

【作者】 林相波

【导师】 邱天爽;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 癫痫是一种常见的中枢神经系统疾病,癫痫的发作在临床上一般呈突发性,容易在病人意识丧失的情况下引发事故,造成残疾或死亡。因此,对即将来临的癫痫发作进行预报具有重要的临床意义。利用脑电信号预报癫痫发作的信号处理方法有很多,但取得较好效果的研究结果基本是基于深部脑电信号的。相对而言,头皮脑电具有不侵入病人身体,无痛苦的优点,在临床上得到普遍应用。但头皮脑电易受干扰,信号强度弱,增加了分析和处理的难度,因而目前还没有理想的基于头皮脑电预报癫痫发作的结果。因此,本文的主要的研究目标是寻找合适的方法解决基于头皮脑电的癫痫发作预报问题。 本文主要以小波变换的多分辨分析理论作为特征提取的工具,与递归神经网络相结合,研究其预报癫痫发作的性能。具体内容如下: 首先,概述了基于脑电信号的癫痫发作预报问题的基本理论、历史和现状,并介绍了已有的不同信号处理方法; 其次,研究了小波变换的基础理论,尤其是对正交小波的分频特性进行了详细分析。综合时频窗口中心、窗宽和频域能量集中程度等性能指标,本文认为daubechies 5小波在频域中相邻尺度间的频率重叠程度最轻,适于本文的具体应用。 第三,采用多分辨率分析将头皮脑电信号分解成不同节律成分,分析癫痫发作间期和发作前脑电信号各节律的绝对小波能谱变化状况。然后从相对小波能谱角度比较癫痫脑电信号与正常脑电信号,分析癫痫脑电信号的异常变化。结果发现,癫痫脑电信号中的慢波增强,α节律受到抑制; 第四,深入分析了递归神经网络中基本Elman网络的结构特点以及解耦扩展卡尔曼滤波算法在该网络训练中的应用。在此基础上,本文对基本Elman网络的权值结构进行了改进,将可变的结构单元前馈权值固定为1。理论分析和仿真实验表明,改进后的Elman网络不仅降低了网络训练过程中的计算复杂度和存储空间需求量,而且提高了网络对高阶动态系统的跟踪性能; 最后,结合小波预处理,本文将改进后的基本Elman网络用于癫痫发作预报。比较以三种不同的信号特征作网络输入所得到的预报结果可知,提取小波变换域α节律能谱包络的方法对本文的数据集具有良好的效果。

【Abstract】 Epilepsy is a common intrinsic neurological disorder. Epileptic seizures often occur suddenly, causing disability and mortality sometimes when the patient loses his awareness. Predicting an impending epileptic seizure has obvious clinical importance. There are many EEG-based signal processing methods used to predict seizures, but better research results are mainly based on intracranial EEG recordings. In comparison with intracranial EEG, the examine method of the scalp EEG has been used in clinical diagnosis universally for its nondestructive. However, the scalp EEG signal is well known to be subject to the noise or artifact contaminations, making the analysis more difficulty. Therefore none of the ideal seizure predicting results on scalp EEG is published up to now. Thus the goal of this thesis is to find appropriate methods to predict the incoming epileptic seizures based on scalp EEG effectively.Multiresolution analysis theory is used to extract appropriate features in this thesis and the recurrent neural network is a classifier. The performances of the synthetical system to predict seizures are as follows:First, the basic theory, the history and the present of seizure prediction based on EEG signals are reviewed, as well as different signal processing methods.Second, the basic theory of wavelet transform is studied and the frequency properties of the orthogonal wavelets are analyzed in detail. According to such performances as the center of the window in time-frequency domain, the width of the window and the concentrating degree of the power in frequency domain, this thesis considers that the wavelet daubechies 5 is more suitable for the application, because it has less frequency overlap between adjacent scales in frequency domain.Third, the scalp EEG signals are decomposed to different rhythm components using multiresolution analysis, and the evolution of the absolute wavelet power spectra of different rhythm in intraictal and preictal stage is explored. Then epileptic EEG and normal EEG are compared by the relative wavelet power spectra to find the abnormities. The result is that the slow wave is enhanced and the a rhythm is weakened hi epileptic EEG signals.Fourth, the architecture properties of the basic Elman network hi the recurrent neural networks is lucubrated, as well as the network training procedure based on the decoupled extended Kalman filter algorithm. According to the characteristic, this thesis proposes an improved method, forcing the feed-forward weights of the context units hi the Elman network to be unit. Theoretical analyses and simulation results show that such improvement can not only decrease the computational complexity and the storage space requirement of the network training algorithm effectively, but also increase the tracking ability to the high order dynamic system of the Elman network.Finally, combined with the wavelet preprocessing, the unproved Elman network isapplied to seizure prediction. Three different signal features are used as network inputs. It can be concluded by comparing the results that for these data sets, extracting the envelope of the power spectra of the a rhythm in wavelet transform domain can improve the performance of RNN effectively.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】486