

Study on New Process of Dehulling-Cold Pressing-Expansion and Physical-Chemical Property Changes During the New Process of Double-low Rapeseed

【作者】 李文林

【导师】 黄凤洪;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农产品加工及贮藏工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 油菜是我国最主要的油料作物,含有丰富的油脂和蛋白资源。双低油菜的选育成功不仅改善了菜籽油的营养价值,也为菜籽蛋白的综合利用展现了广阔的前景。目前双低菜籽仍采用传统的预榨浸出工艺,未能实现菜籽的优质优用,造成资源的巨大浪费。 进行了双低菜籽高效加工工艺的小试,确定最优工艺路线为脱皮冷榨膨化工艺,即:双低菜籽→清理→调质→脱皮→冷榨→膨化→浸出;采用正交实验等确定了新工艺的关键工艺参数为:脱皮机转速为1500转/分钟;冷榨温度为室温:膨化进料温度95℃,物料水分8.46%,喂料电机转速900r/min。 进行了双低菜籽脱皮冷榨膨化新工艺的中试,对关键单机性能进行评价,以生产成本和产品质量为考核指标,确定新工艺的操作条件为:菜籽调质水分为7—10%,脱皮机转速1450-1550转/分钟;冷榨温度为室温;膨化进料温度>90℃,物料水分8—9%,喂料电机转速900r/min;浸出时间100分钟,料格装料高度1.2-1.3米,溶剂喷淋量1.5m~3/h。在此工艺条件下,菜籽脱皮率大于95%,皮中含仁小于1%,仁中含皮小于2%;冷榨饼残油15%,膨化料容重达490kg/m~3,膨化率达1.6,浸出粕残油率达到1%以下。中试产品冷榨油达到国家二级菜籽油标准,浸出粕粗蛋白质含量达46%以上,达到一级饲料用低硫苷菜籽粕标准。中试生产成本为143元/吨,比预榨浸出工艺节约生产成本近20%。 采用HPLC、分光光度法等对脂肪、蛋白质、氨基酸组成、硫甙、植酸、单宁等生化品质在脱皮冷榨膨化新工艺中的变化进行了研究,表明赖氨酸含量下降25%,几种重要的氨基酸如含硫氨基酸、酪氨酸和苯丙氨酸、缬氨酸含量只有轻微下降,克服了预榨浸出工艺对蛋白质有效氨基酸破坏严重的弊端,改善了饼粕的饲用效价。 采用透射电子显微镜对双低菜籽细胞结构在脱皮冷榨膨化新工艺中的变化进行了研究,表明冷榨饼经膨化后细胞结构完全破坏,细胞壁充分断裂,脂肪凝聚成较大的液滴,为浸出取油创造了良好的条件。 双低菜籽脱皮冷榨膨化新工艺是可行的,具有提高产品质量、降低生产成本、扩大生产能力等特点,产业化应用前景广阔。

【Abstract】 Rape is one of the most important oil crops in china. Rapeseed contains abundant vegetable oil and protein resources. The extensive cultivation of double-low rapeseed does not only improve the nutritional value of the rapeseed oil, but also bring a promising prospect for the comprehensive utilization of rapeseed protein. For the present, the processing method of double-low rapeseed is still pre-pressing extraction mainly, which doesn’t come up to the real value of double-low rapeseed, and cause unreasonable use of resources.According to the mini-pilot plant scale of value-added process of double-low rapeseed, the process of dehulling-cold pressing -expansion is confirmed as the best process of double-low rapeseed. The process diagram is double-low rapeseed→cleanning→water adjustment→dehulling→cold presseing→ expansion→ extraction. The orthogonal experiment et al is used to study the key parameters of the process. The dehulling machine rotating speed is 1500rpm, cold pressing temperature is at room temperature, expansion inlet temperature is at 95℃,water content is 8.46%,feeding motor rotating speed is 900 rpm.The capability of key machine during the pilot-plant scale process is evaluated. Cost and products quality as the evaluation factors, operation condition are confirmed: adjusting water content to 7-10%, dehulling machine rotating at 1500rpm, cold pressing at room temperature, expansion inlet temperature >90℃, water content 8-9%,feeding motor rotating speed 900 rpm. Under the condition mentioned above, dehulling rate is more than 95%, hulls contained in rapeseed kernel is less than 2%, kernels contained in hull is less than 1%, the oil content of cold pressing cake is reduced to 15%,density of expansed materials is 490kg/m3,expansion rate is 1.6, residual oil of rapeseed meal after solvent extraction is less than l%.Cold pressing oil meet the Standard of National II Rapeseed Oil. Protein content of rapeseed meal is 46%, meet the Standard of National I Low-glucosinolate Rapeseed Meal for Fodder. The processing cost is 143Yuan(RMB)/T, which is less than of pre-pressing extraction process by 20%.The effects of various stages in the new process on the biochemical quality including crude fat and fatty acid composition, protein and amino acid profile, glucosinolate, tannin, phytic acid of rapeseed are studied by means of HPLC, colorimetric method et al. The results show that the Lys reduced by 25%, essential amino acid such as sulfur amino acid, Tyr, Phe, Val reduced slightly. The new process solve the problem of severely loss of essential amino acid during pre-pressing and extraction, improves feeding efficiency of rapeseed meal.Transparent electron microscope is used to study the microstructures of rapeseed materials at various stages of the new process. The expansion of cold-pressing cake can destroy the cellular structure, break cellular wall fully. The free oil get together into oil drops, convenient for solvent extraction.The new process of dehulling-cold pressing-expansion for rapeseed is feasible. The new process can improve quality of oil and meal, reduce producing cost, increase producing capacity. The industrialization and application of the new process are promising.

【关键词】 双低菜籽脱皮冷榨膨化工艺
【Key words】 double-low rapeseeddehullingcold pressingexpansionprocess
  • 【分类号】TS225
  • 【被引频次】7
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