

Legal Problems of Privately Offered Fund in the International Capital Market

【作者】 尚欣鑫

【导师】 杜力夫;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 2000年9月《财经》杂志发表了一篇揭露“基会黑幕”的文章,存社会各界引起广泛关注,随之而来,2001年我国著名的金融经济学家夏斌主持进行了《中国私募基金调查报告》,从而使私募基金问题从地下浮上水面,引起激烈的讨论。私募基会在我国的存在规模,使我们不得不重视其存在。而迄今为止,我国目前尚没有一部完整的规范私募基金的法律,甚至没有对其准确的界定。 入世后,我国将逐步对外开放资本市场,引入外国资本,从而对国内的资本市场造成冲击。国际上著名的“量子基金”、“老虎基金”在国际资本市场所造成的动荡是有目共睹的。因此我国应加强有关私募基金的立法,维护国内资本市场的稳定。而2003年10月《证券投资基金法》颁布,将原有的“向特定对象募集的基会”一章删掉,使私募基金在我国再次陷入缺乏法律依据的境地。 本文存对私募基金的概念进行阐述的基础上,比较分析了国外各国的私募基金立法,对我国现在资本市场中所存在的“地下私募基金”问题进行了阐述,进而对我国目前私募基金所存在的问题作出评述,对我国今后的私募基金立法提出了一些建议,希望我国能尽快对私募基金问题进行立法,从而使其有法可依,迎接国际资本的挑战。

【Abstract】 September 2000 an article in Finance and Economics, which disclosed the inside story of fund, and pulled most attraction of the public. In 2001, under the direction of Xia Bin, a famous economist, a report named Investigation on China Privately Offered Fund was publicized. After that, the problem of privately offered fund stood out, and many scholar discussed hotly about it. Because of the size of privately offered fund in our country, we had to think much of it. But so far from now, we have not a law which adjusts the privately offered fund, even the conception of it.After China’s accession to WTO, our country should open our capital market to foreign country, and which will strike our internal capital market. It was obvious to all that the world famous fund, Fund of Tiger and Fund of Quanta, brought great turbulence to international capital market. So, It’s very important for our country’s legislation on privately offered fund. This law will improve our capital market’s stabilization. In Oct 2003 the Securities Investment Fund Law passed. One chapter of this law named Fund of collection from specific people was deleted.This paper sets forth on the conception of the privately offered fund, compares the legislation of different countries, and discusses about "underground privately offered fund" in our capital market. It also comment on the problems of privately offered fund in our capital market at the present time. At last, this article brings forward some suggestion of our privately offered fund legislation. I hope our country will do this as soon as possible, so that we can face the challenge from international capital.

  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】5
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