

Market Analysis and Marketing Stratagems for PHS in Zhuzhou

【作者】 唐砚

【导师】 邓德胜;

【作者基本信息】 中南林学院 , 森林经理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 株洲电信无线市话“小灵通”运营半年来用户发展低于预期目标,本论文以株洲电信“小灵通”在本地市场的生存和发展为立足点,采用问卷、理论和统计分析研究相结合的方法,对株洲电信“小灵通”业务及市场进行了深入的分析,试图找出目前“小灵通”运营不佳的部分原因,为其市场营销策略的调整提出一些意见及建议。论文由文献综述和论文正文两部分组成。文献综述部分描述了通信发展与“小灵通”的产生背景、国内外市场现状及中国“小灵通”市场特点,分析归纳了国内“小灵通”市场营销过程中的经验和不足。正文从株洲电信“小灵通”市场现状入手,简介了株洲电信行业和株洲电信企业情况,株洲电信发展“小灵通”的动因和现状,然后运用PEST分析法、波特的五种竞争力模型和SWOT分析法对株洲电信“小灵通”业务的外部环境、竞争情况及企业资源做了深入的分析,提出了“小灵通”的战略方向。对“小灵通”市场的分析部分中,作者在整理调查问卷的基础上研究了株洲“小灵通”市场的消费需求行为,借助统计学和市场营销相关理论及分析工具找出了影响“小灵通”市场营销策略选择的重要因素,采取将经验公式、市场调研数据及企业员工经验值三者相结合的方法进行了需求潜力预测。接下来分析了株洲电信目标市场选择和定位的失误,通过STPS分析对株洲“小灵通”市场重新进行了细分,找出了可有效进入的主要目标市场,确定了品牌形象和市场定位。随后,对株洲电信“小灵通”目前的营销策略组合进行了分析评估,建议针对不同目标市场采取整合产品、灵活定价、多元分销、整合传播的营销策略以获得差异化竞争优势,最后对株洲电信2003-2004年“小灵通”市场推广步骤提出了个人的意见。

【Abstract】 The outcome of Personal Handy phone System(PHS) is far beyond expectation after half year trial operation in Zhuzhou. This article focuses on Zhuzhou telecom PHS, analyzes its project and marketing through the modern methodology of questionnaire and documentary combine marketing theories and statistics analyzing, to find a cause to the present unsatisfactory operation of PHS. The finding might be instructive in adjusting the marketing strategy for Zhuzhou PHS. This thesis includes two sections, the section Literature Summarization and the section Text. In the first part, the dissertation gives a full picture of the background of PHS emerge context, current world wide marketing situation that caused by tale-communication industry development, makes an overall idea about the marketing experiences and common problems among the marketing development in China. In the second part, from point get from the analysis of impact to the background of the current situation of local PHS system, we get a general picture about the Zhuzhou telecommunication company and its trade. Furthermore, the author analyzes the outer environment and competitive situation that Zhuzhou PHS faces, the resources the firm has by the method of the PEST model, the Porter’ s five-power model and the SWOT model and then points out the local PHS’ s marketing-oriented strategy. BY utilized the questionnaire and documentary, this paper demonstrates the feather of local demanding and consumption, gives analysis on the factors strategy which effect the detailed process of making marketing by using theories of marketing and combined with statistics analyzing tools. Meanwhile, through a method of compounding with formula, the data from marketing research and data from experienced employees, this document tried a way to work out the potential consumption in the market. After pointing out the defective toward target market and orientation of Zhuzhou telecom PHS, this paper provides a methodology for local service provider due to the subdivision marketing by division approach, and develops a marketing positioning strategy by the STPS analysis model. With that , the author comments on the market strategy of Zhuzhou telecom and puts forward suggestions on its adjustment according to the difference of the specific consumption groups, multiple and flexible marketing strategy, sales methods should implement to get competitive advantage. At last, the paper provides proposals on how to goes on the market step by step.

【关键词】 电信无线市话市场分析营销战略
【Key words】 Telecom PHSMarket analysismarketing strategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【下载频次】170