

Study of Polymers Based on Cardanol

【作者】 刘小英

【导师】 林金火;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 高分子化学与物理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以天然产物腰果壳的榨取液为原料,根据该壳液主成分腰果酚的结构特征,采用有机合成和高分子合成等方法,制备一系列具有高性能或功能性的高分子化合物;并用物理和化学等方法,以及现代测试手段进行结构表征和性能测试。 采用氧化法对腰果酚不饱和侧链基进行环氧化,其环氧化物与多元胺反应生成氨基腰果酚聚合物。研究发现,该氨基腰果酚聚合物具有使环氧树脂固化交联的性能;又具有能够与重金属离子发生配位作用,并形成功能性配位聚合物的特点。该氨基腰果酚聚合物与铜离子的配位聚合物具有催化引发甲基丙烯酸甲酯、甲基丙烯酸丁酯等烯类单体聚合的特性。 用共缩聚的方法,由腰果酚、甲醛和多元胺合成腰果酚缩醛胺聚合物。该聚合物与环氧树脂形成的涂膜兼具酚醛树脂型和环氧树脂型涂膜的优异性能,耐酸、碱和有机溶剂,而且使用期较长。此外,该腰果酚缩醛胺聚合物分子中-OH、-NH-或-NH2功能基具有较强配位能力的特性,可应用于处理含重金属离子的废水。 腰果酚与醛类化合物的缩聚物及其与金属的配位聚合物,具有高性能并附加功能。采用IR、HPLC、TG和其它物理及化学手段对腰果酚甲醛铁聚合物、腰果酚正丁醛铁聚合物和腰果酚糠醛铁聚合物等进行了测试表征。结果显示,腰果酚醛缩聚物与铁离子配位后,进一步交联聚合生成腰果酚醛铁聚合物。其中,腰果酚甲醛铁聚合物具有优良的综合性能,尤其是抗溶剂性以及耐热性能。对腰果酚甲醛铁聚合物进一步研究中发现,该聚合物具有催化酯化的性能;用悬浮缩聚法所制备的腰果酚甲醛铁聚合物微球,具有多孔结构,对重金属离子、多元胺有机物等均具有良好的吸附性能。

【Abstract】 Cardanol is principal component of Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) used as raw material. According to its structure characteristic, a series of high-performance or functional polymers have been prepared by organic synthesis and polymeric synthesis. Then the polymers’ structure and properties have been analysed by physico-chemical measures and modern test means.By oxidation of double bond in the side chain of cardanol , epoxy- cardanol polymer has been systhesized , which may interact with polyamine to form arnino-cardanol polymer. It is founded that ammo- cardanol polymer can cure with epoxy resin and coordinate heavy ions into amino- cardanol metal coordinated polymers, amino- cardanol copper (II) coordinated polymer, which is obtained by the reaction of amino- cardanol polymer with CuCl2 , is reactive for catalytic-initiating the polymerization of olefinic monomers such as methyl methacrylate (MMA) and butyl methacrylate (BMA).Condensation polymers from cardanol, formaldehyde and amine (PCX) are systhesized by copolycondensation, then are reacted with epoxy resin to form coating films. The films remain properties of both cardanol-formaldehyde resin and epoxy resin , which are acid-resisting, alkali-resisting and organic solvent-tolerant, and also have good service time. Besides, utilizing coordinative action of the polymers’ diverse functional group as -OH, -NH- or -NH2 etc, PCX will widely be used in dealing in waste water contained heavy metal ions.Copolymers of cardanol and formaldehyde as well as coordinated polymers based on these copolymers and metal compounds, all are high-performance or functional polymers. Cardanol formaldehyde ferric polymer (PC-Fe), cardanol n-butanal ferric polymer (PB-Fe) and cardanol furfural ferric polymer (PF-Fe) are studied by IR, HPLC, TG and physico-chemical measures etc. The results show that the forming of PX-Fe are owed to the coordination between phenolic hydroxy and Fe3+ and further cross-link reaction of polymers. PC-Fe possesses the excellent general characteristic, especially resistance to heat and solvents. Furthermore, PC-Fe may effectively catalyze esterification. PC-Fe microsphere, which has porous structure, is prepared by suspension condensation. It has proved that PF-Fe microphere has good properties of absorbing heavy metal ions and polyamide.

【关键词】 腰果酚聚合物配位催化吸附
【Key words】 candanolpolymercoordinatecatalyzeabsorb.
  • 【分类号】O631
  • 【被引频次】14
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