

【作者】 李强

【导师】 徐宏力;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 《论语》作为儒家文化最重要的经典之一,历代多有研究,且著作成果颇为丰富。以往学者对“乐”多从艺术美的角度来论述,对音乐的性质特点等做了大量的考证和研究。其实,“乐”还具有重大的社会学意义,《论语》本身从某种意义上来说就是一部治国之书,“半部《论语》治天下”的说法也由来已久。本文研究孔子乐论思想从社会学的角度出发,探究“乐”在孔子的治国思想中的重要地位,并阐发它的一般管理学价值及其在对当今社会的指导意义。 音乐自诞生之初就成为维护原始生活秩序和管理社会生产的重要因素,并最终发展成为古代国家管理体制要素。通过对“乐”字的甲骨文字型研究发现,它最早是一种谷类农作物的象征,中国又是一个传统的农业社会,因此它与古人的生产生活息息相关。后来,音乐逐渐演变为祭祀乐舞,这时不光是为了庆祝已获得的丰收,同时也是祷告上天企求赐福,从而得到来年的丰收,这已经是生产管理活动中的理念了。最后,经过夏、商、周三代的漫长历史过程,“乐”发展成为国家体制中的重要要素,周公将其与“礼”一同纳入周代国家管理体系中最核心的“礼乐制度”中。从此,“乐”名正言顺地成为古代国家管理过程中不可或缺的一环。 孔子在此基础上,继承和发扬了前代的思想成果,形成了一套完整的乐论管理思想。音乐作为一种国家管理体制时,最能体现孔子管理思想的根本性质,即“和治”思想。与单纯地追求标准和秩序不同,和治所要达到的目标是“中和”、“和谐”。这个和谐既是个人之和,也就是自身的修养完善,要提升到理想的人格境界,不是仅仅靠道德的训诫、礼的强制和刑法的规范所能达到的,从感化人心来说,音乐正是一种最有效的方法,即“成于乐”;同时也是群体之和,人是社会性的动物,单个人无法生存,如何能在保持个体的独立性的同时,又能维系社会群体的和谐稳定便显得尤为重要。要达到这个目标,就需要教化的手段,礼制和法规只能规范人的外在行为,而音乐艺术则不假外物,直指人心,唯其如此才感人致深,更容易被人们接受。 孔子乐论的所体现的和治思想是中国传统文化的宝贵遗产,同时它又有巨大的现实价值,与西方现代管理思想相比,仍然有其独到之处。孔子非常重视管理领域中人的情感价值,不光注意约束人的外在行为规范,还重视管理领域中人的心理行为,重视整体社会情感的塑造。这种管理概念的提出,即使在今天看来也是极有指导意义的。

【Abstract】 As one of the most important books of Confucianism, The Analects has been studied in the past and acquired huge achievement. In the past, the studies of most of the scholars were about the artistry of music . As a matter of fact, music still has great sociological meaning. The Analects essentially is a book of national management. There is an adage saying "you can govern a nation by half of The Analects." So this thesis will study the music of Confucianism from sociological aspect, and show the important status of music in Confucianism about management and expatiate its value in modern management.Music is an important factor to maintain order of original society and manage social production and became a managing system of ancient country. The study indicates that music in Chinese character is an indication of corn, besides China is an agricultural country, and the music is closely linked with production and living. Afterward the music became a sacred ceremonial. It not only celebrated the foison, but also impetrated the next foison from the God, so it turned into a factor of production. Lastly, the music became part of national system through three dynasties of Xia, Shang, and Zhou. Zhou Gong established the national system with its core music and ceremony, namely "the system of ceremony and music".Confucius generated a suit of management of music based on bypast study. The harmony management is the essential character of Confucianism. This management goes in for harmony, not standard or discipline. The harmony includes individual harmony and collective harmony. No other than music can realize perfect individual personality and collective harmony. Standard and discipline can only hold people in behavior, however, the music affects people in heart, so it can be accepted easily.The harmony management is a precious bequest of Chinese literature, further more, it has huge value in modern times. Confucius attached importance to people’s sensibility in field of management, not only hold people in behavior, but also think over their mentalities. Nowadays this kind of management conception is still instructional.Qiang Li (Chinese ancient literature) Directed by Professor Hongli Xu

【关键词】 《论语》乐论管理和谐
【Key words】 The AnalectsMusicManagementHarmony
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【下载频次】421