

Research and Design of Biological Treatment of Coke Plant Wastewater

【作者】 赵月龙

【导师】 杨云龙;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 环境工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题研究,①从焦化厂曝气池和缺氧池污泥中筛选出6种优势菌株,并对其中的4种——营养变形杆菌、45号杆菌、BX7、BX3进行了降解特性的研究。在此基础上,将优势菌株混合并固定化后组成高效复合菌,分别采用厌氧水解—好氧(高效复合菌+活性污泥)两段SBR和厌氧水解—好氧(高效复合菌+活性污泥+光合细菌)两段SBR处理焦化废水;②经静态试验研究后,对优势菌降解焦化废水中难降解有机物喹啉、利用水解酸化提高焦化废水可生化性、利用厌氧水解-好氧(活性污泥)和厌氧水解-好氧(固定化优势菌+活性污泥)两段SBR工艺处理焦化废水的反应过程等进行动力学研究;③通过研究几种典型脱氮工艺流程及运行参数,初步确定工艺A1(厌氧水解)-A2(缺氧反硝化)-O(好氧活性污泥)-M(好氧生物膜)的最佳工艺条件和运行参数为: 系统总HRT=51h,相应地,A1段HRT=10.5h,A2段HRT=12.5h,O段HRT=20h,M段HRT=8h;厌氧段pH值维持在6.5~7.5;混合液回流比R=3.5~5.0;在缺氧段加入甲醇作为反硝化碳源,按BOD5:TN=10.6 太原理工大学硕士学位论文为宜;好氧段T维持在2532℃,好氧口段PH值通过滴加入乞月℃仇控制在7.7&2,剩余碱度为100200m醉J,出水D口为2.0m岁L左右,M段衅值控制在7.5一8.6,D口控制在6.59一6.83m叭:好氧段进水COD负荷不高于0.05kgCODcr/(坛扣陇Ss.d),N万4+一N污泥负荷不高于0.01kg入份14今一N/(坛翔陇SS.d)。 在上述工艺条件下,系统对CODcr和NH4’一N的去除率分别在 87.7一93.9%和86.5一92.4%,A:的反硝化率达75%以上;④对试验的几种焦化废水处理工艺进行分析与比选,确定A,一2一口一工艺为焦化废水的最佳处理工艺;⑤针对具体工程实际对最佳工艺进行研究、设计,使焦化废水中的cODcr、NH;‘一N分别达到我国《污水综合排放标准》(6万召p78一1夕好)中的一级和二级标准;⑥对工艺的设计进行估算与费用分析,为课题的后续阶段研究及实际应用提供参考。

【Abstract】 Components are complex in coke plant wastewater, in which contains high concentration of ammonia nitrogen and a number of toxic and refractory organic compounds and great changes usually happen to water quality and water flow. Most of the original treatment processes were conventional activated sludge method,through which the CODCr and ammonia nitrogen removal were not favorable and the effluent concentration couldn’t attain the wastewater drainage level,which brought severe harm to our environment and human body.lt had been demonstrated that using anaerobic acidification as pretreatment anddenitrification-carbonization-nitrification as secondary biological treatment to remove ammonia nitrogen in coke plant wastewater was a cost effective technology.In this research, firstly, six efficiently predominant bacteria of degradating refractory organic compounds and nitrogen removalbacteria after they were cultured and domesticated and immobilized in certain condition, were thrown into carbonization, nitrification and denitrification reactor individually. Then biogradation pathway and biogradation process analysis and influence factors to biological nitrogen removal were investigated in individual reactor. Secondly, these predominant bacteria were used in compound nitrogen removal process of treatment of coke plant wastewater,meanwhile,nitrogen removal process and operating parameters were studied.Thirdly, the process A1-A2-O-M conditions and operating parameters were summarized as following:The total hydraulic retention time was 51 hours,among which 10.5h for anaerobicA1 stage,12.5h for anoxic A2 stage and 20h for aerobic O stage,8h for aerobic M stage.The pH value of the anaerobic reactor was maintained at 6.5 ~ 7.5.Recycled ratio of mixed liquid to the anoxic reactor influent was 3.5~ 5.0MeOH must be added to anoxic unit as an external carbon source in the denitrification process.The ratio of BOD; to TN was 10.6.In aerobic O stage.the temperature was maintained in 25~32’C and the pH value here should be maintained in the level of 7.7~8.2 by the addition of sodium bicarbonate and the remaining alkalinity in the effluent was 100~200mg/L and the dissolved oxygen(DO) was at 6.59~6.83mg/L.Less than 0.05kgCODCr/(kgMLSS-d) of CODcr loading rate and less than 0.01 kg NH4+ - N /(kgMLSS-d) of ammonianitrogen loading rate should be controlled in the feed of aerobic O stage.Given the above conditions,up to 87.7-93.9% of CODCr and up to 86.5~92.4% of ammonia nitrogen could be removed.The optimum technology A1-A2-O-M, which had been compared was chosed as the suitable process for the treatment of the coke plant wastewater. And then, the process was researched and designed accordance with an actual project. When the influent concentration of CODCr and ammonia nitrogen were less than 700mg/L and 300mg/L respectively, the average effluent concentration of CODCr and ammonia nitrogen was less than 100mg/L and 25mg/L each, the two indices of which had attained the primary and secondary national standard about wastewater discharge GB8978-1996 respectively.Lastly,the project buget and economic analysis were carried out for the after-researches.

  • 【分类号】X784
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】834