

【作者】 康巍

【导师】 李世芬;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 关于中国建筑的发展模式,历年来一直是我们讨论的话题,并且乐此不疲,我们曾经深信一个拥有数千年历史文化的中华民族、拥有亿万之众的泱泱大国,必将在世界建筑发展史中找到适合自己的位置。如今旧世纪的最后一缕曙光已从我们的手指缝里溜走,留下的只是无尽的唏嘘长叹,我们似乎已迷失在历史的荒漠上。而当代实验性建筑师群体的出现为其注入了新的活力。或肯定、或批判、或褒扬、或贬斥,无论如何,他们毕竟吸引了时代的目光。本文开篇即站在文化史的角度,梳理了五四之后的文化史及建筑史,以明析实验性建筑出现的历史背景与理论渊源,并根据作者的亲身体验与理解,导出实验建筑师的创作倾向,进而为实验性建筑师群体分类。

【Abstract】 We all discussed the topic about the developmental model of Chinese architecture for many years. And we have ever infirmly believed a country that have richest history and largest people, will find its way in the architectural developmental history of the world. Today, the last sunshine in the old century has fled from our fingers, nothing left but long deep sigh. We seemed lost in the historical desert, while it has been injected new energy and fresh air with the appearance of the up to date experimental architect colony. To affirm or animadvert, to compliment or denounce, whatever happens, they after all attracted age’s sight. This paper initially hackle the cultural and architectural history after May forth from the point of view of a cultural history, which will benefit to clear up the historical background and theory origin of the experimental architecture, then according to author’s experience and comprehension, I educed experimental architect’s design tendency and further classified the experimental architect colony.

【关键词】 文化文化史实验实验建筑断裂体验
【Key words】 CultureCultural-historyExperimentExperimental-architectureRuptureTaste
  • 【分类号】TU-092
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】472