

The Structure and Niche of the Predatory Arthropod Communities in Different Risistant Variety Rice Field

【作者】 罗淑萍

【导师】 张永强;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 2003年于南宁对国粳4号(抗虫品种)、佛山油粘(中抗品种)、特优18(感虫品种)3个稻田捕食性节肢动物群落调查结果表明,共有捕食性节肢动物2纲5目24科67种,其中捕食性昆虫4目11科20种,蜘蛛1目13科47种,早稻丰富度高于晚稻。蜘蛛类的相对丰盛度远远高于捕食性昆虫类。品种之间以中抗品种的丰富度高于抗虫和感虫品种。早稻以皿蛛科的食虫沟瘤蛛占优势地位,晚稻则以狼蛛科的相对丰盛度最高,种类以食虫沟瘤蛛的相对丰盛度最高。 早稻不同抗性品种捕食性天敌数量动态不相同,其中以中抗品种峰期最长。感性样田中天敌平均密度与中抗样田差异不显著,与抗虫品种差异显著。早稻蜘蛛亚群落的多样性高于捕食性昆虫亚群落,品种之间则是随着品种抗性的增强,捕食性节肢动物多样性呈降低趋势。优势度则随着品种抗性的增强而增强。综合认为中抗品种保持较高的天敌密度且高峰期长,并且多样性高于抗虫品种,表明中抗品种的抗虫性与天敌的捕食性可能存在协同关系。 晚稻水稻品种抗性对捕食性节肢动物群落数量结构影响显著,两个抗性样田中天敌的平均密度与感性样田差异显著,晚稻各品种样田的多样性明显高于早稻,且波动幅度小于早稻,晚稻群落具有较高的稳定性。而各品种之间多样性差异较小,中抗品种优势度较高。 分析不同抗性样田中蜘蛛类的年龄结构,各品种在水稻在各个生长发广西大学硕t:论文不同抗性品系稻田捕食性节肢动物群落结构与生态位研究乙育时期均以若蛛占优势地位,整个群体呈增长型。 3个不同抗性品种稻飞虱及其主要捕食性天敌生态位研究结果表明,早 稻两个抗性品种以栉齿锯鳌蛛的空间生态位宽度最大,感性品种以隐翅甲 的空间生态位宽度最大。同一种捕食性天敌在不同抗性品种的空间生态位 呈现不同趋势。早稻群落各样田均以八斑鞘腹蛛和食虫沟瘤蛛的时间一空 间二维生态位宽度最高。各品种均以食虫沟瘤蛛对稻飞虱的二维重叠值最 高。两个抗性品种之间对比结果表明,除狼蛛以外其余天敌与稻飞虱的二 维重叠均以中抗品种高于抗虫品种,这在生态位上进一步证明中抗品种能 更有效地控制稻飞虱的数量。 晚稻时间一空间二维生态位宽度较大者为肖峭,天敌之间的二维重叠 以及同一种天敌对稻飞虱的二维重叠,一般呈现晚稻二维重叠值高于早稻。 由此可见晚稻群落天敌之间的竞争明显加强了,天敌对食物资源的竞争作 用也更为明显。品种之间比较结果为:中抗品种天敌与稻飞虱的时间生态 位重叠值明显高于抗虫和感虫品种;天敌对稻飞虱的二维生态位重叠有3 种天敌与稻飞虱的重叠是中抗品种高于抗虫品种,有4种天敌与稻飞虱的 二维重叠是抗虫品种高于中抗品种。

【Abstract】 The structure of the predatory arthropod community was investigated in the paddy field of various resistant rice varieties in Nanning in 2003. The result shown that there were 2 class, 5 orders, 24 families, 67 species predatory arthropods, it included predatory insects which have 4 orders 11 families 20 species and spiders which have 1 order 13 families 47 species. The abundance of predatory arthropod community in early rice field was higher than that of late rice field. The abundance of spiders was far higher than that of predatory insects. The abundance of medial resistant variety rice was higher than that of resistant or susceptible varieties. Ulmmeliata insecticeps play a key role controlling rice planthopper in rice field, the relative abundance ofLycosidae was highest in late rice field, but the dominant species was still Ulmmeliata insecticeps.In early community the fluctuation tendency of predatory natural enemies were different in different resistant rice samples, the peak phase of the medial variety rice was longest among three samples. The mean densities of natural enemies were not significantly different between the susceptible and medial resistant varieties, but it were significantly different between the sensitive and resistant varieties. The diversity of the sub-community of spiders was higher than that of predatory insect sub-community, and the diversity of predatory arthropod was decreased when the resistance of variety was increased. The concentration was increased when the resistance of variety was increased. In the medial resistant variety rice field not only natural enemies could keep higher level but also their peak phase was longest. And the diversity of predatory arthropod was higher than that of resistant variety rice. The result shown that there could be a co-relation between the resistance and the predatory of natural enemies to insects on medial resistant variety rice.In late rice community, resistant variety rice gave significant effects on thestructure of predatory communities. Mean density of natural enemies was significantly different between two kings of resistant variety rice and susceptible variety rice. Not only was the diversity of late rice significantly higher than that of early rice, but also it’s fluctuation was less than that of early rice. It has shown that the community of late rice has higher stability. However, the diversity was little different among different varieties rice. The concentration of medial variety rice was the highest.The study on niche of rice planthopper and its main predatory natural enemies among three samples has show that the space niche breadth of Dyschiriognatha dentate was the highest in two kinds of resistant varieties rice fields, and Paederus fuscipes was the highest in the susceptible variety rice. The space niche of the same predatory natural enemy in three samples was different. In early rice community time-space niche breadth of Coleosoma octomaculatum, Ulmmeliata insecticeps were the largest at all samples, and time-space niche overlap of Ulmmeliata insecticeps to rice planthopper was the highest in every samples, and time-space niche overlap of all natural enemies to rice planthopper were all higher in the medial variety rice than that of resistant variety rice except Lycosidae. The result indicated that medial variety rice could more effectively control the amount of rice planthopper.In late rice community, the time-space niche breadth of Tetragnathidae was the highest. Generally, not only predators each other but also predators to rice planthoppers’ time-space niche overlap were higher in the late rice field than that of early rice field. It has shown that the competition between these predators and competed with predators each other for preys were intense in late rice community. The time niche overlap of predators to rice planthopper was higher in the medial variety rice than that of resistant or susceptible varieties rice. There were three predators to rice planthoppers time-space niche overlap in medial resistant variety

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】S476
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】134