

Research on Evaluation Target System of the Foregoers in Their Specialties in Higher Education Institutions of Anhui Province

【作者】 周新发

【导师】 秦侠;

【作者基本信息】 安徽医科大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目的意义:高等院校学科带头人的评价是学科带头人管理的重要内容,是发现、选拔和合理使用高层次人才的前提。学科带头人评价的关键是制定科学的评价办法,制定科学评价办法的关键是根据高校学科带头人的专业工作特点,建立科学、合理的评价指标体系。目前安徽省还没有一套完整的、科学的、符合我省高校实际的学科带头人考核指标体系。本研究在我省尚属首次。 研究方法:首先通过文献调研,从高校学科带头人的岗位职责和履行岗位职责的素质、能力和绩效三个方面进行分析,建立指标体系雏形,在此基础上应用Delphi方法,经过三轮正式预测完成本研究工作。 三轮咨询有效回表率分别为96.8%、100%、100%。应邀咨询专家32名,其中,管理、教育理论专家4名,高校人事管理实践专家9名、高校教学、科研管理实践专家10名,省级以上学科带头人9名。三轮咨询均是在32位专家人数不变的情况下进行,有效保证了本次研究的完整性、可靠性。 研究结果:经过三轮Delphi方法咨询,初步建立了“安徽省高等院校学科带头人评价指标体系”,该指标体系由政治思想、学术水平、领导能力、工作业绩4项一级指标和政治表现、职业道德、人格素质、学术造诣、学术地位、外文水平、受教育程度、获取信息能力、选题能力、学术交流、组织教学能力、组织科研能力、协调沟通能力、开拓创新能力、承担课题、科研成果、专著论文、培养人才、学科建设、实验室(资料室)建设20项二级指标组成,并对各指标赋予权重。 经过三轮专家咨询,专家对二级指标的变异系数均小于0.5,各一级指标的协调系数分别为0.415、0.502、0.386、0.436,说明专家对所有二级指标评价的离散程度小,协调性较好,预测结果是可靠和可信的。

【Abstract】 Objective and significance: The evaluation of the foregoers in their specialties is important contents in the management of higher education institution . It is also the prerequisite to find out, select and make reasonable usage of higher level talents .The importance of evaluating the foregoers in their specialties is to work out a scientific evaluation method whose key point is to set up a scientific and reasonable evaluation target system according to the characteristics of the foregoers’ specialties .Up to now , Anhui province has not processed a set of entire and scientific target system to evaluate the foregoers in their specialties in higher education institution . Method: The foregoers’ sense of responsibility, capability and achievements in their working posts were analyzed after studying the reference and then 4 items of first-class target and 21 items of second-class target were put forward. The research was completed with the help of Delphi method which has been done three times, receiving three-round valid forms: 96. 8%,100%, 100% respectively . 32 advisory specialists were invited among whom 4 are in management and education theory, 9 in personnel management in higher education institutions, 10 in college management practice of teaching and scientific research and 9 foregoers in their specialties above provincial level. The three-round advisory results were all obtained from the same 32 specialists so as to guarantee the entirety and reliability of the research.Conclusion: After three-rounds of consultation by Delphi method, the evaluation target system of foregoers in their specialties in higher education institutions of Anhui province has been set up , which is composed of 4 items of first-class target including political awareness, academic level, leading ability and work achievements and 20 items of second-round target including political behavior, professional morals, personal quality, academic accomplishment, academic status, foreign language level, educational degree , ability to obtain information , to choose project , to conduct academic exchange, to organize teaching , to organize research, to coordinate and to innovate , undertaking projects of research , the results of research, the publication of works and papers , the training of talents , the discipline development and the laboratory development. Inaddition, the importance of the above-mentioned items is various.After three-rounds of consultation, the variation coefficients are smaller than 0. 5 and the Coordination coefficient of the four-class first targets is 0. 415, 0. 502, 0.386, 0.436 respectively. Which shows that the result of the established target system is both reliable and credible.

  • 【分类号】G644
  • 【被引频次】6
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