

【作者】 王兴永

【导师】 伍瑞昌;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民解放军军事医学科学院 , 生物医学工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题以军队卫生装备配备标准为基础,严格按照管理信息系统规范设计的方法,采用了对象—关系数据模型,将卫生装备、配备标准、救治机构及卫勤任务四者有机地结合在一起,开发了一个军队卫生装备配备标准多媒体数据库系统。同时,在收集数据的过程中,通过实地调研和查阅资料,从标准研究方法的角度对标准的制定修改问题进行了讨论。 论文首先探讨了多媒体数据库的概念,分析了多媒体数据的特点,采用了适合本课题数据库的对象—关系数据模型并使用数据库与文件相结合的方法存取多媒体数据。 在系统设计与开发过程部分,论文首先分析了用户的“数据要求”和“处理要求”,即后台数据库中应存放卫生装备、配备标准、卫勤任务的详细信息;而前台应用系统应能很方便地进行查询与输出,并应能通过数据库的关联和完整性约束,生成唯一的方案;应能有效地实现信息的组合和分解、检索、更新、分析与统计,以文本、图形或视频等方式输出、打印等。在此基础上进行了数据库的概念结构、逻辑结构和物理结构的设计,给出了系统的总E-R图,并转化为合理的数据结构,然后对数据模型进行了优化,使其满足了3NF;进行了功能模块的设计,分析系统应该提供的总的功能模块,并将总的功能细化为各个子功能模块,如子标准表模块、卫勤任务子模块、装备查询子模块等。最后采用delphi开发工具对数据库和应用系统进行了实现。数据库的实现主要是建库和生成各数据表;应用系统的实现主要是编程实现各子功能模块。 论文的最后部分对课题的研究做了总结,指出了课题研究中的两个主要难点:数据结构的建立和多媒体数据的处理,讨论了其解决办法;然后分析了课题所开发的系统的特点和采用面向对象的数据库设计的可行性,指出采用对象—关系型数据库设计是最优的方案。最后,从方法的角度讨论了卫生装备编配核心的三个环节,即:编配的品种、编配的数量及编配体系的优化,认为采用科学的定性分析和定量计算相结合的方法是解决问题行之有效的方法。 课题所开发的系统能够从卫生装备配备标准、各级救治机构卫勤任务与相应装备方面为装备管理、教学、使用人员提供一个综合信息查询平台,提高卫生装备建设的管理水平,并满足相关单位教学和科研的需要;同时,本系统还将作为全军野战卫生装备论证中心信息集成系统的一个分系统,提供卫生装备系列信息咨询,完善论证中心的功能,为全军野战卫生装备论证中心建设提供基础手段。

【Abstract】 Based on the standards of field medical equipment, strictly according to the normal design method of management information system, the study adopts object-relationship data model to combine medical equipment, the standards, treatment institution and medical service organically, and a multimedia database system of standard of field medical equipment is developed. Meanwhile, in collecting data, the study discusses the establishment and modification of the standard from research methods by investigation on the spot and consulting material.The paper discusses firstly conception of multimedia database, analyses the characteristic of multimedia data, employs object-relationship data model which fits for the database of the study, and uses the method of database linked with files to store multimedia data.In the part of design and development of system, the paper analyses users’ requirement for data and management, which means background database should store particular information of medical equipment, outfit standard and medical service and foreground application could carry out query and output easily, put out single scheme by relation and integrality restriction of database, and could realize combination, disintegration, retrieving, updating, analysis and statistics of information, and can be outputted and printed by text, graph and video. Then, the paper implements the design of conception, logical and physical structure of database, achieves the general E-R graph, and transforms it into reasonable data structure, and then optimizes the data model to make it fulfill 3NF. Furthermore, the paper designs general function module of the system, and breaks it down into some child function modules, such as standard child module, medical service child module and equipment query child module, etc. Finally, the database and application are developed by using Borland Delphi. The realization of database is mostly building of database and data tables; the realization of application is mostly programming of the child modules.The end of the paper is the summary of the study. Two primary difficulties of the research are pointed out as following: building data structure and dealing with multimedia data. Then, the paper analyses the characteristic of the system and the feasibility of using OODM to design the database, and points out the best scheme is to use object-relationship data model. Finally, three kernel sectors in the outfit of medical equipment are discussed from viewpoint of ways and means, including equipment, kinds, equipment number and optimization of outfit system. It is effectiveto use scientific method of qualitative analysis linked with quantitative calculation to resolve the outfit problem.The system can provide a query platform of compositive information to equipment managers, teachers and users from outfit standard of medical equipment, medical service of all levels treatment institution and related medical equipment. It can also improve management level of medical equipment construction, meet the requirement of teaching and scientific research of corresponding units. Meanwhile, it will act as a branch system of information integration system of field medical equipment demonstration center to provide information consultation of medical equipment, complete the function of demonstration center, and offer basic means.

  • 【分类号】R82
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】136