

Research on the Current Situation of Investigating and Strutting the Operation Mode of the P.E. Clubs in Chinese Universities

【作者】 刘建坤

【导师】 曹利; 解毅飞;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界科技突飞猛进,知识经济初见端倪,综合国力竞争日益激烈,而综合国力的竞争从根本上说是人才的竞争,大学体育在培养优质人才方面起着不可或缺的重要作用。因此,大学体育如何应对21世纪对人才素质的要求,如何在学生身心健康、技能掌握、意识培养等方面发挥应有的作用是目前非常值得研究的课题。长期以来,高校的体育教学无论在学生体质增强方面还是在学生终身体育意识的培养方面都还不是很到位,如何强化学生的体育参与意识,使其建立终身体育观、达到体育自立,一直是高校体育研究的热点。体育教学俱乐部作为一种新型的教学模式正是在这种大背景下应运而生的。目前有关高校体育教学俱乐部的研究主要集中在教学俱乐部的概念界定、俱乐部教学的优越性和可行性、俱乐部的教学模式构建、俱乐部发展中存在的问题及相应对策等方面。这些研究对体育教学俱乐部的发展都有一定的借鉴和启示意义,但总体而言,目前关于体育教学俱乐部的研究大都缺乏系统性和连贯性,涉及体育教学俱乐部方面的全局性、系统性研究不多,基于以上原因,本文对我国普通高校开展体育教学俱乐部的情况进行了调查分析,并尝试性地构建了其运作模式。 本文主要采用问卷调查法、文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等方法,得出如下结论: 1.目前我国开展体育教学俱乐部的普通高校主要集中于东北、东部沿海和南方一些经济比较发达的城市,呈“半环状”分布,表明了体育教学俱乐部分布的不均衡性特点。 2.目前有关体育教学俱乐部概念的研究还尚无统一定论,并且其他相关研究也缺乏一定的系统性,还不能从整体上把握体育教学俱乐部的发展规律,反映了体育教学俱乐部理论研究的相对滞后,自身理论体系构建的不完善,从而无法更好地指导体育教学俱乐部的实践。 3.在体育教学俱乐部的经费筹集方面,经济发达的地区要好于经济欠发达的地区,南方的普通高校要好于北方的普通高校,反映了区域经济对体育教学俱乐部经费筹集有较大影响。 4.体育教学俱乐部的费用有95%以上是由学校来承担的,由赞助单位来协助办学的普通高校还很少,表明俱乐部的融资渠道单一,尚未很好地吸纳社会资金参与办学。 5.有60.5%男生和50%的女生对体育教学俱乐部的现有场馆设施、器材配备不满意,表明除少数学校外,大部分开展体育教学俱乐部的普通高校场馆、器材建设相对滞后,不能满足体育教学俱乐部的发展需要。 6.中青年教师在体育教学俱乐部教师队伍中所占的比例较大,在教师队伍中各级职称的平均年龄差别过大;高学历教师所占的比例偏小;教授、副教授职称的平均年龄过高,尤其是教授已趋于老龄化;再者,俱乐部教师队伍的专项比例也不够合理,部分项目专职教师比例太小,表明体育教学俱乐部的师资队伍结构有待优化。 7.部分高校体育教学俱乐部的项目设置与大学生的选项情况不能很好地吻合,体现了调整俱乐部的项目设置并对大学生的选项情况进行适当引导的必要性。 8.体育教学俱乐部的教学模式单调,缺乏创新性,尚未摆脱传统体育教学模式的禁锢,在教学指导思想、教学内容、教学方法、教学评价等方面尚需作进一步的探索。 9.根据形式逻辑“发生定义”的方法,笔者认为体育教学俱乐部概念的内涵是“以体育学习者自觉结合为基础,以学校的运动场馆为依托,围绕着某一运动项目,以俱乐部的组织形式将体育教学、课外体育、运动训练、群体竞赛等融为一体的体育课堂教学模式。”其外延包括课外体育俱乐部(含单项体育俱乐部)、课内体育俱乐部与课内外相结合的体育俱乐部。 10.根据存在的问题,综合运用系统科学的相关理论,初步设计了普通高校体育教学俱乐部的宏观运作模式和微观运作模式,并对其职责功能进行 了定位,提出了“4系统6机制运作模式”:“4系统”指决策系统、执行系统、监督系统、反馈系统。决策系统是决定模式良胜运作的关健因素;执行系统准确无误地贯彻指令,是模式正常运作的核心;监督系统公正履行其监督功能,是模式运作的外部保障;反馈系统及时反馈信息,是模式减少决策失误的保证。‘。6机制运作模式”是指:(1)经费筹集机制子模式;(2)场馆器材建设机制子模式;(3)师资队伍建设机制子模式;(4)管理机制子模式;(5)俱乐部教学模式机制子模式;(6)俱乐部具体运作机制子模式。这一模式可为我国普通高校体育教学俱乐部的健康发展提供有效的理论和方法支持。

