

Research on the Legal Questions of THC

【作者】 刘伟军

【导师】 赵鹿军; 赵劲松;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 THC问题是当前国际航运界的热点问题之一。在中国,自2002年班轮公司向中国货主收取THC以来,船货双方在是否应收取THC,如何收取THC等问题上存在着较大的分歧,双方的矛盾沖突也越来越激烈。应中国对外贸易经济合作企业协会申请,交通部会同国家发展和改革委员会、国家工商行政管理总局对班轮公司向我国货主收取THC是否存在违法行为等问题展开了THC调查活动。 本文结合我国现行法律、有关国际条约与国际惯例的规定以及航运实践、贸易实践,对THC的概念、法律性质及特征、THC问题的产生、收取THC的必要性、THC问题的法律适用等问题做了具体分析,并对世界各国的THC问题进行了比较研究。论文指出,在我国现行法律未做明确规定或者合同未做明确约定的情况下,承运人向我国发货人或收货人收取装卸港THC不符合合同相对性原理。但国际贸易合同与集装箱运输合同在交接货地点、费用承担等问题上互不衔接,发货人或收货人支付装卸港THC又是合理的、必要的。因此,为使THC的收取问题合法化,论文建议对我国现行法律做必要的修改,以促进我国对外贸易与航运业的发展。同时,论文对各班轮公司收取THC应采取的合理方式以及交通部开展的THC调查活动应采取的合理解决方案提出了具体建议。

【Abstract】 The question of Terminal Handling Charge (THC) is an important matter under dispute in international shipping circles. Since liner companies introduced THC in China with effect from 15 January 2002, the move to collect THC had triggered outraged protests from Chinese exporters and importers. Liner companies and merchants have been debating about the issue whether liner companies can collect THC, etc. If they can, what is the way of collection and the charge criteria? Per request from the Association of China Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Enterprises, Chinese authorities had made an investigation into whether illegal activities exist in collection of THC by liners from Chinese cargo-owners and shippers.Based upon the provisions of the corresponding laws or rules of China, international conventions and international practices, the thesis discusses the concept of THC, the legal nature and characteristics of THC, the produce of the question of THC, the necessity of collection of THC, the application of law in relation to THC, and the settlement of the question of THC in the other countries, etc. Moreover, the thesis points out that the collection of THC charged Chinese consignors or consignees by liners is not in accordance with the principle of the Privity of Contract if the laws of china do not provide or the contract of carriage does not stipulate. However, the joints between international transportation contract and international trade contract are not flexible in terms of the delivery of goods and the payment of freight. It is reasonable and necessary that liners charge THC. Therefore, The thesis suggests that the laws of china shall be amended in order to make the collection of THC legalization,and to promote the development of foreign trades and shipping industry of China. Moreover, the thesis puts forward the reasonable way of charging THC liners shall adopt and the solutions to settle the issue of THC Chinese authorities shall adopt.

  • 【分类号】D996.19;D922.294
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】211