

The Study on the Medicament Mechanism of Mangifera.indica L. and Feed Additices of CMH Feeding Local Yellow Chicks

【作者】 韩春华

【导师】 夏中生;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验研究旨在探讨开发中草药——芒果叶在畜牧业上应用的可行性。包括三个试验。试验一为芒果叶提取物体外抑菌及抑制鸡新城疫病毒增殖试验研究;试验二为CMH替代金霉素饲喂岑溪三黄鸡的试验研究;CMH对岑溪三黄鸡肌肉品质及脂肪酸组成的影响。 试验一 进行芒果叶水提物对部分畜禽常见致病菌的体外抑制试验以及对10日龄鸡胚人工感染鸡新城疫病毒(NDV)的抑制试验。抑菌试验结果表明,芒果叶水提物对猪大肠杆菌、多杀性巴氏杆菌、鸡白痢沙门氏菌、鸡大肠杆菌、猪丹毒杆菌43-6混43-8、禽巴氏杆菌48-1、金色葡萄球菌86003、鸭疫里默氏杆菌、链球菌等致病菌有良好的抑菌效果。抑制NDV增殖试验结果表明,NDV强毒组在48h时鸡胚的保护率为10%,2.5g芒果叶生药/mL+NDV组鸡胚的保护率为63.36%,两者差异显著(P<0.05);1.25g/mL+NDV组、0.625g/mL+NDV组、0.313g/mL+NDV组鸡胚的保护率分别为72.72%、70.00%、69.23%,与强毒组相比,差异极显著(P<0.01),可见芒果叶水提物对NDV增殖具有抑制作用。 试验二 选用1日龄岑溪三黄鸡雌性雏鸡396只,随机分成6组(每组设2个重复,每个重复33只,共66只),分别为C1组(对照组,基础日粮)、广不大爹硕士论文.芒果叶药理作用及复方芒果叶中草药制剂饲喂岑澳三黄鸡的试脸研究H2组(基础日粮+0.5%C入n任)、H3组(基础日粮+l%CMH)、H4组(基础日粮+2%CMH)、HAS组(基础日粮+0.5%CMH+1 50ppm金霉素)、A6组 (150PPm金霉素)。分1一49日龄、63一134日龄两个阶段,l一49日龄添加CM壬I (方I)、96一134日龄添加CN[II(方n)与金霉素进行饲养对比试验;并在试验结束时,测定各试验组肉鸡屠宰性能和鸡肉品质。结果表明:添加中草药添加剂能不同程度提高岑溪三黄鸡的生产性能和饲料利用效率;CMH对岑溪三黄鸡的促长效果略优于金霉素。在1一49日龄阶段,H2、H3、H4、HAS、A6组日增重分别比对照组提高了3.39%(P)0.05)、5.09%(P)0.05)、6.21% (P>0.05)、1 .13%(P>0.05)、4.71%(P)0.05),料重比分别比对照组降低73 .24%(P<0.05)、7.84%(P(0.05)、9.46%(P(0.05)4.05%(P(0.05)9.19% (P(0.05);在63一134日龄阶段H2、H3、H4、HAS、A6组日增重分别比对照组提高7 5.71%(P>0.05)、6.42%(P(0.05)、7.60%(P<0.05)、2.51%(P)0.05)、3.21%(P)0.05);料重比分别比对照组降低7 5.43%(P<0.05)、7.57%(P(0.05)、8.39%(P(0.05)、3.62%(P)0.05)、4.61%(P)0.05)。49日龄时,H2组、H4组和A6组的法氏囊分别比对照组降低了54.08%(P<0.01)、63.26% (P(0.01)、53.06%(P(0.01),中草药H3组的法氏囊重降低7 36.73% (P<0.05);H4组的盲肠乳酸杆菌显著高于对照组和金霉素组;H4组和A6组的血清白蛋白含量分别比对照组提高7 11.48%(P(0.05)、11.84%(P(0.05)。中草药添加剂对肉鸡胸肌贮藏损失、熟肉率、失水率、PH值影响不大。 试验三选用88日龄雌性岑溪三黄鸡256只,随机分为4组,(每组设2个重复,每个重复32只,共64只)。研究饲粮中添加不同水平中草药对肉鸡生长性能、屠宰性能、肌肉品质和脂肪酸组成的影响。4组饲粮分别为Cl广畜大学硕士论文芒果叶药理作用及复方芒果叶中草药制剂饲喂岑澳三黄鸡的试验研究组(0%CMH)、HZ组(0.5%CMrl)、H3组(l%CMH)、H4组(2%CMH)。进行为期46d的饲养试验。结果表明,CMH能不同程度提高生长肥育鸡的生长性能和饲料效率,与对照组相比,H2、H3、H4组日增重分别比对照组提高了2.32%(P>0.05)、3.15%(P)0.05)、11.86%(P(0.05);料重比分别比对照组降低7 6.26%(P>0.05)、9.63%(P)0.05)、12.52%(P(0.05)。同时,CMH也能提高肉鸡肌肉中多不饱和脂肪酸的组成比例。与对照组相比,H4组肉鸡胸肌、腿肌a一亚麻酸(ALA)及其衍生物EPA、DPA、DHA组成比例显著增加(P<0 .05);中草药H2组、H3组、H4组肉鸡胸肌和腿肌中ALA、EPA、DPA、DHA的含量程逐渐升高趋势。CN且王对肉鸡胸肌的失水率、贮藏损失、熟肉率、PH值无明显影响。以上三个试验可以得出以下结论:1.芒果叶提取物对畜禽病原菌和新城疫病毒具有较强的抑制作用。2.复方芒果叶中草药制剂能替代金霉素作为岑溪三黄鸡的保健促长剂。且2%中草药组略优于金霉素组。3.含紫苏的复方芒果叶中草药制剂能一定程度提高岑溪三黄鸡肌肉多不饱和脂肪酸的组成比例。随中草药制剂添加量的增加,多不饱和脂肪酸的沉积量逐渐增加。

