

Study on Multiple Selection and Genetic Improvement of Chinese Fir Clones for Growth and Wood Property

【作者】 韦立权

【导师】 黄寿先;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 生态学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文综合研究了12年生杉木无性系试验林的生长性状、基本密度和管胞形态的遗传变异规律。研究结果表明:(1)大部分杉木无性系间的树高、胸径、材积、基本密度存在着显著差异,主要生长性状和基本密度受中等强度以上的遗传控制。在最外一个生长轮,无性系管胞长度、宽度、长宽比、双壁厚、腔径、壁腔比、木材微纤丝角均差异显著,均具有较高无性系重复力;管胞胞腔周长、面积在有的组差异显著,在有的组则差异不显著。管胞胞腔圆形度、矩形度差异均不显著。(2)自髓心向外,基本密度先减小后增大;管胞长度、宽度、长宽比、双壁厚、腔径、胞腔周长、面积、圆形度均有逐渐增大的趋势;管胞胞腔矩形度、木材微纤丝角则有逐渐减小的趋势;管胞壁腔比径向变异复杂。微纤丝角和管胞形态(管胞壁腔比除外)均可以比较理想地拟合生长轮性状平均值与生长轮的一元线性回归方程。(3)基本密度与树高、胸径、管胞长宽比、壁腔比无显著遗传相关;与材积、管胞长度有显著的负遗传相关。树高、胸径、材积主要生长性状均与管胞长度、管胞壁腔比呈显著的负遗传相关,与管胞长宽比呈弱的负遗传相关。(4)采用简化的指数选择法筛选出6个综合性状优良的无性系,为生产提供优良的杉木无性系基础材料,同时为无性系育广西大学硕士学位论文种提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 In this paper, 12 years old Chinese Fir clones were studied on the genetic variation of growth properties, basic density and tracheid morphological characteristics. The main results were as follows.(1)The distinctive differences in tree height, diameter at breast height, tree volume and wood basic density were found among most Chinese Fir clones. The clonal repeatabilities of the main growth properties and basic density were highly under genetic control. In the last annual ring, the variations of tracheid length, tracheid width, ratio of length to width, double cell wall thickness, cavity-diameter, ratio of cell wall to cavity and microfibril angle were obviously different among clones, while the variations of cavity - circularity and cavity - rectangle were not. The differences of cavity - perimeter andcavity - area were significant only among some clones. (2) From the pitch outwards, the basic density firstly decreased and then increased with the annual ring. The tracheid length, tracheid width, ratio of length to width,double cell wall thickness, cavity-diameter, cavity - perimeter, cavity - area and cavity - circularity increased with the annual ring, contrarily, cavity - rectangle and microfibril angle decreased. The radial variation of ratio of cell wall to cavity was very complex. Liner regression equations could be ideally established between annual ring and average value of all the properties except basic density and ratio of cell wall to cavity. (3)Wood basic density had a significant, negative genetic correlation with tree volume and tracheid length, and had no significant correlation with tree height, diameter at breast height, ratio of length to width and ratio of cell wall to cavity. Significant, negative genetic correlations were also found between the main growth properties and tracheid length, ratio of cell wall to cavity. There was a weak negative genetic correlation between the main growth properties and ratio of length to width. (4) 6 superior clones were selected by the means of simple index selection. They provided not only superior clones for plantation, but also scientific basis for clone breeding.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】S791.27
  • 【下载频次】101