

Research on the Legal Problems of Wreck Removal

【作者】 罗晓斌

【导师】 韩立新;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 沉船沉物打捞清除课题长久以来一直未受到国内法学界的重视。究其原因,一是在国际上,无论是国际公约还是各国国内法,都没有一部完整的法律调整沉船沉物打捞清除关系;二是在国内,由于二十世纪八十年代前,沉船沉物事故一直没有造成严重的后果,故不为各位学者所关注。但近年来,随着船舶体积的增大及船载危险货物的增多,船舶沉没后给航行安全和环境保护带来的危害越来越大,而且为了打捞清除沉船沉物所需的费用也日益增加,如何解决这些新问题已成为海事立法者的主要任务之一。 本文是在笔者对我国主要的海事主管机关进行调研,收集了大量第一手资料的基础上写作而成。笔者通过调研,将现今沉船沉物打捞清除中存在的问题归纳如下:沉船沉物打捞清除的责任主体及他们之间的责任顺序、责任限制;沉船沉物打捞清除中各方当事人的法律关系;沉船沉物打捞清除费用的性质;沉船沉物打捞清除费用的受偿位次以及沉船沉物打捞清除费用实现的保障。对于这几个问题国内海商法学界尚无定论,有的问题在司法实践中甚至有截然相反的判决。为了解决以上问题,笔者首先比较分析了国际公约及各国国内法,从中找到可资借鉴之处,再从我国现有的法律规定入手,探求以上问题在我国法律环境下的解决方案,继而进一步探讨该解决方案的利弊,然后阐明为了更好地解决以上问题,是否需要对我国法律环境中的相应方面进行修改。 通过本文的论述,笔者认为沉船沉物打捞清除中关系复杂、问题繁多,同时我国在有关沉船沉物打捞清除方面的立法还很不完善,许多问题亟待解决。我国在为沉船沉物打捞清除进行立法时,应多注重对实际问题的解决,同时多关注国际动态,在某些方面努力做到与国际步调保持一致,以妥善地处理现在沉船沉物打捞清除实践中存在的各种问题。

【Abstract】 The subject of wreck removal has been ignored by Chinese jurisconsults for a long time. Two reasons caused this phenomenon. One reason was that there was no legislation which applied to this field, whether in international conventions or in national laws; another reason was that the incidents of vessel sunken haven’t caused serious damage before 1980’s, so the jurisconsults haven’t paid their attention to the problems thereof. But in recent years, as the capacity of the vessel and the shipment of dangerous cargos increased, when the vessel sinks, the incident will cause vast damage to navigation security and environment. Moreover, the expenditures of removing the wreck of sunken vessel are getting larger and larger. Therefore, how to resolve the new problems emerged in wreck removal becomes one of the main tasks of maritime lawmakers.This article is based on numerous materials that were collected from Chinese maritime authorities. Through hard researching work to these materials, the author epitomizes the main problems of wreck removal as follows:Who are responsible for the wreck removal; in which order they take the responsibility; and whether they can enjoy the Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims or not; the relationship among the parties on wreck removal; the law nature of the expenditures of wreck removal; the priority of the expenditures of wreck removal.Nowadays, there were no determinations to the problems mentioned above in Chinese maritime law field, and some problems even got contradictory answers in judicial practices. In order to resolve the above questions, the author firstly comparatively analyzes the conventions and foreign national laws on wreck removal, then answers these questions in Chinese law environment by referring the conventions and foreign national laws on wreck removal. After that, he argues the advantages and disadvantages of the resolvents thereof, and finally, puts forward the draft of law-making on wreck removal.In this article, the author argues that the relationship on wreck removal is very complicated and the Chinese legislations on this field are inadequate. Where when Chinese lawmakers constitute the new legislations of wreck removal, they should pay more attention to the practices thereof, and at the same time, keep up with the international trend of this subject. Only in this way, the problems on wreck removal can be resolved perfectly.

  • 【分类号】D996.19
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】325