

Study of Rock Cement Grouting on Dam Site

【作者】 窦向贤

【导师】 朱彤;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 防灾减灾工程及防护工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 尽管新技术、新材料不断发展,可是在基础处理及大坝防渗、补强等工程中,水泥灌浆仍然在技术上、经济上保持着最为重要的地位。尤其是98年特大洪水过后,我国一大批中、小型水库的大坝需要除险加固,在堤坝建筑物防渗补强方面,水泥灌浆技术被更广泛地应用。为保证大坝安全,提高灌浆效果,本文结合英那河水库扩建工程原浆砌石坝体补强灌浆时对防渗墙进行的现场原型监测试验,从水泥浆材的灌入能力、裂缝灌浆扩散半径、以及灌浆压力与地表抬动值的关系来研究灌浆的质量效果及其对建筑物的影响。主要工作如下: 1.水泥浆材的灌入能力分析。影响水泥浆材灌入能力的主要因素是:水泥的颗粒尺寸和在浆体中的凝聚状态,以及宏观上表现出来的浆体析水和沉降稳定性、浆体的流变特性等。在窄小裂隙中,提高水泥浆体灌入能力的有效措施是磨细水泥颗粒和提高浆体的分散性以及增大灌浆压力。单纯加大浆液水灰比来提高灌入能力,不会起到多大作用。 2.裂缝灌浆扩散半径的研究。灌浆扩散半径是进行灌浆结构设计和灌浆工艺流程控制的基本依据。通过研究水泥浆液在裂隙中的流动规律,分析了灌浆压力、浆液的流变参数和灌浆时间对扩散半径的影响。 3.灌浆压力与地表抬动值的关系。灌浆的注浆量、地表抬动值等灌浆效果参数与灌浆压力、灌浆浆材、灌浆深度等因素有关。在许多情况下,灌浆时使地层产生一些受到控制的抬动变形是无害的;绝对不允许产生任何变形的灌浆,通常是灌不好的。所以只要其不会造成不良后果,一般都可允许产生一定的变形。 4.混凝土防渗墙原型监测结果及其分析。由于英那河水库原浆砌石坝体是靠上游的混凝土防渗墙防渗,加之防渗墙有的部分较薄,只有0.5米厚,坝体补强灌浆时,对其进行了现场实时跟踪监测,并对监测结果进行了分析。

【Abstract】 In despite of the continually development of new technology and new material, cement grouting keeps the most important status on the technology and economy in the project of foundation processing, dam seepage control and dam reinforcement. Especially after the "98 super flood", numbers of dams needs to be repaired and reinforced, which of medium and small reservoir in our country. The cement grouting is widely used in dam anti-seepage and reinforced. To ensure the dam safety and grouting effect, according to the field archetype inspect test of the impervious wall as well as reinforced grouting to the cement stone masonry dam of the Yingnahe Reservoir Extension Project, we studied the grouting quality and effect and its infection to the construction from the perspective of the cement perfusion ability, the crack grouting diffusion radius and the relationship of grouting pressure and ground displacement.The main parts of my work are as follows:1. Perfusion ability analysis of the cement grout. The main factors influence the cement grout perfusion ability are as follows: Grain size of the cement grout, grain cohesion state of the cement grout, stability of cement grout bleeding and sedimentation, Theological behavior of the cement grout etc. In the narrow crack, to enhance the cement grouting ability, the efficiency measures are as follows: to reduce the grain size, to enhance the dispersancy of cement grout, to increase the grouting pressure. It is no use to increase the water-cement ratio.2. Study of the crack grouting diffusion radius. The crack grouting diffusion radius is the basic gist of the grouting construction design and grouting craftwork control. With the study of the cement flow rule in the crack, we analyzed the influence to diffusion radius by the grouting pressure, cement rheological parameter and grouting time.3. The relationship of grouting pressure and ground displacement. The grouting effect parameter of grouting quantity and the ground displacement has relationship with grouting pressure, grouting material and grouting depth etc. In many conditions, the controlled ground displacement is harmless as well as grouting. It is voidable of the absolute no displacement grouting. If it doesn’t bring breakage, definite displacement is allowable.4. Concrete impervious wall archetype inspect result and its analyze. The cement stone masonry dam of the Yingnahe Reservoir anti-seepage depends on the front concrete impervious wall. Otherwise, the impervious wall is only 0,5m in some parts, as well as grouting, we do the real-time inspect and analyzed the result.

  • 【分类号】TV421
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】428