

【作者】 蔡汉迁

【导师】 罗周全;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 矿业工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 大厂92号矿体位于91号矿体的下部,并与之紧密相连,是目前铜坑矿开采的主要矿体。由于它的直接顶板就是开采91号矿体时的胶结或者非胶结的空区充填体,部分地段甚至是未充填的采空区,使92号缓倾斜厚大矿体的上部形成大范围的隐患区,因此,必须针对92号矿体复杂的开采技术条件,寻找新的采矿技术与工艺。92号矿体的可凿性极差,选择合理的凿岩爆破参数,提高凿岩爆破工作的总体技术经济效益,也是92号矿体开采急待解决的问题。92号矿体与细脉带、91号矿体开采相互影响,目前在采空区不断增大的情况下地压显现有明显加剧的趋势,在下一步92号矿体大规模开采时,地压问题将越来越严重。 本文通过对92号矿体采矿工艺、矿体凿岩爆破参数工艺和技术和矿体开采过程中的地压的研究,获得如下结论和成果: (1)连续开采诱导崩落采矿新工艺具有贫损低、机械化程度高、回采强度高、工人劳动生产率高和安全性高的优点,为92号矿体的开采提供了一条新的途径。 (2)采用RFPA2D对连续采矿诱导崩落的数值仿真结果表明,在顶板岩层发生破坏后,岩层仍有一定的承载能力,能够使连续采矿作业系统维持一定时期的稳定,大量冒落区域与采矿工作面之间的距离始终可保持在两个回采推进距离的范围内,这样就大大减少了顶板诱导崩落产生的废石引起矿石损失贫化的可能性,从而可以保证连续回采工艺的成功实施。 (3)根据92#矿体岩石条件和采矿工艺,确定选用河北宣化采掘机械厂生产的QZG80中高风压潜孔钻机,深孔孔径定为90mm比较合适;推荐铵油炸药与乳化炸药混合搅拌均匀后组成混合炸药(重铵油炸药)作为下一步92#矿体采矿爆破用炸药; (4)采用3D-σ对矿体回采过程计算结果表明:在走向方向上,回采顺序方案的稳定性从好到差的排列顺序依次是:①由西往东后退式方案;②从中央往东、西两端方案;③从东、西两端往中央方案;④由东往西前进式方案。 在倾向方向上,非重叠区内稳定性最优的方案是由南往北方案,其次是从中央往南、北方案;第三是从南、北往中央方案,最差是由北往南方案;重叠区内最优的方案仍然是由南往北方案,次优的方案也是由中央往南、北方案,第三是从重叠区的正中央向两边后退式方案,最差的方案是先用前进式采两边非重叠部分,然后从重叠区的中央后退。先采(中央)重叠区较先采(两边)非重叠区有利些,重叠区内又以后退式为佳。

【Abstract】 The No.92 ore-body of DaChang lie in the under-part of the No.91orebody, and they are jointed closely, the No.92 ore-body is the main part in TongKeng Mine. Because the direct roof of the No.92 ore-body is the backfilling of the No.91orebody which is the cementing materials or non-cementing materials, and there are no-filled mined-areas in someplace. So there are large-scale hidden troubles on the top of the No.92 slowly inclined large and thick ore-body, then we must find a new mining technology which aims at the complex mining condition of the No.92 ore-body. The cutting nature of the No.92 ore-body is very poor, so choosing the rational drilling and blasting parameters and enhancing the overall technological economic benefits are also the urgent problems waiting to be solved in the exploitation of the No.92 ore-body. The No.92 ore-body, thin lodes and the exploitation process of the No.91orebody influence each other, the geo-pressure phenomena aggravates obviously in case of the mined-areas increase constantly, and the geo-pressure problem will be more and more serious when the No.92 ore-body be exploited on a large scale in the next step.Ore-body mining technology, ore-body drilling and blasting parameters and geo-pressure problem of the No.92 ore-body have been researched in this paper, and obtain the following conclusions and achievements.(1)The abducting caving method in continues mining is a new mining technology and it has many merits such as the low loss and dilution of ore, the high mechanization degree, the high stoping strength, the high worker labour productivity and high safety, and it provides a new approach for the mining in the No.92 ore-body.(2)The numerical simulation on the abducting caving method in continues mining when we use RFPA2D software indicate that the terrane has some sustainable capacity as the roof terrane has been destroyed, and it can keep the continues mining system under stability for a period, the distance between the mass falling area and the mining face can keep in the range of the scope between two working push, and this greatly reduce the possibility that loss and dilution of ore as the mullock produced by the abducting caving of the roof, then it guarantees the continues stoping technology besucceed in implementing.(3) We determine and select the QZG80 high and medium wind pressure down-hole drill produceed by Xuanhua Machine Factory Hebei province, and the aperture of the deep hole is 90 mm which is relatively suitable. We commend the mixing explosive (Heavy ANFO) evenly mixed by the ANFO and the emulsion explosive as the next explosive which used by the No.92 ore-body’ exploitation.(4) As we use the 3D- a software , the counting results of the sloping process indicate that: at the striking bearing, the permutation order from kind at difference on the stability of the projects in the mining process is: (1)The backward mining method to the east from the west; (2)From the central part to the east, the west;(3)From the east, the west to the central part; (4)The advancing project from the east to the west.At the inclining bearing, the best project on the stability of the non-overlapping areas is the case from south to the north; the second is the case from the central part to the south, the north; the third is the case from the south, the north to the central part; the worst is the case from the north to the south. The best project on the stability of the overlapping areas is also the case from south to the north; the second is the case from the central part to the south, the north; the third is the case from the central part at the overlapping area to two ends in a backing method; the worst is the case which mine two sides at the non-overlapping areas in a advancing way at first, then back from the central part at the overlapping areas. The project of first mining the central part at the overlapping areas is better than one that first mining two sides at the non-overlapping areas, and the backing method is better than other projects at the overlapping areas.

【关键词】 采矿方法凿岩爆破地压
【Key words】 mining methoddrilling and blastinggeo-pressure
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TD862
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】276