

Studies on Propagation Technology of Crabapple

【作者】 付红祥

【导师】 汤庚国;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究对海棠(Malus spp.)种子休眠机理、打破休眠方法、一年生播种苗生长规律和扦插繁殖技术等进行了探讨,试验结果如下: 1.种子休眠机理 八棱海棠(M.robusta)和山荆子(M.baccata)种子饱满,胚形态发育完全,不存在种胚形态后熟现象。种皮机械阻力对休眠影响不大,种皮的透水性不强,影响种子的吸涨吸水进而影响种子发芽。种皮内含抑制物质是导致八棱海棠种子休眠的原因之一。八棱海棠种子休眠的另一关键原因是种胚内的抑制物质。经试验研究,初步断定八棱海棠种子内GA、ZR和ABA三激素水平的平衡影响种子休眠和发芽。 2.解除休眠的方法 以八棱海棠为试验材料,使用GA溶液浸种,不能完全打破种子休眠。低温层积80天即可解除八棱海棠种子休眠。裸层积和沙层积在解除种子休眠上的效果是一致的,但裸层积对外界环境的变化敏感,层积时要注意外界环境的稳定。GA溶液预处理后低温层积可明显缩短层积时间(比直接沙层积缩短20天),其发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数均比直接沙层积的相应指标高。 3.一年生播种苗年生长规律 八棱海棠的苗高生长过程呈现“慢-陕-慢-快-慢”的节律,生长规律可拟合为两个方程: 苗高与地径存在相关性,回归方程为: 苗木生长与生态因子关系密切,多元回归分析得:气温是苗高生长的主导因子。地境条件对苗高影响较大。 4.扦插繁殖技术 从扦插时间、插条类型、外源激素处理等方面开展研究,试图探索出一种有效的扦插方法,但各方法效果均不佳。

【Abstract】 This paper carried out a research of crabapple on seed dormancy mechanism , dormancy break method, the growth process of the annual seeding height and root foot-diameter for seed sowing and breed technology in cuttage , etc. The results shown as follows:1. The dormancy mechanism of seedThe seed coat mechanical obstruction of Mains robusta and M. baccata has effectless on dormancy of seed, bad ventilation of seed coat has certain influence to the germination of the seed. Germinaiton inhibitors in seed coat is one of the reasons which causes the dormancy of M.robusta seed. M.robusta and M. baccata seed is plump. The form of embryo is ripe. It does not have a kind of embryo with after-ripening form phenomenon . The main reason of dormancy of seed of M.robusta is the germinaiton inhibitors in the embryo. Through this study, it is concluded that the balance of GA, ZR and ABA in seed of M.robusta influence dormancy and germination.2. The method to break dormancyRegard M.robusta as test the material , It can’t break the seed dormancy totally with GA solution to soak seed . It is effectual to breaking the dormancy of seed that low temperature stratification. The dormancy of seed of M.robusta is broke if stratified for 80 days. Naked stratification is accumulated and sand stratification is accumulated and equate the result which removes the dormancy of seed, but naked stratification accumulates change of the external environment sensitivly, The stratification keeps up with stability of the external environment, low temperature sand stratification of pretreatment of GA solution is obvious to shorten stratification time (shorten 20 day than that of sand layer), and its germination percentage, tendency of sprouting and germination index is higher than the corresponding index of sand stratification.3. Annual Growth Dynamics of One-year-old SeedingsThe growth process of the annual seeding height of M.robusta presents the rhythm of Slow - Fast -Slow-Fast-Slow". The growth process can be fitted into two ’S’ shape curves. It’s as follows:Seeding height growth and collar diameter growth are relevant, are fit for curves of cubic polynomial. It is:Y=-13. 373+182. 705x-304. 04x2+192. 747x3 (R2=0. 987)The grown is in close relation with ecological factor , The multivariate regression analysis indicated that the temperature is the main factor in influencing the growth of seeding height. It is great that the border condition in influencing the seeding height. 4. Breeding technology in cuttageThe author deals with breeding technology in cuttage from cuttage time , cutting type, hormone ,etc. Attempt to put forward an effective cuttage method , but every method result is not good.

  • 【分类号】S661.4
  • 【被引频次】14
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