

Fruit Nourishment Component Analysis of Wild Jujube Germplasm Resources and Germplasm Evaluation

【作者】 杨雷

【导师】 周俊义;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 果树学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 酸枣是广泛分布于我国北方诸省的一种重要的野生果树和药用植物资源,具有很高的营养和食疗价值,以及纯天然、无污染、富含营养等独特优势,并且还是枣树的优良砧木和抗性育种材料以及水土保持的先锋树种。但一直缺乏系统的研究,对酸枣种质资源的开发和利用尚不够充分。本研究对149份酸枣种质资源果实的生物学性状、营养成分进行了系统的分析,得出了各性状和成分的分布规律及变异情况,并且从中筛选出了有重要应用价值的资源。其主要研究结果如下: 1 得出了酸枣种质资源主要数量性状的分布范围,变异系数,分布规律,并且对主要数量性状进行了概率分级,统一划分为了5级。变异系数最大的前3个性状为:双仁率(56.18%)、单果重(55.82%)和可滴定酸(55.49%);变异系数最小的3个性状为:仁厚度(6.94%)、可食率(10.04%)和仁横径(10.89%)。 2 得出了酸枣种质资源果实主要数量性状的相关性。 3 对酸枣种质资源果实若干重要性状描述标准进行了规范,即果实的颜色主要分为桔黄色、红色、深红色、紫红色四种类型;种仁的颜色主要分为桔黄色、桔红色、紫红色三种类型;果实的形状主要分为近圆形、椭圆形、卵圆形、倒卵圆形、圆柱形、扁圆形、梭形七种类型;果实的风味主要分为极酸、酸、酸甜、甜酸、甜五种风味。 4 应用灰色关联分析的方法,筛选出了可用于鲜食、加工用的酸枣资源10份:分别是(加权):邢台27号,邢台11号,邢台33号,邢台16号,资源圃24号,邢台28号,赞皇5号,邢台6号,邢台2号,邢台17号;(等权)邢台27号,邢台16号,邢台28号,邢台2号,邢台34号,资源圃24号,邢台11号,邢台33号,邢台17号,邢台29号。 5 应用灰色关联加权分析的方法:筛选出了矿质元素综合含量高的前5份资源是:邢台26号,邢台6号,邢台2号,邢台34号,邢台17号。 6 应用灰色关联分析的方法:筛选出了仁生物学性状好的前10份资源是(加权):C-17,C-10,E-8,邢台30号,C-23,邢台27号,A-4,邢台10号,邢台6号,小枣园3号。 7 应用概率分级的方法:筛选出了大果形资源19份;高可食率资源14份;高可溶性糖资源11份;高可滴定酸资源19份;高维生素C资源13份;高多糖资源10份。高双仁率资源16份;高出仁率资源17份;高千仁重资源16份。

【Abstract】 Wild jujube is one kind of significant uncultivated fruit tree and medical plant resource whick is widely distributed to many north provinces of China, and it has very high nourishment, diet therapy value, and special properties of pure nature, unpollution, and having abundant nutrition and so on, moreover wild jujube is also a kind of good stock, resistant breeding material and a van specie for the water and soil conservation. But, being lack of systematic research all the way, the wild jujube’s development and use are not yet sufficient. This research has carried on system analysis to fruit biology characters and nourishment components about 150 wild jujube resources and obtained every character and component distribution regular pattern and variation situation, moreover selected out the resources that possess significant application value. The results are as follows:1 The distribution range of main quantitative characters of wild jujube germplasm resources, coefficient of variation, distribution rule are obtained, moreover probability grading of main quantitative characters are carried and divided into 5 grades. The frist 3 characters based coefficient of variation are rate of two kernel (56.18%), single fruit weight (55.82%) and titratable acid (55.49%); the last 3 characters are thickness of kernel (6.94%), edible rate (10.04%) and width of kernel (10.89%).2 Main quantitative characters correlations of wild jujube germplasm resources are obtained.3 Several significant characters description criterions of wild jujube fruit have been carried on norm. Namely fruit color is chiefly divided into yellow, red, dark red color and purplish red color four kinds of forms; the color of kernel is chiefly divided into orange yellow, orange red color and purplish red color three’ kinds of forms; the fruit shape is chiefly divided into closely circular, oval, egg circular, the egg toppling circular, the cylinder form and circular and shuttle form seven kinds of forms; the flavor of fruit is chiefly divided into exceedingly acid, acid, sweet and acid, honey acid and honey five kinds of flavour.4 Selecting out 10 kinds of wild jujube resources for fresh eating and juice making through grey relating analysis. That are (weighted): Xing tai 27, Xing tai 11, Xing tai 33, Xing tai 16, resources garden 24, Xing tai 28, Zan huang 5, Xing tai 6, Xing tai 2 and Xing tai 17, (Equal weighted): Xing tai 27, Xing tai 16, Xing tai 28, Xing tai 2, Xing tai 34, Resourcesgarden 24, Xing tai 11, Xing tai 33 , Xing tai17 and Xing tai 29.5 Selecting out 5 high mine element resources through grey relating analysis. That are (weighted): Xing tai 26, Xing tai 6, Xing tai 2, Xing tai 34 and Xing tai 17.6 Selecting out 10 resources which kernel biology characters are good through grey relating analysis. They are (weighted): C-17,C-10, E-8, Xing tai 30, C-23, Xing tai 27,A-4, Xing tai 10, Xing tai 6,Little Date Garden 3.7 Selecting out 19 high single fruit weight resources, 14 high edible rate resources, 11 high soluble sugar resources, 19 high titratable acid resources, 13 high vitamin C resources, 10 high Polysaccharides resources, 16 high rate of two kernel, 17 high kernel rate from pit resources, and 16 high one thousand kernels weight resources through application probability hierarchical method.

  • 【分类号】S665.1
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】527