

Testing Study on Anti-Seismic Behavior of the Masonry Walls of Nonbearing Anti-Seismic Energy-Saving Bliocks

【作者】 夏国明

【导师】 宋玉普;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 非结构构件的地震安全性与人民的生命和财产的安全息息相关,世界各地的大量震害表明,在中等强度地震作用下,由于非结构构件破坏造成的经济损失可能远远大于由于结构破坏而造成的经济损失,此外,非结构的破坏也可能引起人员伤亡,因此,非结构构件的地震安全性越来越多的引起人们的重视。本文在本溪市东亚工程技术研究所研制的新型非承重抗震节能砌块的基础上,对此砌块墙体进行了平面外的低周反复荷载试验,着重研究了此砌块墙体的抗震性能。本文通过试验和理论分析,具体完成了以下工作: (1) 通过对三种型式的砌块墙体的平面外低周反复荷载试验,研究了其抗震承载力、耗能能力和抗侧移能力; (2) 基于对非承重抗震节能砌块墙体的试验结果的分析,与美国规范的抗震力验算的规范标准值、中国抗震设计规范层间位移要求进行比较,得出此墙体能够满足规范的要求; (3) 对墙体与梁柱刚性连接与柔性连接两种方式进行比较,得出柔性连接方式具有更好的抗震性能,并满足规范要求; (4) 对抗震柱间距不同的两种砌块墙体的抗震力进行比较,给出不同抗震设计条件下抗震柱间距大小的建议。

【Abstract】 The seismic security of the nonstructural component is closely linked with the safety of the people’s lives and properties. A lot of earthquake damage indicates that the economic loss caused by the nonstructural component damage is far more than the one caused by the structural component damage in the middling earthquake. Moreover, the nonstructural component damage probably arouses the people’s casualty. So the people more and more regard the seismic security of the nonstructural component. The East Asia Research Institute of Engineering Technology in Benxi of China invents the nonbearing anti-seismic energy-saving blocks. Through the out-of-plane low cyclic reverse load test on the masonry walls and analysis, this paper mainly studies the anti-seismic behavior of the masonry walls. The main aspects of the research work are as follows:(1) Studies the walls’ behavior, anti-seismic carrying capacity, dissipation energy capacity and lateral displacement capacity through the out-of-plane low cyclic reverse load test on the three kinds of masonry walls;(2) Compare with the standard value of the carrying capacity of U.S. Code and the lateral displacement required by the Code for seismic design of buildings of China, acquire that the anti-seismic capacity of the walls contents the Code, based on the test result’s analysis to the masonry walls made up of the nonbearing anti-seismic energy-saving blocks;(3) Compare the rigid and flexible methods that the walls are connected with girder and column, and acquire that the flexible connecting method is better;(4) Compare the carrying capacity of the walls of the different space of anti-seismic columns, and give some advice for the anti-seismic columns space on the different conditions of seismic design.

  • 【分类号】TU364
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】342