

【作者】 王琪佶

【导师】 孙玉琴;

【作者基本信息】 中南林学院 , 森林经理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游业是关系经济、文化、社会、环境协调发展的一个重要产业部门。现代旅游业发端于19世纪中叶的英国,战后在全球得到了迅速发展。当今世界的旅游业,无论在增加国家经济总量还是吸纳就业、提供税收和保护环境等方面,都占据重要地位。旅游业方兴未艾,发展前景广阔。我国旅游业也在加速发展,不仅取得了可观的经济社会效益,而且丰富了人民的生活,提高了人民的生活质量。江西旅游业目前尚处在后进状态,没有充分发挥我省的旅游资源优势,与周边省市的旅游业发展相比,呈现出“旅游盆地现象”,其主要原因在于我省旅游业产业化进程较慢,没有树立大旅游观念,旅游业产业链脱节,也缺乏系统地为旅游服务的大企业大集团,致使我省旅游资源不能在市场机制的作用下得到有效开发。本文旨在为加快江西旅游业的发展献计献策。在较为深入地分析和研究了江西旅游业的现状、存在的问题和面临的挑战及机遇后,着重提出了加快江西旅游业发展的对策。认为要树立“大旅游”的全新观念,依托江西丰富的旅游资源,加快江西旅游产业化的进程,要努力实现旅游产业“七转变”、“七到位”,即产品开发由点转面,点面双到位;区域开发由旧转新,新旧双到位;行业建设由硬转软,软硬双到位;景区建设由量转质,质量双到位;市场开拓由内转外,内外双到位;旅游发展由以市、县为主转为以旅游区发展为主,地区、景区发展双到位;项目建设由观光旅游为主转为度假旅游为主,观光、度假旅游双到位。从而实现三个转化,一是,实现旅游资源优势向旅游经济优势转化;二是,实现旅游部门的分散化、单一化经营向集约化、产业化转化经营;三是实现旅游增长方式由数量规模扩张型向质量效益型转化。从而把江西建设成为沿海地区群众旅游休闲的“后花园”,进而建设成为面向全国、面向世界的旅游休闲的“大花园”,将旅游业培育成全省国民经济中的新型支柱行业。

【Abstract】 Tourism is an industrial department which is of vital importance to the economy, culture, society and environmental harmonious development. Modern tourism began in England in the middle of 19 century and developed very quickly in the world after war. Nowadays, tourism plays an important role in the world, either in adding the countries’ economic total or enlarging the employment, suppling the revenue and protecting the environment etc. Tourism is now in the ascendant and its developing foreground is vast. The development of tourism in our country is also accelerating, not only acquiring considerable economic and social benefits, but also enriching people’s life and enhancing the quality of people’s life. At present, the tourism in Jiangxi province is still in the state of getting behind and has not made full use of its advantages of tourism resource. Compared with peripheral provinces and cities’ development, it shows "tourism basin phenomenon". The main problem is that tourism industrialization course is slow in our province and the idea of "big tourism" hasn’t been built up yet. the chain of tourism is out of joint, and also big enterprises and big groups which would serve systematically are still lackless . These make the tour resource of our province couldn’t open up efficiently under the market mechanism. This article is mainly purposed to make suggestion and offer advice which would fasten the development of Jiangxi tourism. It applies the basic theory of tourism industrialization, and after deeply analysing and researching the status, existent problems and facing challenges and chances of Jiangxi tourism, brings forward the countermeasures and steps emphatically which could fasten its development. The article considers setting entirely-new idea of "big tourism" is very important . To fasten the course of tourism industrialization . it would try to realize "seven transition" and "seven attainment" in tourism. Firstld . changing the tourist product development from "point" to "area", both "point" and "area" attain its goal; secondly .changing the regional tourist development from "old" to "new", both "old" and "new" attain its goal; third . changing the industry construction from "hard" to "soft", both "hard" and "soft" attain its goal; . changing the scenic area construction from quantity to quality, both "quantity" and "quality" attain its goal, four . changing market exploit from inside to outside, both attain its goal; five .changign tourism development from mainly in cities and counties to mainly in tourist districts, both attain its goal; six .changing project construction from mostly in sightseeing journey to mostly in enjoying holiday journey, both attain its goal. In those way could we realize three transforms, first is changing the advantages from tourist resource to tourist economy, second is changing the management from decentralization and singleness to intensivism and industrialization, third is changing the tourist increasing mode from quantity and dimension expanding type to quality and benefit type. Consequently. Jiangxi would be built to a back garden for littoral people’s resting and traveling, moreover be a big garden for people in the whole country and world traveling and resting. Tourism in Jiangxi would be fostered to be the new supportive industry in the whole provincial national economy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】777