

【作者】 刘爱君

【导师】 钱加清;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 语文阅读教学历来是人们关注的焦点。随着语文课程与教学改革的深入,人们愈来愈呼唤教育对人的情感的关注,对人文素养的陶冶。教育部2001年颁布的《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(试验稿)》要求语文阅读教学要“注重情感体验”、“着重考察学生对形象的感受和情感的体验”。这一点,虽然已被语文教育界广泛关注,但从整体考察,尚缺乏全面和系统。本文试从以下四方面对此作初步探讨。 一、阅读教学中的唤情理念概说。阅读教学中的唤情理念指的是教师充分挖掘教材蕴含的情感因素,引导学生对课文进行情感体验,并运用各种手段和方式,唤起学生的这种情感体验,让学生的感情和课文所表达的感情产生共鸣,以达到优化语文阅读教学的目的。阅读活动作为人的一种实践活动,其情感体验的过程正好内在的吻合于教学过程中学生对外部世界(阅读)的接受与内化过程。 二、阅读教学中倡导唤情理念的必要性。阅读教学的现状不容乐观,倡导唤起学生情感体验的理念已是当务之急,其必要性主要体现在:(一)情感教育是语文素质教育的基本要素。情感教育凸现语文学科的本质,体现“以人为本”的理念,培养高度成熟的情感智慧,展现语文教学的高水平。情感教育是一种立足于“人”的教育,它着力培养“情智双全”的人,关乎学生整体素质的提高。(二)情感目标是阅读教学的主要目标之一,它与认知目标共同构成了语文教学的终极目标。(三)阅读教学是情感教育的重要渠道。阅读教学自身的特点适合情感教育,不论是教学内容、教学艺术,还是教学方法都具有情感性;新课程标准在对语文阅读教学的阐释中明确要求进行情感教育。(四)唤起学生的情感体验是情感教育的关键,这是由学生的阅读心理过程、个体心理生理特点以及情感体验在情感教育中的重要价值决定的。 三、阅读教学中唤情理念的实施策略。一种教学理念的实施,相应的必须有与之相匹配的策略,以便能在教学活动中具体操作。唤情理念的实施策略主要有:(一)品析语言,涵泳体味。文学是语言的艺术,通过语言符号解读文学作品、进行情感体验。分两步进行:一是感情朗读,情感驱动。由教师声情并茂的感情导读驱动学生的情感,再由学生自己反复朗读,含英咀华;二是语言领悟,情感内化。在美读驱情的基础上,分析语言,内化情感。(二)创设情境,熏陶浸润。创设与课文内容相适宜的教学情境,促使学生更深地理解教材内容,熏陶浸润学生的情感。具体途径包括:配乐朗诵,创设情境;语言再现,描绘情境;音像展示,渲染情境;编演“课本剧”,通过师生进行角色表演激发情感。(三)以情融情,诱发情感。在教学过程中,教师融入自·己的感情,展示教材蕴含的情感因素,去诱导、感染学生,唤起他们积极的情感体验。实施这一策略要求教师要“沉入”课文亲身体验,善于用语言和非语言等手段传递情感。(四)联系生活,升华情感。语文学习的外延与生活的外延相等。将阅读教学生活化,拉近语文学习和生活的距离。融入亲历,感悟作品;“焦点访谈”,升华情感。在开放的学习环境中,促进学生完整生命的和谐、可持续发展。四个策略前后相承,环环相扣,又各有侧重,互为渗透,步步加深学生的情感体验。 四、唤情理念观照下的语文教师。在唤情理念观照下,语文教师必须更新教育理念,提升教育能力,以适应新的教学要求,更好地落实情感教育目标。

【Abstract】 Chinese reading teaching has always been the focus of attention with the development of Chinese courses and the teaching reform, people appeal increasingly that the education pays does attention to the emotion of people and exert a favorable influence on the humanistic accomplishment. In 2001,the Ministry of Education of full-time schooling of compulsory Education (Third Edition) demanding that Chinese reading teaching should attach importance to emotional experience and emphatically investigate the students feeling about images and the experience of emotion, This point of view, although having gotten full attention from the Chinese educational circles is still not complete and systematic, viewing it as a whole. This article makes a preliminary probe into it from four aspects.First, the summary of the concept of arousing emotion in the reading teaching .To arouse emotion in the reading teaching means that the teacher thoroughly explores the emotional factors contained in the teaching material, guide the students to get a emotional experience of the material using all kinds of means and ways arouse the emotional experience of the students and let the emotion of the students identify with that of the material so as to achieve the goal of bettering Chinese reading teaching .Reading activity is one of the human practices with the process of its emotion experience identical with the process that students accept the outer world (reading) and get an inner change during the teaching .Second, the necessity of initiating the concept of arousing emotion in the reading teaching. The current situation of the reading teaching is bleak and the initiation of the concept is a top priority task. The necessity mainly embodies in four parts, first, the emotional education is the basic element of Chinese education for all-around development. The emotional education reflects the essence of Chinese course, gives expression to the term "people-oriented", develops highly nature emotional wisdom and reflects the high level of Chinese teaching. It bases itself upon people, puts emphasis on the training of people with both emotion and intelligence, affecting the enhancement of the whole quality of the students. Second, the emotional goal is one of the main goals of reading teaching, with the cognitive goal forming the final gold of the Chinese teaching.Third, reading teaching is an important channel of emotional education. The’ features of it itself apply to emotional education, because the content of teaching and the art of teaching, as well as the methods of teaching are emotional. The New Course Standard makes a clear demand of carrying out emotional education in the explanation of Chinese reading teaching. Fourth, arousing the emotional experience of the student is the key point of emotional education, which is decided by the psychological process during reading, the psychological physiological features of the individual and the important value of emotional experience in the emotional education.Third, the implemented policy of the concept of arousing emotion in the reading teaching. The implementation of a teaching concept must correspondingly have the fit policy in order to practice in the teaching activity. The implemented policies are: first to appraise the language and appreciate it. Literature is the art of language we understand the literary works by means of signs of language and have emotional experience. It shall follow the next two steps: to read it with emotion and stimulate emotion. The reading filled with emotion by the teacher evokes the emotion of students, and then the students read it time and time again and get a better grasp of it; to comprehend the language and make the emotion enter the inner life. Based on reading and evoking the emotion, to analyze the words and let the emotion enter the inner life. Second, to create an atmosphere and sublimate the emotion. To create the teaching, circumstances that is suitable to the contents of the text, help the students get a better understanding of it, and raise their emo

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