

【作者】 林丽

【导师】 马孝江;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 设备维修管理体制的变迁已经历了“事后维修”、“定期维修"两个阶段,目前正在向“预知维修”方向转变。设备预知维修是故障诊断的高级阶段。状态维修是对机器设备进行状态监测,并在对监测结果进行分析处理的基础上决定设备是否需要维修的一种方式。状态维修是预知维修的初级阶段。所谓“预知维修”是指将“状态维修”的“技术实现”与企业整体性设备管理工作紧密联系在一起,从而实现“在管理指导下的状态维修”和“在故障监测诊断技术支持下的设备管理”。因此,建立基于预知维修的设备管理信息与决策支持系统是必要的。 本文首先分析了三种维修方式的优缺点,从而得出预知维修是设备管理的发展必然;接着又阐述了设备预知维修的体制支撑、技术支撑等问题:然后又介绍了基于预知维修的设备管理信息与决策支持系统的发展现状;接着又探讨了模型的建立原则、方法、分类及内容:根据问题的实际情况提出采用模糊综合评判法进行建模;并阐述了模糊综合评判法的具体算法。最后将设备监测与故障诊断技术应用到设备管理中,并且根据设备的状态及其他的生产实际情况采用模糊综合评判法决策出维修方式(大修、小修、项修、零修),然后制定出维修计划及备件计划,设计出一种实现静态管理、动态管理相结合的基于预知维修的设备管理信息与决策支持系统并且将其实现。

【Abstract】 The managing system of equipment maintenance has gone through two phases: Breakdown Maintenance (BM) and Time-Based Maintenance (TBM). And now the managing system of equipment maintenance is entering into the phases of Predictive Maintenance (PM). The PM of equipment maintenance is the advanced phase. Condition based maintenance is a kind of mode which inspects the equipment and analyzing the results and then decide whether the equipment are needed maintain. Condition based maintenance is the primary phase. The PM combines the skill realizing of condition-based maintenance with the equipment managing of the whole enterprise. Accordingly the PM can achieve the condition-based maintenance under the managing guidance and the equipment management under the support of the skills of faults diagnosis. So it is necessary to establish the managing information and decision-making supporting system of the equipment based PM.Firstly, in this paper the advantages and disadvantages of the three kinds of maintenance modes are analyzed and the PM is necessary during the development of the equipment management. And then the supports of the system and technology about the PM are set forth. Secondly, the developmental actuality of the managing information and decision-making support system based on the PM is introduced. And the foundation principles, methods, sorts and contents of the model are discussed. The fuzzy synthesis judgment arithmetic is adopted to build the model according to the actual instances and is introduced in detail. At last, applying the technology of fault diagnosis to the equipment managing and adopting fuzzy synthesis judgment arithmetic to decide the maintenance mode(heavy repair, light repair, item repair, daily repair) according to the equipment state and the other true producing state and then establishing the maintenance plan and the spare part plan, the managing information system and the decision-making support system of equipments based on the PM is designed and carried out which units the static management and dynamic management in this paper.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】658