

【作者】 黄燕

【导师】 王捷二;

【作者基本信息】 中南林学院 , 森林经理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 进入二十一世纪,中国旅游业一直保持着良好的发展势头。入境旅游、国内旅游继续保持增长,出境旅游在规范中发展,旅游行业在整顿中前进,旅游发展质量有所提高,旅游业大发展的环境逐渐形成,旅游业作为国民经济新的增长点的地位得到了进一步巩固。《国务院关于进一步加快旅游业发展的通知》(国发[2001]9号)中指出,旅游业在促进对外开放、推动国民经济增长、增加就业和消除贫困、提高人民生活质量等方面发挥了重要作用。同时也指出,要把发展国内旅游放到重要位置,增加适应国内旅游需求的产品和服务供给。可见,提高国内旅游的质量和效益是扩大内需形成国民经济新的增长点的基础,也是实现2020年旅游强国目标的根本。但旅游资源的景点容量有限,一定时期内有限的发展空间难以满足游客的无限需求。如何深度开发旅游资源,避免旅游资源的破坏性开发,提高旅游的质量,提高游客的消费水平,是旅游业的研究者们研究思考的深层次问题。本文在综合相关的理论基础上,从开发旅游购物资源的角度,提出发展旅游购物有利于提高游客的旅游体验,有利于旅游城市中小企业的旅游商品规模化生产;有利于旅游城市实施旅游带动战略;有利于加快旅游城市发展的观点。研究样本为张家界市的旅游购物市场,阐述张家界这以旅游为主的城市目前旅游购物市场现状和存在的问题,进一步探讨如何利用游客的资源,挖掘旅游购物的吸引力,增加游客的购物兴趣,提高游客的购物消费,提升张家界的旅游购物形象,把旅游购物变成张家界的旅游资源。同时分析旅游管理部门在旅游购物市场运作中的指导作用,探讨这些部门在加强旅游研发、生产、销售等环节、规范旅游购物市场、鼓励生产企业扩大旅游商品的生产规模、促进旅游产业与其他产业的结合、利用旅游购物带动其他工业和农业发展的作用及对策。力求通过对张家界市旅游购物市场体系的培育,探寻以旅游资源为依托的旅游城市发展旅游购物市场的模式,促进旅游业的深度开发和旅游业的可持续发展。本研究采用实证调研分析的方法,采取实践和理论相结合的手段,并运用统计分析工具对数据进行科学处理,力图使数据更能反映真实现状。

【Abstract】 Since it came into the 21st century, China tourism has made great development, which the indicators of inbound tourism and domestic tourism showed a considerable increase, outbound tourism continued to develop in organized and orderly manner. Tourism conditions were improved. The No.9 document from State Department emphasize the strategy status and functions of Tourism Industry in the fields of promoting the open-going policy, economic increase, obtaining employment, clearing up poverty, and improving the living level of people. The document also points out that domestic tourism plays an important part in stimulating domestic demand and consumption in order that we should increase supplies of tourism products and service, which it is the basis that China become a strong tourism country in 2020 through the increase of tourism qualities and revenue. Because of scenic spot rooms limiting, it is unbalance between the infinite marketing demands and the limitation of resources. Hence, it is a deeply problem how to deeply exploit tourist resources, avoid destructive development and advance the quality of tourism and consumption. From tourism shopping, this paper points out that development of tourism shopping is benefit of tourist experience, tourist enterprise production on a large scale, tourism-relation strategy of tourist city implement, development paces of tourist city. The sample in the paper is tourism shopping market of Zhangjiajie-city because it is a typical tourist city as high-grade tourism resources and it is weak in industry, which is different from other tourist cities, such as Guilin, Xi’an. The paper deals with the major problems in the tourism shopping market of Zhangjiajie city. Through taking advantage of resources of tourist, the paper further research how to enhance the tourism shopping attraction, how to increase tourism shopping interest and tourism consumption and how to promote the image about Zhangjiajie tourism shopping. Meanwhile, it also suggests that department of tourism management strengthen tourism shopping three links-design, production and sales, rule tourism with tourism laws and regulations, encourage enterprises of tourism commodities production on a large scale, promote the combination of tourism shopping industry with industry and agriculture, which improve living standard of residents in Zhangjiajie city.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1269