

Development of a Software for Structural Optimization with Ansys Analyzer--For Composite Structure of Bar, Beam and Shell Elements

【作者】 喻定新

【导师】 陈树勋;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 以前的结构优化设计领域的研究工作主要集中在理论探讨和算法研究上,工程推广应用研究较少。开发一个高效实用的结构优化软件,对于加速普及优化技术在工程实际中的应用,具有重要现实意义。 本文从工程应用实际出发,在以ANSYS为分析器的结构优化软件SOGA基础上,进一步扩充了其软件的单元库,使该软件的功能从只能进行杆系结构优化扩充到可以对板壳结构和杆板组合结构进行优化。 本文将ANSYS分析器与结构优化导重法有机集成,形成了一个通用高效的杆板组合结构优化软件,重点解决了利用ANSYS作为分析器进行杆板组合结构解析灵敏度分析计算的难点。 本文还针对求解结构优化非线性准则方程组的步长因子算法在自动迭代计算中存在的问题,提出了一种求解准则方程组的自动高效迭代算法—拟埃特金法,算例表明该迭代算法具有收敛快,无需人为干预,适用范围广的优点。 本文对几个板壳结构,杆板组合结构优化算例进行了优化计算,取得了满意的优化效果,进一步验证了该软件具有实用性强和收敛速度快的特点。

【Abstract】 Research work on structural optimization is mainly concentrated on theories and methodologies previously. It is still far away from practical appliance in engineering. Therefore, to develop an integrated software system will be considerably beneficial to the application of optimization in engineering.From the practical need of engineering application, this paper has added the shell optimization function based on the former software only can perform sizing optimization of bar and beam element.The paper also realized the analytical sensitivity analysis of structure optimization and data interchange between optimization and analysis, integrated ANSYS with Guide-weight criteria method into an embryonic form of general optimization software.This paper discusses two difficulties that are encountered in the course of exploring optimal design and introduces the method of step-length factor which is used by a efficient method of structure optimization-Guide-Weigh Method and some problems during automatic iteration calculation. Finally, itputs forward an automatic and efficient arithmetic--Similar-AitkenAlgorithm to solve a group of criterion equations of structure optimization. This method has these advantages of high efficiency, no need of being interfered by people and wide applicable field, which has been proved by a number of examples.The optimal results of several shell and truss-shell combine structures verified the practicability, validity and speed convergence of the software.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP391.7
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】402