

Responses of Cotton Varieties with Different Maturity to Sowing Date in Morphology and Main Physiological Characters

【作者】 朱继杰

【导师】 张月辰; 李存东;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究通过不同的播期处理,以早熟品种中棉所30(中30)和中熟品种中棉所41(中41)为试验材料,从外部器官建成和内部生理两方面对不同熟性棉花品种的播期反应进行较为全面的研究,为建立棉花生育与温度关系的机理模型提供理论依据。 研究结果表明,株高的增长动态可用Logistic方程拟合,两品种随播期的推迟,最终株高减小。第二播期中30在株高快速增长的时期积温效率最大,为0.0592cm·℃-1;第三播期最小,为0.0481cm·℃-1;中41则在第三播期积温效率最大,为0.0818cm·℃-1;第一播期最小,为0.0654cm·℃-1。出叶速度符合直线方程,而叶面积用一元二次方程拟合较好。其结果两品种的出叶速度、叶面积均在第二播期最大,第三播期最小。蕾数的消长也符合正态分布,可用一元二次方程拟合。从蕾、铃数看,早熟品种中30蕾、铃的多少对播期的反应比较敏感,中熟品种中41的反应略微迟钝。 在物质积累方面:营养器官的物质积累也可用Logistic方程拟合。其中茎枝干物质积累过程中第二播期两品种的积温效率最大,中30为0.030g·℃-1;中41为0.039g·℃-1。叶干物质积累过程中,两品种在第二播期有最大的积温效率,中30为0.0352g·℃-1,中41为0.0335g·℃-1。生殖器官中蕾的干物质积累无明显规律,铃的干物质积累呈线性增长。中30单株蕾的干物质积累从积累速度来看,第三播期>第二播期>第一播期。中41前两播期的蕾干物质积累较多,第三播期较少。单株铃的物质积累,中30第一播期和第二播期铃的物质积累相近,但均明显大于第三播期处理。中41则是第二播期>第三播期>第一播期。 综合三个播期的物质分配规律,两品种茎枝百分比随着播期的推迟而下降,中41下降的速率比中30快。叶的比例中30是第一播期百分比最小,第二播期最大;中41叶中分配的物质随播期的推迟逐渐减少。中30生殖器官干物质分配从出苗至吐絮期三个播期相差不大;中41的生殖器官百分比随播期推迟呈逐渐增大的趋势。 从生理特征方面看,棉花主茎叶片叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量,中41均大于中30。三个播期两品种上述生理指标均于蕾期达最大值。两品种光合速率差别不大,均在第二播期有较好的光合优势。从氮代谢角度分析,中41全氮含量具有大于中30的趋势,第三播期尤为明显。从三个播期来看,全氮含量的最大时期均在开花期前。主茎叶片可溶性蛋白的含量两品种在棉花生育的前、中期差别不明显,但是到了后期中41的含量均大于中30,含量高峰均出现在蕾期阶段。从碳代谢角度分析,中41可溶性糖的含量多数时期明显高于中30。三个播期均是前期含量均高于后期,最大含量的时期随播期的推迟而提前。淀粉含量两品种变化趋势大致相同,均是前期较高。从不同播期来看,随着播期的推迟其含量的最大值减小。 关于产量结构,其结果为:单株铃数,中30少于中41。中30第二播期单株铃数最多,第三播期最少;中41则随播期的推迟铃数减少。单铃重,中30大于中41。中30的铃重最大在第三播期,中41最大在第二播期,两品种均在第一播期最小。从衣分来看,中30在第二播期最大,第三播期最小;中41则随播期推迟而减小。产量结果为,籽棉产量中30第二播期>第三播期>第一播期;中41第二播期>第一播期>第三播期。皮棉产量,中30同籽棉产量,中41第一播期>第二播期>第三播期。

【Abstract】 This experiment was conducted to study the responses of organ growth and development and physiological characters to varieties of different maturity with different sowing dates in cotton. There were two cotton varieties CCRI 30 (early maturity variety) and CCRI 41 (middle maturity variety) were used. The results of this study will be useful to setting up the mechannical simulation model of cotton growth and development.The results were as followed as: the Logistic recursive equation was used in the height of stem, the height decreased with the delay of sowing date. The greatest efficiency of accumulated temperature of CCRI 30 was 0.0592cm C-1’ in the second sowing date of rapid growth period, the lowest of that was 0.0481cm C-1 in the third sowing date .To CCRI 41,the highest of the efficiency of accumulated temperature was 0.0818 cm C-1 in the third sowing date of rapid growth period, the lowest of that was 0.0654cm C-1 in the first sowing date .The linearity recursive equation was used in the rate of leaf emergence, and the y=ax2+bx+c recursive equation was used in the leaf area. The rate of leaf emergence and coefficient of leaf emergence of the two varities were the largest in the second sowing date, the smallest were in the third sowing date. The response of the quantity of bud and boll of CCRI 30 was sensitive in different sowing dates, but that of CCRI 41 was not.Accumulation dry matter of nutritional organ can use Logistic recusive equation to bewrite. The efficiency of cumulated temperature in accumulating of dry matter of stem and twig in the second sowing date’ rapid growth period was the greatest, CCRI 30’s was 0.030g C-1, CCRI 41’s was 0.039g C-1 In the course of accumulating of dry matter of leaf, the trend was similar to that of stem and twig, CCRI 30’s was 0.0352g C-1, CCRI 41’s was 0.0335g C-1. the accumulating of dry matter of bud had no rules, but that of boll can use linearity recusive equation to bewrite. The speed of accumulation of bud in CCRI 30 was hightest in the third sowing date. The accumulation of dry matter of bud of CCRI 41 was more in the first and second sowing dates than that in the third sowing date. The accumulation of dry matter of boll of CCRI 30 was similar between the first and second sowing date, and that of the third sowing date was less. For CCRI 41, the accumulation of dry matter of boll was highest in the second sowing date.As to the allocation of dry matter of three sowing dates, the percent of stem and twig of the two varieties decreased with the delay of sowing date. The speed descend with the delayingof sowing date of CCRI41 was bigger than that of CCRI30. The percent of leaf of CCRI30 was the fewest in the first sowing date, and was the largest in the second sowing date. The percent of leaf of CCRI41 reduced with the delaying of sowing date. The percentage of allocated dry matter of reproductive organ of CCRI 30 was similar in three sowing dates. The percent of stem and twig of CCRI 41 decreased with the delaying of sowing date.On the aspect of physiological property, the chlorophyll and carotenoid content infunction leaves of CCRI41 was higher than that of CCRI30 in three sowing dates. There werethe most content of those chemichales in bud period. The net photosynthetic rate showed littledifference in function leaves between the two varieties. The analyze about photosyntheticphysiology was that there were advantage in the second sowing date in both varieties, this canoffer feasibility for produce more organic compound. On the analyze of nitrogen metabolize,nitrogen content in function of CCRI41 had higher than that of CCRI30, especially in the thirdsowing date. Among three sowing dates, the period of the most nitrogen content was precedinganthesis. The soluble protein in function leaves in two varieties had little difference in prophaseand metaphase of cotton growth period, but in anaphase of cotton growth period, CCRI41’s washigher than CCRDO’s. The period of the most content was bud period. To the analysis of carbonmetabolize,

【关键词】 棉花熟性播期器官建成生理指标
【Key words】 cottonmaturitysowing datemorphologyphysiological characteristics
  • 【分类号】S562
  • 【被引频次】5
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