

Studies on Anti-drought and Resistence to Sphaeropsis Sapinea of Pine Seedlings Treated with Water-Retaining-Agents

【作者】 朱云峰

【导师】 叶建仁;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 森林保护学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以湿地松和火炬松幼苗为实验对象,探讨了科瀚98、黑金子和Stocksorb 400k三种保水剂在水分胁迫下对松苗的活性氧代谢,水分代谢和生长发育的影响以及与抗松树枯梢病关系的研究。测定和比较了三种保水剂的吸水保水性能。同时,有针对性地选用了光合增产宝、水杨酸、硼酸钠和“福来兮”生防制剂等进行防治松树枯梢病的试验,比较了多种防治措施的防治效果。主要研究结果如下: 1 保水剂吸水速度快,在形成凝胶状后不易消解,较稳定。水的纯度越高吸水倍率越大,在蒸馏水中的吸水倍率明显高于在自来水的吸水倍率。溶液pH值大于或小于7都明显降低保水剂的吸水能力。保水剂的吸水能力随溶液盐浓度的升高而显著下降,当盐浓度高于0.5%时,保水剂几乎不再吸水而失去吸水性能。钙离子对三种保水剂吸水能力的影响又大于钾离子的影响。三种保水剂的吸水能力是:科瀚98>黑金子>Stocksorb 400k。  2 保水剂可有效抑制土壤水分蒸发,使土壤在较长时间内维持较高的土壤含水量。三种保水剂中,以科瀚98抑制土壤蒸发的效果较好。室内和室外实验都表明,保水剂可降低土壤容重,增加土壤总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度,进而改善土壤通透性和物理结构。 3 保水剂对火炬松盆栽苗的实验表明,保水剂能明显减轻水分胁迫对松苗造成的危害。水分胁迫下保水剂处理的松苗水分亏损较小,叶片相对含水量明显高于对照;MDA和游离脯氨酸的含量及上升幅度都低于对照;而SOD和POD活性在整个变化过程中都不同程度的高于对照。其中科瀚98处理的松苗其叶片相对含水量较其它两种保水剂处理高。接种松枯梢病原菌后,保水剂处理的松苗其发病率和发病程度都明显低于对照。 4 科瀚98处理湿地松苗的实验表明,水分胁迫下施用保水剂能明显降低水分胁迫的程度,促进松苗的高、径生长及增加根和地上部的干物质重,胁迫越重,保水剂处理与对照差异越显著。与对照相比,保水剂处理的松苗其茎水势增幅达0.27 MPa~0.87MPa。而松苗的根干重,地上重,根系长、苗高和径粗分别高出对照10.2%~75.7%,8.8%~66.9%,1.1%~30.8%,4.8%~17.9%,8.2%~29.2%。根冠比也显著增大。 5 “福来兮”微生态剂对松树枯梢病有较好的防治效果,接种病原菌后松苗基本不发病。而硼酸钠、水杨酸和光合增产宝对松树枯梢病的防治效果不理想。

【Abstract】 Under water stress, the experiment studied the effect of three polymers(Kehan98, Heijinzi, Stocksorb 400k) on the physio-biochemical changes(active oxygen metabolism, water metabolism, growth) of pine seedlings(Pinw.s taeda, P. eliottii), and on the resistence to Sphaeropsis sapinea of P. eliottii after inoculation. Meanwhile the properties of water-absorption and water-retention of three polymers were researched in lab and field experiments. The control experiment against S. sapinea was conducted in P. taeda treated with different medicine, including Zenchanbao, salicylic acid, Na2B4O7 10H2O and Fulaixi. The results are as follows:1 Three polymers absorbed water quickly and did not decomposed easily after becoming gelatinous. Water purity degree affected the water-absorption ability. The water is more pure, the water-absorption magnification is higher. The order of the water-absorption ability of three polymers in two types of water is: distilled water > running water. With the increasing solution concentration, the water-absorption ability declined markedly. When the concentration of solution was above 0.5%, the water-absorption ability did not show further. The influence of Ca2+ was higher than K+. When the pH of solution was either higher or lower than 7, water-absorption ability declined. In three polymers, Kehan98 showed best performance, Heijinzi is next and Stocksorb 400k last.2 Three polymers can reduce effectively the soil water evaporation, making soil maintain much amount of water in longer period contrary to the control. Among them, Kehan98 is better. The experiments in either field or lab both indicated that the application of polymers could increase soil moisture content, enhance the moisture-preserved capacity of treated soil. When being treatd with polymers, the soil bulk density declined with the decrement of 3.9%-13.8 %; but the soil air porosity increased with the increment of 52.7 %-63.8 %; the total soil porosity improved markedly, and the increment could up to 95.7%; but the soil capillary porosity had a little increase. Obviously, the application of polymers to soil was a good method to improve the physical characteristics of soil.3 In the Loblolly pine potted experiment, the application of polymers could obviously alleviate the damage to pine seedlings caused by water stress. Compared with the control, RWC and contents of MDA and free proline of the polymer-treated pine seedlings under water stress, all were obviously lower, but activities of SOD and POD were higher in whole variety process. Among them, Kehan98 polymer show better performance than the other two polymers. Afterinoculatin, the pine seedlings without polymer treatment all died because of S. sapinea infections or water deficit, but those treated with polymers only have slightly damage.4 Under water stress, the application of Kehan98 polymer could markedly reduce the degree of water stress and heighten water potential of stem with an increment of 0.27 MPa ~0.87MPa; and promote the growth of the seedlings of P. taeda, as a result of significant increasing plant height(4.8%~17.9%), stem width(8.2%~29.2%), the root length(l.l%~30.8%), dry material weght of root (10.2%~75.7%), and dry material weght of stem and leaves (8.8%~66.9%).5 In the control experiment, Fulaixi show good resistence to S. sapinea, the incidence of desease is very low. But ZenchanBao, salicylic acid and Na2B4O7 10H2O all had no control effects on die-back of pines.

  • 【分类号】S763.7
  • 【被引频次】7
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