

Comprehensive-Evaluation System of Walnuts’ Quality Based on Virtual Instrumentation

【作者】 李莉

【导师】 杨世凤;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 高品质、绿色果品的生产是21世纪农业发展的重要方向之一。核桃是世界四大坚果之一,也是重要的进出口商品,受到世界各国的普遍重视。核桃综合评价标准是评价核桃质量和确定其经济价值的重要依据,也是合理利用资源的前提条件。评价标准是否恰当,不仅影响到分级结果的客观准确性,也关系到果树科学技术水平的提高。目前在我国,人们对核桃坚果品质的分级一直采用人为加权打分的方法进行品种性状指标的比较,这种方法过程繁琐,所需时间长,同时带有一定的人为主观因素。长期以来,因缺乏对核桃品质检测的标准和科学的分级手段,使各种产品混杂上市,为核桃的进出口贸易带来了极大地不便,也大大影响了我国核桃的商业价值和信誉,在国际市场上缺乏竞争力。中国加入WTO后,这个问题显得更加突出。因此,现在迫切需要进行核桃品质检测及综合评价新技术的开发和研究,以适应科学技术的飞速发展及市场需求。 针对以上问题,本系统采用虚拟仪器技术,结合传感技术、测试技术和综合评价理论,设计、开发了一套软硬件相结合的核桃坚果品质综合评价系统。由于核桃属于坚果类,有其不同于水果等其它果品特征的自身特点。本系统通过对核桃硬壳等参数的定量化测量的方法,结合综合评价理论中的多元统计分析评价的方法,实现对其品质的科学评价。特别是据领域专家最新研究发现,核桃缝合线的紧密程度与核桃品质有密切关系,故在对核桃硬壳参数的检测中将缝合线紧密度的定量化指标作为一项重要的测量工作。这将为核桃的良种选育以及核桃品质鉴评提供有力的科学依据。 本系统将计算机测控技术、虚拟仪器技术应用于园艺研究领域,将为核桃的研究提供一种良好的研究手段。另外,如果在本课题基础上继续深入研究,使之能够实现参数的实时采集和在线测评的动态测量,就完全可以建立核桃的自动分级系统,因而具有较高的实用价值和广阔的应用前景。

【Abstract】 In 21 century, the production of high qualitative and unpolluted farm products is one of the important developing trends of agriculture. Walnut is one of the four nuts in the world and a very important import and export product, so that each country pays more attention to the walnut production and comprehensive evaluation. The synthetic evaluation criterion of walnut is the significant foundation to evaluate the walnut quality and determinate economic value. The evaluation criterion which not only affects the objective accuracy of grading result, but affects the science and technology level’s raising in walnut field. However, a man-made weighting marking means has been always used to grade walnut quality in our country. This kind of procedure is burdensome in labors, low in accuracy and backward in testing method.Different varieties and different quality have cause tremendous losses in economy. And this problem will become graver with China entering the WTO, so that it is urgent to carry out the researches on agricultural products quality measurement and comprehensive evaluation system.In view of the foregoing problem, the thesis unites the virtual instruments technique, sense technique and comprehensive evaluates theory to design the comprehensive-evaluation system of walnuts’ quality. This paper discusses the hardware and software’ design, selection, assembling and debugging. There is special distinguishing feature districting fruit to other fruit feature since the fact that the walnut pertains to the nut. This system is by means of quantitative analysis of walnut shell and other parameters, combining the multivariable statistics in MOCE (Multiple-Objective-Comprehensive-Evaluation) to achieve the scientific evaluation of walnut quality. Especially according to the recently studying by the experts in walnut research field, the inseparable degree of walnut’s sutural line possesses the intimate relationship against the walnut quality. So an important measurement is to inspect the walnut’s sutural line and to convert it into concrete numeric value. And the forceful scientific foundation shall be supplying in the walnut improved variety breeding along with the quality evaluate.Applying the testing technology and virtual instruments technology to the horticulture research field, especially to the walnut research is very valuable and interesting. Moreover, an automatic grading system of walnut will be built and put into practice if study is continued based on real-time dynamic inspecting, and on-line evaluation system will come into use. In a word, it has great practical value and wide prospects of application.

  • 【分类号】S126
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