

Genetic Studies on the Main Quality Characters of Multiple Recessive Homozygotes of Sweet Corn

【作者】 罗高玲

【导师】 吴子恺;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 利用多隐纯合体甜玉米为试材,观测了一系列农艺性状,于灌浆期分析了籽粒主要品质性状的变化,并对这些品质性状间、以及它们与部分农艺性状、产量性状间进行相关性分析,估算广义遗传力和遗传进度。主要研究结果如下: (1) 大部分组合的出苗、抽雄、散粉和吐丝期比对应亲本出现早或介于两亲本间,三叶期出现迟或介于两亲本间,株高、穗位高及茎粗大于或介于两亲本间。秋季出苗率较差,生育期相对缩短。 (2) 大部分组合的干重产量、部分产量性状及胚重比值大于或介于两亲本间。各组合的胚重比值大于对照,百粒重、出籽率及大部分组合的单株粒重、干重产量均小于对照品种。其余性状与对照差异不大。秋季测定有一些出入。 (3) 授粉后15~27天籽粒含糖量与授粉后天数呈负相关,少数组合达显著水平。大部分组合含糖量高峰期出现在授粉后15—18天。大部分组合的最高含糖量大于或介于两亲本间。同一授粉后天数取样正反交含糖量差异不显著。秋季测定含糖量相对较高。 (4) 授粉后18~30天含水量与授粉后天数呈显著负相关。大部分组合5次含水量平均数高于亲本或介于两亲本间。秋季测定含水量下降相对较快。正反交差异不显著。 (5) 大部分组合6次测定时期蛋白质含量总平均数低于或介于两亲本 J~冠穿大学不页士学七立论文,间。大部分组合在授粉后18一30天蛋白质含量变幅不大。蛋白质含量最大,值均出现在收获期。秋季测定结果相似。正反交结果有一定的差异。 (6)含油量随授粉后天数的延迟而上升。大部分组合的含油量最大值 出现在收获期。大部分组合的含油量最大值较其对应亲本高或介于两亲本 间。多隐纯合体甜玉米含油量均高于对照品种。秋季测定结果相似。正反 交结果差异不显著。 (7)大部分组合授粉后18一30天果皮厚度平均值较对应亲本高或介 于两亲本间。大部分组合在同一授粉后天数取样果皮厚度与对应亲本差异 不显著。正反交结果差异不显著。 (8)授粉后18天测定,果皮厚度与青苞产量呈极显著的正相关,其余 4个品质性状和青苞产量相关不显著。各主要品质性状间相关不显著。秋 季测定结果有些出入。井(9)收获期蛋白质含量与含油量相关不显著,胚重比值、胚油分含量「‘与籽粒含油量呈显著的正相关,其余11个性状与含油量相关不显著。穗粗 与蛋白质含量呈显著正相关,其它性状与蛋白质相关不显著。秋季测定结 果有些出入。 (10)含糖量主要受加性和非加性效应控制。其它品质性状主要受加性 效应控制,秋季测定结果有些出入。测定的5个品质性状中含油量的遗传 力较高,蛋白质、果皮厚度次之,含糖量、含水量相对较小。蛋白质含量 相对遗传进度较大,含油量和果皮厚度次之,含糖量和含水量相对较小。 秋季测定结果有些出入。

【Abstract】 In this study, the multiple recessive homozygous sweet corns were used as materials. A series of agronomic characters were studied, and the main quality characters of kernels were studied in the filling period. The correlation between quality characters, parts of agronomical characters and yield characters were studied. The broad-sense heretabilities and genetic advances were estimated. The main results were as follows:(1) The days to emergence, tassel, pollen and silk for most of multiple recessive homozygous combinations were earlier than both parents or situated between parents. The days to three-leaf for most of them were longer or situated between parents. The plant height and ear height of them were higher or situated between parents. And the stem diameter of them was larger or situated between parents. The emergent ratio of autumn seeding was worse and the growing period was shorter than that of spring seeding.(2) The yield of dry kernel, parts of yield characters and embryo weight ratio for most of multiple recessive homozygous combinations were higher or situated between parents. The embryo weight ratio of them was higher than that of the two checks. The 100-kernel weight, ratio of kernel of them and the kernel weight per plant and dry yield for most of them were lower than those of the two checks. The other characters were similar to those of the two checks. The results of autumn seeding were not completely same as those of spring seeding.(3) The soluble sugar content of kernel was negative correlated with the days in the stage from 18 to 27 days after pollination, and a few of correlation coefficients were significant. The periods of highest soluble sugar content for most of multiple recessive homozygous combinations were shown in the stage from 15 to 18 days after pollination. And the highest content for most of combinations was higher or situated between parents. The soluble sugar contents between crosses and their reciprocal crosses were not significantly different. The sugar content of autumn seeding was relatively higher than that of spring seeding on the same day after pollination.(4) The moisture content of kernels were reduced and significantly negative correlated with the days from 18 to 30 days after pollination. The moisture means from 5 measurements for most of combinations were higher or situated between parents. The speed of reduction for moisture content of autumn seeding was faster than that of spring seeding. The moisture contents of crosses were not notably different with reciprocal crosses.(5) The protein means from 6 measurements for most of combinations were lower or situated between parents. And the protein content did not vary too much in the stage from 18to 30 days after pollination. The periods of highest protein contents of combination were shown in the harvesting period. The results of autumn seeding were similar to those of spring seeding. There were some differences to reciprocal cross.(6) The oil content was increasing with the days after pollination. The highest oil content for most of combinations was shown in the harvesting period. The highest oil content for most of combinations was higher or situated between parents. The oil content of multiple recessive homozygous materials was higher than the checks. The results of autumn seeding were similar to those of spring seeding. And there was not significant difference to reciprocal cross.(7) The mean value of pericarp thickness for most of multiple recessive homozygous combinations was thicker than parents or situated between parents in the stage from 18 to 30 days after pollination. The pericarp thickness for most of combinations was not differences from that of the corresponding parents on the same day after pollination. And there was not significant difference to reciprocal cross.(8) Paricarp thickness was significantly and positively correlated with the yield of fresh ear on the 18th day after pollination. And the other 4 quality characters were not significantly correlated with the yield of fresh ear.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】S513
  • 【下载频次】125