

Structural Optimization Design of the Steel Structural Multilayer Residence

【作者】 赵霄

【导师】 雷宏刚;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的快速发展,工业化进程的加快,人口快速的增长带来的压力,可持续发展战略的深入推广以及人民绿色环保意识的增强,我国现有的住宅体系已经逐步进入淘汰阶段,而住宅产业化的兴起更加速了这一进程。开发新型绿色、环保并符合住宅产业化发展战略的结构体系势在必行。成熟的全钢结构体系逐步的得到了我们的重视。 本课题是建设部资助科技攻关项目“轻钢结构多层住宅建筑体系的研究与开发”的子课题。 作者在查阅大量文献的基础上,提出多层住宅全钢结构体系的开发思路,即以现有成熟的结构体系为基础,重点进行优化设计。 作者初步设计出一种适应多层住宅全钢结构体系的建筑方案,并对其结构设计进行了重点的优化分析,对多达八种的结构布置方案进行了深入的分析与设计,得出了多层住宅全钢结 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文构体系的重要经济指标,指出了影响该体系推广的各种因素,这一系列的分析将对多层住宅全钢结构的设计起到一定的指导作用。

【Abstract】 The structural systems of the residences nowadays in our country should be gradually abnegated because of the quickly development of our nation’ s economy, the development of the industrialization course,the pressure bring by the rapid increasing of the population,the extending of the sustainable development strategy and the enhancement of the people’ s envirmental protection consciousness.It is imperative to develop some new-type structures which are environmental protecting and suitable for the sustainable development strategy. The steel structure takes our attention.This topic is a sub-thesis of the item named "Researchand Exploiture of the Light-weight Steel Structural Multilayer Domicile" . It is imbursed by the Ministry of Construction.Based on a large amount of literatures, the writer brings forword a new idea of the research:pay our attention on the optimization of the maturity structural systems.The writer gives out an architectural project which is suitable for the steel structural multiplayer residence, and put the emphases on the optimization analysis of the structural design. We have analysed and designed 8 kinds of structural layout plan . From the results, we can get the important economical guide line. And the thesis points out some factors which will influence the popularizing of the steel structural system. These analysis can give out a guidance to the design of the steel structural residence.

  • 【分类号】TU391
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】371