

Buckwheat Solid-State Fermentation by Monascus and Analising and Determination of the Products

【作者】 苏万春

【导师】 赵树欣;

【作者基本信息】 天津科技大学 , 发酵工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文主要是研究了红曲霉在荞麦介质上的生长、发酵条件、产生莫那可林K的情况,并对莫那可林K、桔霉素、黄酮作了分析检测。 初步确立了红曲霉在荞麦介质上的生产莫那可林K的条件:荞麦清洗,在pH=2.0左右的乳酸水溶液里浸泡0.5h,装料量为20g/皿,30℃,86%湿度,培养9天,25℃,自然湿度下,培养4天。 针对荞麦极易染菌,分析得到原料和周围环境的不洁净是其主要原因,经过实验确定了防治措施:用pH=2.0左右的乳酸水溶液浸泡荞麦,可以抑制细菌的生长;保持周围环境的洁净可以避免其他霉菌的污染;乳酸对红曲霉的生长、莫那可林K的产生没有影响。 分析了不同原料(大米、荞麦、薏米、豆渣)发酵样品测得的莫那可林K和桔霉素的高压液相色谱图。 分析了荞麦发酵前后黄酮含量的变化,发酵前后黄酮含量变化不大,发酵前是0.22%,发酵后是0.20%;并对大米和荞麦发酵前后的抗氧化性作了初步的测定,大米和荞麦在发酵前后均有抗氧化活性,发酵后抗氧化性均有所提高,荞麦发酵物的抗氧化活性比大米的要高。

【Abstract】 In this paper,the growth,the fermentation conditions,the production of monacolin K and so on were studied;and the monacolin K ,the citrinin and the flavone was detected and analised.The fermentation conditions were preliminarily determined as followsrthe buckwheat was cleaned,then was dipped in the water(pH=2,lactic acid) for 0.5h,and was placed in the plates(20g/plate),and 30 C,86%(humidity) culvated for 9 days and decreased to 25 C up to 13 days.Contamination existed in the course of Monascus solid-state fermentation.The main sourses of contamination were analysed,that was the uncleanness of the raw material and surroundings.The buckwheat dipped in the water(pH=2,lactic acid) could reduce the contamination of bacteria,at the same time keeping the cleanness of the surroundings could reduce contamination of mold as less as possible . The HPLC charts from diffetent sourses was analysed.The content of the flavone was detected and the differences of the contents of the flavone was analysed.The flavone was less losed in the fermentation.The antioxidative property of the buckwheat extraction was better than that of the rice extraction;and after the fermentation,the antioxidative property was incresed.

【关键词】 红曲霉固态发酵荞麦莫那可林K
【Key words】 MonascusBuckwheatSolid-station fermentationMonacolin K
  • 【分类号】TQ925
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】381