

The Study of the Whole Nation’s Polybasic Service System Facing Shan Dong Province’s Comparatively Well off Society

【作者】 周慧

【导师】 曹莉; 解毅飞;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 全民健身计划作为一项宏大的社会系统工程,其最终的奋斗目标就是基本建成一个“具有中国特色的全民健身体系”。党的十六大深刻阐述了全面建设小康社会的目标,把提高国民健康素质作为全面建设小康社会的目标之一,提出了“形成比较完善的全民健身体系”的任务。因此,提高全民族的健康素质,构建比较完善的全民健身服务体系,既是全面建设小康社会的发展目标,又是全面建设小康社会的必然要求。人民生活进入小康社会阶段,中国群众体育发展的形式与内容都发生了很大变化,全民健身服务体系作为《全民健身计划纲要》实施的最终奋斗目标,它的建设和发展对群众体育的发展起着积极的促进作用。 目前关于全民健身的研究主要体现在以下几个方面:①全民健身现状的研究;②全民健身基本理论的研究;③全民健身发展趋势、战略的研究;④民族传统体育与全民健身的研究;⑤学校体育与全民健身的研究;⑥国内外的比较研究;⑦健身体系的研究。这些研究主要集中在现状调查和理论分析方面,且大多从某一角度、某一层面进行研究,缺乏对我国全民健身的整体性、系统性研究。因此,本课题主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、特尔菲法、比较研究法、数理统计法和逻辑归纳法等研究方法,对全民健身服务体系的概念进行了界定,并对山东省全民健身服务体系的建设现状进行调查分析,在此基础上构建具有山东特色的、与小康社会相适应的、多元化的全民健身服务体系,以期为全民健身的持续、健康发展提供理论决策依据。通过调查与分析,得出以下结论: 1.全民健身服务体系是全民健身体系的重要组成部分,是在政府的倡导下,在社会各方的参与下,遵循“以人为本”的原则,以满足不同区域、不同人群多元化的体育健身需求,使全体国民健康素质得到明显提高为目的,为全体国民参与体育健身提供良好的健身环境和条件的、具有公益性的服务系统. 2.有81.2%的山东省城乡居民认为体育锻炼对增进健康有较重要的作用;且有88.4%的居民首选了体育的健身功能。表明山东省城乡居民对体育本质功能的认同度较高,体育意识较强。 3.山东省城乡居民的体育消费大致呈倒“V’,字型,仅有15.1%的居民体育消费在201元以上,且这一消费水平保持在体育的实物消费上。反映出山东省城乡居民的体育消费能力已有一定提高,但相对来讲,体育消费的总体水平仍较低. 4.山东省16岁以上的体育人口达到总人口的19.1%,稍高于全国平均水平;体育人口的结构呈现出两端高中间低的“马鞍型”分布。 5.山东省城乡居民体育活动的组织形式中,居民自发组织的占58.4%;由学校、企事业单位组织的占13.5%;由居委会和村委会组织的占16.5%;由行政部门组织的占3.5%。体现了山东省的群众体育活动以自发为主组织的特点. 6.被调查的56个街道(或乡镇)中,82.1%有体育设施,其中97.8%的公共体育设施部分或全部向社会开放,但有49.2%的城乡居民到公园、广场等地活动,反映出山东省体育场地设施的开放率较高,但使用率较低。 7.山东省城乡居民对群众体育法规政策的了解程度得到广泛加强,但有72.4%的人是从电视节目中获取信息,表明了山东省城乡居民了解体育信息的渠道单一。 8.山东省平均每5 055人拥有一名社会体育指导员,且国家级和一级社会体育指导员仅占6 .4%,充分体现了优化山东省社会体育指导员人员结构的迫切性和必要性. 9.山东省已初步建成了群众体育管理系统,形成了市、县(区)、街道 (乡镇)三级管理模式。 10.山东省群众体育经费开始由主要依靠上级行政部门拨款向多渠道筹集资金方向转变。 11.有40%左右的街道(或乡镇)不举行或每年只举行一次群众体育活动,表明举办经常性的体育活动尚未真正落到实处。 1 2.针对山东省全民健身服务体系的建设现状,构建的山东省全民健身服务体系,可为有关部门科学规划管理我省的社会体育工作提供一定的理论和方法支持。

【Abstract】 As a great social systematic project, the final aim of the whole nation’s fitness plan as to establish basically a whole nation’s fitness system with the Chinese characteristics. The session of the NPC has elaborated deeply the aim of establishing a comparatively well off society wholly, taken it as one goal of establishing the comparatively well-off society of raising the whole nation’s physical quality, and come up with the task of forming a system of a comparatively perfect whole nation’s fitness plan. So, it has been become not only the goal of establishing the comparatively well-off society wholly, but also the necessary requirement of it to raise the whole nation’s physical quality and forming a system of comparative perfect whole nation’s fitness plan. The people’s life have been stepped in to a stage of comparatively well off society. The form and content of the development of athletics of Chinese people have been greatly changed. As the final struggling aim of the implement of the abstract of the whole nation’s fitness plan, the whole nation’s fitness service system’s construction and development has been playing an active role in the developing of the people’s athletics.Nowadays the study about the whole nation’s fitness mainly reflected from the following aspects: (1)the study about the whole nation’s fitness actuality. (2) The study about the basic theory of the whole nation’s fitness. (3)The study about the trend and the strategy of the whole nation’s fitness. (4)The study about the nation’s traditional athletics and whole nation’s fitness. (5)The study about schooling athletics and the whole nation’s fitness. (6)The study about thecomparison between the home and the abroad. 漏The study about the fitness system. All these studies mainly concentrated on the investigation about the actuality and the theoretical analysis, and most are just come from one aspect, or stay on the surface, lacking some whole and systematic study. So our topic mainly adopts the way of literature, questionnaire, investigation, comparison, statistics, logical generalization and limits the concept about the whole nation’s fitness service system, and has a analysis towards the actuality of the development of the whole nation’s fitness service system in Shan dong province. On these basic, we aimed to build the polybasic whole nation’s fitness service system with Chinese characteristic, which is adapted to the comparative well-off society, in order to apply the theoretical basis for the continuous and healthy development of the whole nation’s fitness. Through investigation and analysis, we come to the conclusions:1. The whole nation’s fitness service system is the main body of the whole nation’s fitness system. It is proposed by our government, participated by the whole nation, and observes the rule of " people oriented", in order to fulfill the fitness needs for different regions, kinds of people. And it is a system aiming to improve the whole nation’s fitness quality, supply the environment and condition for people’s athletics. And it is a system with public good.2. 81.2% of the dwellers hi Shan Dong province believe that it does good for our health of doing exercise. And 88.4% of the people firstly choose the function of enhancing our body, which shows that people in Shan Dong province have a higher agreement towards the function of athletics and have a stronger fitness consciousness.3. The consumption for athletics in Shan Dong province shows a word pattern of "V". There are only 15.1% of the residents whose consumption for athletics is above 201 yuan, and this level maintains on the object consumption. This reflects that the ability of affording to the athletics has been improved to a certain extent. But comparatively the whole level is still comparatively low.4. The population taking part in the athletics in Shan Dong province which attach to 16 years old have accounted for 19.1% of the whole population, some what higher than the average level of the whole nation; the formulation appears to be a form of " saddl

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