

【作者】 李孝君

【导师】 吴世亮;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文的选题是金融机构市场退出研究,因此论文的论述是紧紧围绕着这个论题展开的。本文通过对国内问题金融机构的现状分析,借鉴国际上的有益经验,提出建立适合中国国情、与国际接轨的对有问题金融机构救助和处置的机制。 本文所讨论的金融机构的市场退出主要侧重于银监会监管的办理存贷款业务的金融机构。 除引言外,本文共分为八个章节,第一章主要分析了我国问题金融机构产生的原因。在第二章中,本文认为,目前我国金融机构的市场退出机制存在着很多制度缺陷和难点。并在第三章论述了问题金融机构处置的国际经验。 第四至七章为本文之核心部分。通过前三章的分析和铺垫,第四章重点论述了处理有问题金融机构的基本框架,阐明了金融机构市场退出应遵循的原则、条件、方式、程序和所涉及的相关机构,并提出了资金支持及损失的分担安排。第五章则阐述并分析了金融机构退出的法律基础和基本构架,提出建立金融机构的破产制度具有很大的理论和现实意义。第六章重点论述了金融机构的风险预警系统和处理金融机构风险的应急处理机制,认为:建立金融预警和金融风险的应急处理机制都是保障金融体系稳健运行的安全网。 第七章对存款保险制度进行了重点分析和研究。本文认为,存款保险是金融机构市场退出中的一项重要内容,对建立金融机构有效的市场退出机制具有重要作用。第八章总结全文。 研究表明,在经济全球化的今天,开展对问题金融机构的救助与市场退出机制研究,对我国金融业的健康发展以及金融改革具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 The titles of thesis is to the research that financial institutions exit from the market, so theAnalyses of thesis is to launch around these proposition tightly.This text analysis the domestic troubling financial institutions, reference the helpfulexperience abroad, Set up a series of mechanisms which succour and handles troublingfinancial institution and which suit China’s actual conditions and in line withinternational standards.The financial institution that this text discusses particular emphasis on China BankingRegulatory Commission(CBRC) supervises the financial institution which handle thebusiness of the loans and deposits.Besides foreword, this text divides into eight chapters ,It analyses the reason of thetroubling financial institution mainly in Chapter one. In Chapter two, I thinks , therehave a lot of system defects and difficult points in the exit mechanism at present. Itanalysis the international experience in Chapter three.It is the key part of this text from the Fourth to Seven Chapters .It set up basic frameswhich deals with the troubling financial institution in Chapter four, Including theprinciple, condition, way, procedure and relevant organizations that are involved, Andput forward the arrangement of sharings of financial support and loss. It explained andanalyzed legal foundation and basic framework that the financial institution exit inChapter five, Propose that the bankrupt system of the troubling financial institutionhas important theoretical and realistic meaning. Chapter six expound the theoreticalbasis of constructing the Risk forewarning mechanism and emergency managementmechanism, emphasis : It is all to ensure the financial industry safety.Chapter seven Analysis and study the deposit insurance system deposit insurance.Research indicates , today there carries a systematic method to the market exit of thefinancial institutions from both theoretical and practical perspectives, which has greatimplications in both theories and practices to the sound development of the financialcircles of our country and financial reform.

  • 【分类号】F832
  • 【被引频次】2
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