【Abstract】 Science and technology advances by leaps and bounds in our times, knowledge economy is becoming, the competition of the overall national strength is fierce day by day. And from the point of view, the root of the overall national strength is talent’s competition; P.E. of the university is exactly the important aspect of training high-quality talents. How does P.E. of the university tackle the requisition for talent’s quality in the 21st century, how to make the students physically and mentally healthy, grasp technical ability, train their lifetime consciousness of sports is worth studying very much. But traditional P.E. of university is not good at no matter strengthening aspect or cultivating students’ lifetime P.E. consciousness in fact. How to strengthen the sense of participation of students, make them to set up lifetime P.E. view, support themselves easily, which is the focus of study in university all the time. The P.E. clubs just arises at the historic moment under such background as a kind of new-type teaching mode. The research about the P.E. club of the university is concentrated on the definition of P.E. club, the superiority and the feasibility of P.E. club, the structure of teaching modes about P.E. club, existing problems in P.E. club’s development andcorresponding countermeasure, etc.. And there is some reference and enlightenment meaning to the development of P.E. club in this research, but in general, the research about the P.E. club mostly lack systematicness and continuity at present, and the overall and systematic research of P.E. club is little. Because of the above reason, this text has investigated and analyzed the situation that the ordinary higher university of our country launching the P.E.club, and tryto struct its operation mode.The thesis is a combination methods of questionnaire, documentary data, specialists interview, mathematical statistics and analysis model. Finally it draws conclusions as follows:1 .The ordinary higher universities launching the P.E.club concentrate on the Northeast, east coastal and south developed cities mainly, presenting "half a ring-type" distribution, which reflects the harmonious characteristics of the distribution of P.E. club.2. The concept of the P.E. club has not yet unified at present, and the other aspects of the research lack systematicness also, which can’t hold the rule of development of P.E. club on the whole, reflecting the relative lagging of the theoretical research of P.E. club. Its own theoretical system is not perfect, thus unable to guide practice of the P.E. club better.3.As raising funds of P.E.club is concerned, the developed district in economy is better than the low developing area, and the ordinary higher universities of the South are better than those in North, which indicates that the regional economy has great influence on the funds of P.E. club.4. Over 95% of the P.E.club expenses is undertaken by the schools, and seldom comes from supporting units, which indicates financing channel of P.E. club is single, the social fund has not well been received to participate in running P.E. club yet.5.There are 60.5% of the boy students and 50% of the girl students are unsatisfied with the existing venue facility and the apparatus of the P.E club at present, which indicates that except a few schools, the construction of the venue facility and apparatus in majority of ordinary higher universities have lagged behind relatively and can’t meet the developing needs of the P.E. club.6. The young teachers account for Large percentage in the teaching staff of the P.E.club, but the difference of the mean age between the professional title at all levels is too big; The academic structure of teaching staff in P.E.club isunreasonable, and the well educated teacher’s proportion is partial and small; The structure of professional title of the P.E.club teachers is also unreasonable, and the mean age of the professional title of professor and vice-professor is too high, especially the professors have already tended aged; Moreover, the p

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