

【作者】 叶迎

【导师】 冯虹;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 劳动经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国市场经济的发展和入世后企业竞争的加剧,我国企业家市场的建设和发展受到越来越多的关注。企业家人力资本作为一种经济资源,而且是一种决定其它一切资源配置效率的基础性资源,它配置的是否有效率,直接决定着其它经济资源配置效率的高低。因此,建立并完善企业家人力资本市场,已成为发展社会主义市场经济的迫切需要。 但是,在我国的实践中,中国的企业家人力资本市场建设明显滞后于市场化改革的整体进程,与不断发展和完善的商品市场、金融资本市场相比较,市场对人力资本的基础性配置作用仍难以充分发挥。 在这种背景下,对与企业家人力资本市场相关的理论进行系统阐述和分析,对我国企业家人力资本市场的发展现状和改革措施进行深入的探讨,成为一项具有较强现实意义的课题。 本论文的主要内容包括: 首先,简要介绍现代企业理论在发展的过程中出现的三个分支:企业的契约理论、企业的企业家理论和企业的管理者理论,以及现代企业理论对企业家人力资本市场的启示。 第二,在现代企业理论的基础上,依据现代人力资本理论,对企业家、人力资本和企业家人力资本等相关概念展开逐层深入的阐述。 第三,针对企业家人力资本市场的概念、特征及其存在的必要性进行阐述,并对企业家人力资本市场作为现代市场经济体系的有机组成部分所发挥的特有功能进行分析。 第四,结合我国的实践,对我国企业家人力资本市场运行中具体存在的主要问题进行分析。 第五,关于建立和完善我国企业家人力资本市场的思考和建议。

【Abstract】 With the development of China’s market economy and the keen competition faced by enterprises after the entry to WTO, the construction and development of China’s entrepreneurial human capital (EHC) market has gained more and more attention. As EHC is a kind of economic resource and also a fundamental one, its collocation efficiency directly determines the collocation efficiency of all the other resources. Therefore, establishing and making up the EHC market comes to be an urgent demand of the Socialistic Market Economy.However, in the practice of China’s reform, the construction of EHC market is obviously delayed to the overall proceeding of China’s market economic reformation. Compared with the commodity market or financial market which go on persistent improvement these years, the collocation function of EHC market is still not got full exertion.Under this circumstance, it is a valuable attempt to perform systemic expatiation and analysis, and carry out thorough discussion on the developing situation and reformation measures.The thesis mainly includes the following parts:First, briefly introduce the three representative branches of the modern enterprise theory, which are contract theory, entrepreneur theory and manager theory. And then discuss the theoretical significance to EHC market.Secondly, on the basis of the modern enterprise theory and the modern human resource theory, go deep in the relevant concepts, such as entrepreneur, human capital,EHC etc.Thirdly, state on the concept, characters and the existence necessity of EHC market .And analyze the special function of the EHC market in the market economicsystem.The fourth, combined with China’s practice, perform an analysis on some important problems of our country’s EHC market.At the end, set forth some suggestions about the establishment and improvement of China’s EHC market.

  • 【分类号】F272.91
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1176