【Abstract】 Three experiments were undertaken with attempt to develop Chinese Medicinal Herb (CMH) of Mangifera . indica L . leaf applying in animal production. Experiment 1 was conducted to study on inhibiting effect in vitro of extract of Mangifera . indica L . Leaf on some pathogenic bacteria and NDV replication. Experiment 2 was conducted to study on feeding local yellow chicks with compound CMH of Mangifera . indica L . Leaf replacing CTC. Experiment 3 was conducted to study on meat qualities and the composition of PUFA in muscles of local yellow chicks with feeding compound CMH of Mangifera. indica L. Leaf.In experiment 1: An inhibiting-bacteria test was done about effects of extract of Mangifera . indica L . leaf on some pathogenic bacteria of domestic animaland poultry by using paper method, and an inhibiting-NDV experiment by extract of Mangifera . indica L. leaf with chicken embryos infected artificially wascarried out. The result of Inhibiting-bacteria test showed that extract of Mangifera . indica L. leaf has strong inhibiting effect on Escherichia coll., Salmonella pullorum, Riemerella anatipestifer, Pasteurella multocida, E. rhrsiopathiae, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci .The results of inhibiting-NDV showed that at 48h the chicken embryos protective rate of NDV control group and 2.5g/ml+NDV group were 10% and 63.64% respectively. There was significant difference between groups (P<0.05). The protective rate of 1.25g/ml+NDV group, 0.625g/ml+NDV group and 0.313g/ml+NDV group were 72.72%,70.00%,69.23% respectively. There were extremely significant differences (p<0.01) compared with NDV control. .It was suggested that extract of Mangifera. indica L. leaf has inhibiting -NDV effects .In experiment 2, Three hundred and ninety-six 1-d-old local yellow female chicks were randomly divided into six treatments (two replicates pens per treatment, 33 birds per replicate) to study the effect of feed compound Chinese Medicinal Herb(CMH) of Mangifera . indica L. leaf replacing chlortetracycline(CTC) on the growing performance of local yellow female birds. There are Cl(control), H2(0.5%CMH), H3(1%CMH), H4(2%CMH), HA5 (0.5%CMH+CTG) and A6 (CTC). In phase 1(1-49 day-old), fed basic diet and test diets supplemented with CMH(1) or CTC and phase 2 (63-134 day-old ) fed basic diet and test diets supplemented with CMH(2) or CTC respectively; At the end of this experiment, The meat quality were determined. The results showed that: CMH can improve the growth performance and feed conversion ratio (FCR)of birds to a certain degree. In 1-49 day old phase, compared to the control, average day gain(ADG) of groups H2, H3, H4, HA5, A6 were increased by 3.39%(P>0.05), 5.09%(P>0.05), 6.21%(P>0.05X 1.13%(P>0.05)and4.71% (P>0.05) ;FCR was decreased by 3.24% ( P<0.05),7.84% ( P<0.05 ), 9.46% (P<0.05)4.05% (P<0.05) and 9.19% (P<0.05) respectively. In 63-134 day-old phase, compared to the control, ADG of groups H2, H3, H4, HA5, A6 were increase by 5.71%(P>0.05), 6.42% ( P(0.05), 7.60% ( P<0.05), 2.51%(P>.05) and 3.21% (P>.05) ;FCR was decrease by 5.43% (PO.05 X 7.57% (PO.05 X 8.39% (P<0.05), 3.62% (P>.05) and4.61% (P>.05) respectively.Atthe age 6f 49 day-old, The size of bursa Fabricii was extremely significant smaller (P<0.01) in Groups H4, A6 than in control respectively. The chicks also had higher levels of albumin in serum. The quantity of Lactobocillus in Caecum in Groups H4 was boosted (P<0.01) . There were no significant effect on meat quality, such as cooked meat ratio, water lose ratio, ratio of stored water lose and PH value, with feeding CMHIn experiment 3, Two hundred and forty-eight 88 -d-old local yellow female chicks were randomly divided into five treatments(two replicates pens per treatment, 32 birds per replicate) to study the effect of meat quality and fatty acid percentage in muscles of breast and thigh in local yellow birds with feeding Compound CMH of Mangifera . indica L . Leaf . Diets with H2(0.5%CMH), H3(l% CMH), 2% H4 (CMH) and basic diet as Cl (control) were fed respectively. The results showed that: to a cert

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】S831
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】265