

Research and Realization of WebSite System Supported by Multiple Clients

【作者】 宋晓慧

【导师】 赵广利;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目前大多数网站系统是为计算机客户端所设计的,但随着手机、固定电话和PDA等工具的加入,以及语音技术和WAP技术的发展,很多用户已经不再满足仅仅使用计算机作为信息获取的工具,他们希望能够利用更加方便快捷的手段得到信息。网站的经营者们为了满足用户的需求,也希望能将多种通讯工具应用到网站系统中去。因此,如何能将语音技术、WAP技术与现有的计算机网络技术结合,开发出功能更加多样的网站系统是我们目前所面临的一个重要课题。本文中所提到的MC_BOOK网站就是为此开发的一个支持多客户端的网站系统,它的特点是能够利用一套程序代码接收计算机、手机、固定电话等工具的访问,所使用的语言包括XML、HTML、WML、VoiceXML、JSP等。本文的主要工作是开发一些常用网站程序,并利用计算机、固定电话以及手机模拟浏览器对网站进行了测试,可以用普通的网页浏览以及语音交互等方式访问网站。 本文的研究工作对网站建设提出了新的想法。本文提出的支持多客户端网站系统的层次结构模型,支撑技术以及开发实例,对未来的网站建设具有一定的指导意义和参考价值。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, most of websites are designed only for terminals. However, as the participation of mobile, telephone and PDA, and the development of Voice and WAP technology, most users have not satisfied with the only function of computer as a tool to gather information. Conversely, they hope that they can capture the information more easily and fast. Websites’managers also wish to use a lot of communication tools to website system for the users’ need.Consequently, it is a significant subject in front of us that how to combine WAP and Voice technology to our forthcoming network in order to make our Web system more rich and colorful. The MC_BOOK website mentioned in this article is a website system surported by multiple clients for this reason.Its characteristic is to use a suit of program to acknowledgment the visit by computer,mobile and telephone.The program languages include XML,HTML,WML,VoiceXML,JSP etc.The paper mostly develop some common website programs. And test the website by computer,fixed telephone and mobile telephone browser. The website can be visited through the ordinary way and interactive voice way.The study of this article has expounded new ideas for website construct.The hierarchy model,supported technical and development example of website system supported by multiple clients that this article puts forward,for the coming website has important guidance meaning and reference value.

【关键词】 网站VoiceXMLWAP语音技术
【Key words】 WebsiteVoiceXMLWAPVoice
  • 【分类号】TP393.092
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