

Testing System of Furnace Temperature Field in Circulating Fluid Bed Boiler

【作者】 刘云鹏

【导师】 樊印海; 朱景伟;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文旨在以CCD摄像机为图像采集前端设备,以数字图像处理技术为手段,运用热辐射学和面阵CCD成像理论,研究了比色测温法,并组建了一个简单的单色测温系统,来检测火焰温度场。主要工作内容包括: 1.针对循环硫化床温度场检测的要求,确定了“CCD摄像机和数字图像处理技术相结合的温度场检测系统”的技术研究路线,并以成熟和廉价的CCD摄像机为基础,初步建立了测温硬软件系统。 2.研究了循环硫化床燃烧和辐射的物理过程以及运用CCD来实现测温的原理。建立了测温数学模型,为直接利用CCD摄像机检测锅炉炉膛燃烧火焰温度阐明了物理机理。 3.讨论了比色测温法并且对其波长的选择问题进行了研究,提出了对温度进行分区以解决大范围温度的测量问题。即将火焰温度由高向低分成几个温度段,不同的温度段使用不同的运算公式,从而提高了测量的精度,避免了过去方法中试图用一个标定试验的公式来求解跨度较大的整个温度场分布所产生的误差。 4.采用图像相加、偏微分、邻域平均等方法来消除图像噪声;绘制图像的灰度直方图来研究火焰幅度特征分布与温度分布的关系。 5.用Visual C++编制了一个基于Windows环境下的炉膛火焰温度检测应用软件。并设计了一套CCD摄像机的控制单元,利用控制CCD摄像机的镜头光圈大小和曝光时间来势CCD始终工作在非饱和状态下,保证了测量精度。 本文从实际问题出发,研究问题本身的物理机理、建立相应的数学模型、采用先进而适当的处理方法并设计了一个实验性的系统。

【Abstract】 This paper mainly focuses on detecting he temperature of combustion flame in CFB. In this system, high temperature TVs are used to collect images, digital image processing technology is applied to process images, thermal radiation theory and plane surface array CCD’ s chrome theory are introduced and the three ?color method is discussed to detect the temperature. The main job introduce the following aspects:1.According to the request of large area flame detection In modern CFB an idea named "Temperature Detection System Based on CCD and Digital Image Processing Technology" is decided. Basing on the mature and cheap high temperature in boiler is setup. The experimental data are obtained from above and these data are used to modeling.2.The physical process of boiler flame combustion and radiation and the three梒olor method using color CCD theory are studied. Mathematical model is constructed in order to explain the physical mechanism of flame temperature detection in boiler using CCD camera directly.3.A new temperature segmentation linear fitting method solves the problem caused by the nonlinear mapping between the temperature data and the chroma. That is dividing the temperature into some sections from high to low. Thus, the detection precision is improved. The error which is caused by figuring out the distribution of the whole temperature field by only one formula is estimated.4.It includes the following aspects:adopting the Partial Differential Equation and Neighborhood Average smoothing methods to reduce image noises. Mapping the RGB three 梒olor and gray scale histogram to study the relationship of flame features and temperature field distribution.5.Use Visual C++6.0 as a tool to program an applied software?"BoilerFlame Temperature Analysis System" . We also designed a CCD controllingpart. Using this we can easily make the CCD work under dissaturationand keep the measure precision.This paper is come from the practical problem. Physical mechanism of the problem itself is deeply studied. The corresponding mathematic model is constructed. The advanced and proper processing method is adopted, and finally an experimental system is designed.

  • 【分类号】TP274.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】175