

Convenient Chain Store’s Marketing Model Innovation Research

【作者】 周丹

【导师】 时建人;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在营销领域中,由于营销观念的演进和信息技术的飞速发展,营销模式在不断变化。便利连锁店作为一种新兴的连锁经营企业与其它零售业态相比,其优势在于它的灵活、便利、服务多元化及高速准确的信息反馈,结合其优势选择适合的营销模式对便利连锁店的长期发展有重要的战略意义和实践价值。 本文借鉴了国内外营销模式研究的先进思想,以满足目标消费者需求为全文的出发点,在总结便利连锁业营销策略的基础上,对营销模式进行了创新性研究。由于市场是处于不断变化之中的,消费者的情况也各有不同,单一的营销模式往往不能满足市场发展的需求。在这种情况下,本文提出了综合式营销模式的观点,也就是统一化与差异化相结合的消费者导向的便利连锁营销模式。 便利连锁店的市场营销有五大要素:投资选择、区位选择、层位选择、战略选择和营销策略。为了构建适合的营销模式,首先,本文在便利连锁店投资选择,即商圈分析与网点布局分析的基础上,通过区位选择与层位选择确立了便利连锁店定位区分模型,对便利店进行了科学分类,把便利店划分为四个区位和三个层位;然后,本文对定位区分模型进行展开研究,依次探讨了不同区位便利店的营销战略和策略,其中重点研究了社区便利店的三级营销模式,特别是在高层位社区便利店的营销中,引入CRM,建立了顾客资产细分模型来优化顾客资产结构,使营销工作更有效率;论文最后对营销模式的研究做了归纳,提出了总结性质的便利连锁营销模式整合体系图。

【Abstract】 In marketing fields, the marketing model is developing rapidly because of the change in marketing concept and the development of information technology. As a newly chain store, convenient chain store has superiority in flexibility, convenient,multi-service, high-speed and accuracy information retrospect. So integrate its advantages and introduce suitable marketing model will be significant in theory and practice for the long run of convenient chain store.The thesis referred to advanced native and abroad thinking and had innovative research on convenient chain store’ s marketing model which starting from satisfying customer’ s needs and relying on the summarization of marketing tactics. Market is changing, customers are difference, a singe marketing style cannot satisfy the whole market demand. Under this circumstance, the thesis provided a generalization marketing model, that was a model combined normalization and divergent.Convenient chain store’ s marketing model has five key elements: investment selection,locatapn selection, layer selection, strategy and tactics selection. In order to constitute a suitable marketing model, firstly, a positioning distinction model was established which based on the analyses of business cycle and network layout, so the chain stores was classified scientifically into four locations and three layers; secondly, it spread out the positioning distinction model and discussed marketing strategy and tactics to the four sorts of chain stores, it emphasised on the three-layer-marketing model, in which CRM was introduced into the highest layer that customer assets subdivided model was established to ameliorate customer assets. In the end, it summarized the integrated systematic chart to the marketing model.

  • 【分类号】F717.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1372