

The Status Quo and Countermeasure of Mid-small Businesses Corporate Governance

【作者】 许俊锋

【导师】 张义珍;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中小企业是同大企业相对应而存在的,共同促进了社会的全面发展。现代经济的一个重要特征就是伴随着社会专业化分工、交通运输业和信息技术发达程度的不断提高,企业规模小型化已经成为一种客观趋势。中小企业的重要性将日益突出。我国现阶段劳动力资源丰富而资本相对缺乏,最适宜发展劳动力密集型的中小企业,为此国家还专门制定了法律来规范和支持中小企业的发展。 在我国入世之后,市场竞争更加激烈,中小企业因其规模小而难以抵御市场波动的风险,诸多的知名中小企业纷纷落马,面对严峻的外部环境,如何才能促进中小企业的良性发展?建立和完善中小企业治理结构就成为当务之急。目前我国对于中小企业治理结构的研究比较滞后,相关的企业治理结构研究大多是关注大型企业和上市企业而忽视了众多的中小企业,只有少数的学者就中小企业中乡镇集体企业和民营企业的家族式管理的个别治理问题进行了分析探讨,缺乏对中小企业治理结构进行全面系统的研究。 本文针对我国中小企业治理结构的研究现状,在吸收国内外有关企业治理结构理论研究成果的基础上,首先通过对比国外中小企业规模的界定标准,结合我国中小企业发展的实际情况合理的界定了本文中所研究的中小企业的含义;尔后从企业治理结构的各种概念入手,通过对各种定义的分析比较,明确了企业治理结构的涵义与特征;并且结合我国中小企业的特点进一步探讨分析了中小企业治理结构的内涵与特征;在此基础上建立了所有制分析、资本结构分析、股权结构分析以及人力资本分析为主体的理论分析框架,从中分析探讨了中小企业治理结构各相关因素的制衡机理;按照上述理论分析框架,分别对国有中小企业中的乡镇集体企业和民营中小企业中的家族企业的企业治理结构现状进行了分析,并结合“苏南模式”和“温州模式”的发展历程作了简要的案例分析;最后,从国家宏观调控的角度和中小企业自身微观的角度探讨了对策建议。

【Abstract】 Mid-small businesses and great businesses are playing very important role in the development of society and economy. With the development of social specialization communication and information technique, it is a objective trend to minimize the businesses. Mid-small businesses will be very important in the future. It is suitable to develop the mid-small businesses in China because there is full of labor resource. For realizing that objectives, the government have laid down laws to ensure the development of the mid-small businesses.Especially joined the WTO, the competition of market is very fierce. Because of small in scale, mid-small businesses can not stand up to the risk of market. A great deal of famous mid-small businesses has gone bankrupt. How to develop the mid-small businesses ? It is very essential to strengthen the mid-small businesses corporate governance. Now the theoretical research on mid-small businesses corporate governance is very backhand in China. A few of scholar analyses some of problems in the mid-small businesses corporate governance. It is very short of systematic research.The article aims for the research circumstance of the mid-small businesses corporate governance in China. Firstly, the article begins with the conception of the mid-small businesses. Secondly, the article analyses corporate governance related conception, illustrates the implication and feature of the mid-small businesses corporate governance. Thirdly, the article constructs a theoretical model and use it analyses the circumstance of town and village enterprises corporate governance and family enterprises corporate governance. At last, from the angle of the macro-management of the government and the angle of the micro-management of the mid-small businesses, puts forward national policies and specific countermeasure.

  • 【分类号】F276.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1053