

Study on Strengthening Combustion of Engine and Reduction of Exhaust Gas by Strong Discharge

【作者】 黄桂兵

【导师】 白敏冬;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 环境科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文结合国家自然科学基金重点资助项目“高气压下强电场电离气体的方法及其应用研究”以及交通部项目“超临界电场放电强化内燃机燃烧与改善尾气污染研究”,在常温常压下利用强电离放电非平衡等离子的方法进行了内燃机的强化燃烧以及NOx治理研究。同时以治理NOx为主要研究对象,采用强电离放电的方法在等离子体反应器内形成强电场,电子被强电场激励获得了能量,被加速了的电子与内燃机尾气发生弹性碰撞,NO和NO2等气体分子发生电离、分解等化学反应后被还原成无害N2和O2等气体。 利用强电离放电技术对4120-SG型柴油机的进机空气进行预处理,产生大量的OH-、HO2+、HO2-以及O2+、O2-、O3等高活性粒子,参与燃烧过程的组织,形成了燃烧的活化中心、加速滞燃期间雾化燃油的裂变反应,从而降低燃油燃烧所需要的活化能,进而降低滞燃时间,使柴油机工作平稳,达到了强化燃烧的目的。根据负载的不同,节油率在0.9%到2.5%之间,尾气排放指标也得到一定程度的改善。 在常温常压条件下,通过控制强电离放电的有关参数(E/n、Te)控制了等离子体化学反应,实现了脱除模拟气体和内燃机尾气中的NOx,为治理内燃机尾气中的氮氧化物提供一种绿色的新方法。电场强度、停留时间、处理量、氧气含量、NOx初始浓度、湿度等对NOx脱除均有不同程度的影响,可以通过控制相关参数釆优化NOx脱除率。在模拟气体实验中NOx脱除率达到92%,在实际内燃机实验中NOx脱除率达到49%。

【Abstract】 The pollution of atmosphere has becoming more and more serious, the exhaust is one main reason to this problem, NOx can form photochemistry and acid rain. This paper is aim to reduce NOx and to strengthen combustion of engine by strong discharge at normal pressure, which is based on "the study on strengthening combustion of engine and reduction of exhaust gas with ion discharge" and "the method and application of ionizing gas with strong electric field ".Strong electric field can be formed in the plasma reactor with strong discharge. Electrons become non-equilibrium when they get energy in the field, after exciting , ionizing and decomposing the molecules of NO and NO2 are reduced.Excited the air in the engine entry by strong discharge technologies, there will be produced much high active particle such as OH- ,HO2 ,HO2 ,O2+,O2 and O3, and these high active particle can abbreviate the ignition delay, so by this way, the combustion can been strengthened and become more placid. The fuel consume can been depressed 0.9% to 2.5% to the changed load.The concentration of O2, the concentration of NOx, the flow of exhaust gas, the content of H2O are effected by reduced electric field, when the original concentration is fixed, the concentration of NOx has effect on the ratio of NOx-deduce. By adjusting the parameter of dielectric barrier discharge, such as E/n and Te , reduction rate of NOx can be controlled.

  • 【分类号】X734
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】183