

【作者】 刘长山

【导师】 韩敏;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 湿地是人类最重要的环境资源之一,在提供水资源、均化洪水、调节气候、保护生物多样性等方面起着极为重要的作用,然而当前对湿地的保护工作还缺乏有效的手段和科学的方法,开展关于湿地的相关研究工作具有重要的理论和现实意义。随着分布式计算技术、面向对象的构件技术、网络技术的迅速发展,出现了与WWW相结合的GIS——WebGIS,它迅速成为目前GIS发展的最重要的方向之一,并在很多领域都得到了广泛的应用。本研究从搜索和分析湿地信息入手,综合运用地理信息系统技术、网络技术、数据库技术,利用现有的技术成果和专家经验,建立了以湿地信息为主体的网络地理信息系统,以充分协调和利用各种湿地信息资源,为政府宏观决策和相关人员提供快速、准确的信息服务。湿地地理信息系统包括三大组成部分:(1)基础信息平台,提供湿地基础信息网络发布平台,实现湿地相关信息的发布;(2)湿地信息查询系统,提供网络环境下湿地信息查询平台,完成信息的综合查询;(3)湿地信息WebGIS基础平台,建立研究扎龙湿地水文和生境的可视化平台。本文重点研究了分布式环境下WebGIS的实现原理、方法,利用统一建模语言(UML)进行详细分析和设计,给出了一个基于分布式的WebGIS原型系统的具体思路和解决方案。这个原型系统的实现有助于湿地环境动态监测体系的建立,进而为湿地信息管理与决策支持提供可行的解决方案。

【Abstract】 The wetland is one of the most important environment resources for human, and it is also important for supplying the water resource, meaning the flood, modulating the climate and protecting the variety of life forms. Currently, there is lack of effective instrument and scientific function for protecting wetland. It is very significant in both theory and realism to develop the research of wetland. With the rapid progress of Distributed Computing Technology, Object-Oriented Component Technology and the popularity of Internet, it comes a new technology WebGIS, which is a integration of WWW and GIS. WebGIS has now become one of the most important direction of GIS and has been used in extensive domain. Based on searching for and analyzing the wetland information, making use of the technique of GIS, internet, database, synthesizing current technological results and expert’s experience, this research established Wetland Web Geographic Information System, to harmonize well and make use of kinds of wetland resources. The System can provide the fast and accurate information service with governments and researchers. The wetland GIS has three main parts: (1) Base information platform, provides the wetland information distribution on the internet; (2) Wetland information query platform, provides the easy and fast query of wetland information base on the internet; (3) WebGIS prototype system, provides the basic platform for studying the situation and environment of the ZhaLong wetland. This paper mainly discusses the principles and methods of the distributed WebGIS implementation, uses UML to make a detail analysis and design, and present the idea and scheme for this system. The research of the WebGIS prototype system will help to establish a dynamic monitoring system and provide a feasible scheme for wetland environment information.

【关键词】 网络地理信息系统扎龙湿地组件统一建模语言
【Key words】 WebGISZhaLong WetlandComponentUML
  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】199