

Study of the Application of Electronic Chart and Display Information System in VTS

【作者】 王辰

【导师】 刘人杰;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 电子海图显示和信息系统的产生是航海领域的一场革命,它被广泛地应用于许多领域。目前,国际海道组织已经制定了关于电子海图显示和信息系统的相关标准和规范,但这些标准和规范主要是基于航海方面的,用在VTS(Vessel Traffic Services)中的研究还不多。直接将国际航海领域的标准和规范借用到VTS中来,在实际应用中暴露出很多不足,主要表现在:VTS系统传感器与船用设备不同,多数为高精度设备,对电子海图显示精度提出了新的要求:我国海图和雷达主要采用BJ-54坐标系,AIS数据基于WGS-84坐标系的,这两种坐标系要能够转换、统一;电子海图存储海况数据,VTS系统存储管理目标的静、动态数据,这两种数据彼此孤立,不能充分发挥VTS的综合优势,造成资源重叠和浪费。 针对以上提出的薄弱点,结合我国船舶交通管理的实际情况,本文研究的重点内容包括用在VTS中电子海图显示和信息系统在显示方面的特殊要求及在船舶交通管理中的应用。具体工作和结论如下: 1、研究电子海图相关标准,提出标准电子海图显示系统设计方案,并利用SuperMapⅢ对其中的符号库模块进行设计实现: 2、对用在VTS中的电子海图显示精度提出要求:应达到0.1m数量级; 3、研究坐标变换的方法,提出电子海图坐标系从WGS-84到BJ-54转换的简便算法,并用MATLAB进行仿真; 4、对VTS中的信息系统进行综合分析,将电子海图显示和信息系统中的数据与VTS中的数据通过算法实现浮标移位、船舶走锚、禁航区和船舶搁浅、船舶避碰等功能。

【Abstract】 Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is a revolution in navigation field. It has been widely used in many fields. At present, the standards in navigation have been published by IHO, while the research in VTS is deficient. In practice, some weaknesses are exposed when they are used in VTS. For example, distinguished from the equipments in the vessel, the sensors in VTS ( Vessel Traffic Services ) mostly have high-accuracy and require more on the display accuracy of ECDIS. The coordinate of Chart and Radar is BJ-54, while that of AIS is WGS-84. One coordinate should be transformed to the other. The data in ECIDS contain the sea environments, while those in VTS are static and dynamic data of the objects. This two data are independence of each other and can’t exhibit the superiority of VTS completely, causing the reduplication and wasting of resource.Focused on the weaknesses above, combining the practice of the current management, this paper concentrates on the particularity and the application of ECDIS in VTS. The contents and conclusions are as follows:1. Research into the standards of ECDIS. Present the project to Electronic Chart Display and realize symbol function by SuperMapIII.2. Present the requirement in accuracy of ECDIS in VTS and conclude that it is 0.1m .3. Research into the methods of WGS-84 to BJ-54 coordinate transform. Present a kind of simple arithmetic that has been simulated by MATLAB.4. Analyse the information system of VTS and realize the function such as of buoy excursion, dragging anchor, ship collision avoidance in ECDIS.

【关键词】 VTS电子海图显示和信息系统精度坐标系信息系统
【Key words】 VTSECDISAccuracyCoordinateInformation System
  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】550