

Study on the Improvement of Fairways and Anchorages of Dalian Port

【作者】 赵春阳

【导师】 丁勇;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 党中央国务院下发了第11号文件,要把大连建设成为东北亚重要的国际航运中心,实施振兴东北老工业基地战略。 随着大连港口的发展,交通密度增大,船舶向大型化、专业化、高速化方向发展,使得海上交通量增加,通航环境质量下降。港口水域交通事故严重,船舶碰撞与养殖物侵占锚地和航道所造成的船舶损害已被列为大连市两个特大事故隐患,航行危险度增大不容忽视。 鉴于上述问题,辽宁海事局根据港口发展规划和海上航行安全监控的需要,认为有必要对大连港交通流进行调查,对港口航道锚地体系的功能进行改善,对船舶通航环境进行调研和规划。 本文在前项目工作的基础上,通过船舶交通的实态观测调查,港口船舶记录的查阅与统计报表以及问卷调查,并对调查数据进行统计处理和分析,得出大连港进出口船舶的交通和事故的基本数据,包括交通流的位置,交通流的方向,交通流宽度,交通流的密度情况,从而提出大连港交通流模型。 通过分析大连港的船舶交通现状和港口的实际情况,针对大连港交通流的规律和存在的特殊问题,结合专家意见,参考国内外航道锚地的设计情况,提出大连港航道锚地的规划方案。对提出的方案在模拟器上进行模拟,针对模拟结果,应用模糊数学的最大贴近度方法,比较现行航道、锚地与规划方案的优劣,得出规划方案优于现行方案。 采用本方案能有效改善船舶的通航环境,减少事故的发生,同时也可以加快船舶周转,产生经济效益,对建设东北亚航运中心有很大的实用价值。

【Abstract】 With the development of navigation, ships become bigger, faster and more specialized than ever. However the traffic condition in the Dalian port deteriorates due to the high traffic density. The number of traffic accidents in the port increases every year. Ship collision and the perils from the breed aquatics in the fairway and anchorage severely endanger the safety of the marine traffic in the port. Attention should be paid to the increase of danger in navigation.According to the plan of port development and also to satisfy the need of marine safety administration, investigation on the traffic flow is carried out. This investigation is aimed to improve the traffic condition by reforming the anchorage and fairway system.Marine traffic survey is the basis of traffic evaluation and reform. The distribution of track, the distribution of density and the distribution of speed are plotted out by investigation and reference to historical data. A traffic flow model is built. In the light of the information, this paper points out the defects of the existing anchorage and fairway system.A optimized scheme is put forward by analyzing the traffic condition in the port, the particular problem of the traffic flow of the existing system and the statistic data from investigation. The design of some famous ports is referred and opinions of experts are adopted while designing the system. The improved system of anchorage and fairway is simulated on the navigation simulator. Fuzzy mathematics is applied to exhibit the priorities of the new system over the existing one.If this plan is adopted, the traffic condition will be improved dramatically and traffic accidents will be greatly reduced. It can also speed up the efficiency of the port and accelerate the economic development of the whole city.

【关键词】 航道锚地规划交通流优选
【Key words】 fairwayanchoragedesignmarine traffic flowimprovement
  • 【分类号】U653.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】346