

A Study of Test Construction of Biology Integrative Paper on Integrative Abilities Test of Science

【作者】 王仁君

【导师】 陈继贞;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 当代科学的突出特点之一是学科间的相互交叉、相互渗透,综合化趋势日益增强。几百年来所形成的越分越细的学科划分已不能适应科学和社会的发展,同样,在此背景下培养出来的人才也不能适应社会的发展,因此,现代社会迫切需要培养有“T”型智能结构的人才。 实践证明,高考在强调语文、数学和外语学科的前提下,既需要选拔在某些学科上有所突破和特长的学生(纵向型);又需要选拔能综合运用多学科知识分析解决问题的学生(横向型)。两者不能互相替代,而后者还是当今更加缺乏的人才。鉴于现代科技的发展特点和对人才的培养要求,教育部采取了一系列措施,如2000年在部分省市的高考科目中增设“综合科目”。理科综合能力测试即为“综合科目”的一种,为小综合,生物学是其中的一科,2002年已在全国全面推开。 理科综合能力测试的命题强调以“知识立意”向“能力立意”转变,突出对学习方法和学习能力的考查,有利于高校选拔人才,有利于中学实施素质教育。要想真正体现能力立意,命题是关键。因此,生物学综合试题的命题研究就具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。但是,理科综合能力测试是当前我国教育改革和发展中的一项创新。目前在国外和国内仍非常缺乏这类考试可供借鉴的模式和经验。显然,生物学综合试题的命题研究还存在一些亟待深入研究和改革的问题。例如:要加强对测试的效度和信度的研究,应该有信服的数据、结论;要研究试题的结构和编制原则,何为最佳的,何为当前最适宜的;要研究命题时考核内容的选择,防止其选择的随意性;要尽量减少拼盘现象,使试题实现真正的综合。 鉴于此,本文主要采用了文献调研法、专家访谈法、测量法和统计法等方法,对我国理科综合能力测试进行全面探讨、并结合近几年我国及国外生物学综合试题的实证分析,从理论上对生物学综合试题的命题的指导思想、原则、模式以及试题的选材等问题进行研究、从实践上对生物学综合试题的设计、编制以及实测等方面进行探索、以期解决生物学综合试题命题中亚待解决的问题,使生物学综合试题命题更趋向完善。通过研究得出以下结论: 1.积极地进行理论研究是命制好试题的基础。笔者地对生物学综合试题命题的理论进行深入研究的基拙上,对其命题进行了有益的实践探索,认为其理论对命题起到了正确的指导作用。 2.命题原则是生物学综合试题命题的保证信息』胜原则、综合性原则、开放性原则、实用性原贝J、热点性原贝J及研兄性原则是生物学综合试题当前较适合的命题原则。 3.试题的选材是生物学综合试题命题的前提,本研究中提出了生物学综合试题选材的原贝,!、依据、维度以及操作胜等内容,对试题的正确选材提供了保证,克服了试题内容选择的随意性等缺点。 4.命题模式是命题理论与实践的中介与桥梁。根据学生解决问题方式的不同,构建了生物学综合试题命题的两种模式:解释性取向的命题模式和探究性取向的命题模式。这两种模式体现了以能力测试为主导的命题指导思想。 5.双向细目表是命制生物学综合试题的依据。其作用主要在于:其测试内容、测试目标及权重的规定,为编制生物学综合试题提供基础;从内容上保证测验的覆盖面,提高了测验的信度和效度;测试目标为测验的难度、区分度提供依据。 6.考试内容、被试总体、信度的评估方法、测验误差是影响生物学测验信度的主要因素。提高信度的方法就是试卷的覆盖面要广、题量要大、难度适中、采用适当的信度评估方法以及减小测验的误差等。 7.影响信度的因素也同样影响效度,但考试内容是影响效度的关键性因了素。考试内容与欲测的测试内容和测试目标的一致性程度越高,生物学侧验的效度就越高。 生物学综合试题的命题趋势将向以下儿个方面发展:继续坚持以能力测试为主导的命题指导思想;主重学科基础知识和基本技能的考查;突出图文信息转换与分析能力的考查;突出实验,重在考查科学方法与创新能力:关注社会热点和自然问题,突出对新知识、新成就和新观点的评价;呈现多学科交又,注重综合能力的考查

【Abstract】 One of the outstanding characteristics of contemporary science is the overlapping and permeating among different disciplines, which results in an integrated trend of the science increasingly. The strict division forming hundreds of years between different disciplines can’t accommodate the development of society and science any longer. Neither can the talents who are trained out under this background. As a result, modern society needs to train talents with "T" type intellectual structure urgently.It has been proved practically that with the precondition that Chinese, mathematics and foreign language must be emphasized we, in the college entrance examination, should pick out the students (a vertical type) who are expert in some subject as well as the ones (a horizontal type) who can analyze and solve problems with their multi-disciplinary knowledge. They can’t substitute each other, and the latter type is more needed nowadays. Considering the characteristics of modern science and its requirement of the talents to be cultivated, Ministry of Education has taken a series of measures, for example, setting up "integrative subjects" for the college entrance examination in some provinces and cities in 2000. One kind of "integrative subjects", the testing on integrative abilities of science, has already spread through the whole country in 2002. This is a small synthesis among which biology is a subject needed to be tested.The testing on integrative abilities of science emphasizes the transformation from "a conception of knowledge" to "a conception of ability" and the examination of learning methods and learning abilities, which helps theuniversity choose talents and the middle school to implement quality education. Test construction is of great importance in embodying the concept of ability. Consequently, a study of the constructing test items for a integrative biology examination is of great theoretical and practical significance. However, the testing on integrative abilities of science is an innovation in the educational reform and development of our country, and it still extremely lacks this kind of examination modes and suitable experience for reference both abroad and home. Obviously, there are still some questions needing further investigation and reform urgently in the research on the construction of a integrative biology test paper. For instance, there should be convincing datum and conclusions to enhance the research on reliability and validity; there should be an idea of the best and the most suitable way at present to study the structure and principles of a test paper; we should study the way of choosing the content for the paper to avoid a random choice; we should try our best to prevent a patchwork so that the paper may be a really integrative one.In view of this, by adopting the method of literature review, interviews with experts, measurement and statistics, the study probes into the testing on integrative abilities of science thoroughly. By an authentic analysis of the integrative test papers of biology at home and abroad in recent years, the study carries out a research theoretically into the guidelines, principles, modes and the choice of suitable materials etc. for the test construct, as well as a research practically into the design, workout and survey of the paper. It aims to solve the urgent problems in the biology test construction so as to make it perfect. Through research, the study draws the following conclusions:1. It is a foundation for constructing a good testing paper to carry out a theoretical research actively. Based on a profound research on the theories of test construction for an integrative paper of biology the study practices a meaningful exploration of test construction and is sure its theories play a role in guiding the proper construction a test paper.2. The principles of test construction are the assurance of the integrative test paper of biology. Information principle, integrative principle, open principle, practical principle, hot issue principle and research principle

【关键词】 生物学综合试题命题能力测试
【Key words】 biologyintegrative testtest constructionabilities test
  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】430