frame of WTO" Anti-Dumping Agreement", China must strengthen anti-dumping dynamics, in order to create a fair competition environment for domestic industry. But as a coin of two sides, antidumping could not be executed too frequently, or else, it would hinder the normal development of international trade. So China can only execute antidumping appropriately according to the reality of economic environment at home and aboard.The thesis aims at the general plan of antidumping that is more suitable for China at present. In order to do it, the author uses the contrast of antidumping among China, USA, and E.U to analyze and research. The first part speaks from the general situation of antidumping at home and abroad. Firstly, it briefly outlines the current study situation about dumping and antidumping, then it channels into the history and definition ofdumping and antidumping, the character of antidumping and general situation about antidumping application is also discussed. The first part is the bedding for the article expansion. The second part explains the antidumping application in China mainly from 5 respects:(l) re-recognizing the definition and compositions of dumping; (2) the precondition of defining dumping; (3) the comprehensive standards of defining dumping; (4) the harm of dumping; (5) the harm of excessive antidumping. The third part is based on the thesis that antidumping in the world is a dynamic course which is developed and perfected constantly. In order to find out the inherent factors and power, the author compares and analyses the antidumping execution of China, USA, and E.U. The fourth part focuses on several focal points of antidumping execution of China, USA, and E.U, such as the basic procedures of antidumping execution (including competent authority, placing on file and investigating, determination and administrative review), procedure of judicial review and respects of anti-evade are also discussed. The writer makes it compared and researched about its similarities and differences in every possible way Then the author announces that antidumping execution at home and aboard is microcosmic consistent and macroscopic different in various respects, so that the article makes people have a overall understanding about antidumping application at home and aboard. On the basis of part 1 to 4, the fifth part proposes the tactics of antidumping execution in China mainly from 4 respects: (1) set up the early warning system of dumping; (2) set up app

  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】2
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