

Study on the Remedy for Famous Trademark Dilution and the Legislation of Competitive Law

【作者】 黄肇伟

【导师】 戴仲川;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 经济法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文拟用理论探讨和实证分析相结合的方法,以商标淡化救济适用标准及相关竞争立法的探讨为主线而分层次展开论述。在行文中,笔者将结合典型案例来阐述理论规则在实践操作中的限定性;一方面将传统商标侵权行为理论和新近的淡化联想理论进行适当阐释和比较分析,以此来探讨淡化救济问题产生的根源;另一方面又将两种理论在具体实践运用中所可能引起的冲突作实证的分析和总结。最后结合我国现行《商标法》和《反不正当竞争法》的规定对如何构建我国的商标淡化防御体系提出自己的一些管见。 除前言和结束语外,全文共分为六章,约四万字。 第一章主要是通过介绍美国第六和第四巡回上诉法院有关驰名商标淡化的判例,指出法院在反淡化救济上所存在的分歧并归纳双方的立场和观点,同时提出笔者对此问题的基本看法。 第二章将回溯到理论层面,主要通过剖析原有的传统商标混淆侵权行为理论的不足和局限来指出法院之所以在反淡化救济问题上产生困惑的原因所在,同时也从反面来论证商标淡化行为产生的理论成因。 第三章笔者将探讨商标联想理论对传统商标混淆侵权行为理论的补充和修正问题,着眼于从正面来分析商标淡化产生的理论基础。 第四章将从具体的淡化行为制度来论适用证淡化可能性标准的合理性,同时也是将上述抽象的淡化理论予以具体化的论证过程。重点从定性和赔偿两个方面来展开。本章着重对淡化行为进行定性,指出淡化行为不仅是一种破坏他人既有的合法商标权益价值的侵权行为,在市场竞争状态下更表现为一种具有明显不正当竞争性的搭便车行为,这也正是本文力求能有突破之所在。 第五章笔者将综合前面四章理论线索和实证资料来回答为什么要坚持淡化的可能性标准,以此回应支持笔者在第一章第三节所提出的观点。 第六章是制度的分析和总结部分。首先分析我国现行的商标法律体系在反淡化上存在的不足;其次从商标淡化行为具有不正当竞争性这一结论上出发,对如何将商标淡化行为实现竞争立法的调整进行论述。最后对我国如何在立法上构建自身的商标淡化救济法律体系提出自己的一些管见。

【Abstract】 The concept of dilution stems from the possibility of damage to an incorporeal property right in the particular quality associated with a famous trademark. The focus of dilution is not consumer confusion, most state dilution laws, as well as the FTDA, do not require evidence of the likelihood of confusion, which is required in trademark infringement cases.To demonstrate the issue before, the dissertation follows the structure as:Chapter 1 Introducing two typical cases on famous trademarks in U.S courts, which had split on the issue of whether a plaintiff bringing a dilution claim under the FTDA had to prove an actual present injury or merely a threatened injury to the selling power of its famous mark.Chapter 2 Review the theory of traditional trademark infringement. I will point out that dilution is out of the doctrinal confusion.Chapter 3 This chapter will formulate the theory of association on trademark dilution, which is the basis of trademark dilution.Chapter 4 This chapter will discuss on the inherent character of dilution -anti-competitive. The dilution will injure not only the owners of the famous trademark, but also the competitor on associated market. Besides that, damage and amends is a very important aspect of the dilution, which setting forth guidelines to obtain civil, injunctive relief when another user commercially dilutes a famous mark.Chapter 5 In this section, I will answer the question that the actual harm or the likelihood of dilution will be the first.Chapter 6 Design the legislative blueprint of the anti-dilution law of our country in two ways: One is to amend the trademark law ;the other is to regulate anti-competitive law .Conclusion: Trademark dilution is beyond the basis of traditional trademark infringement, which is not only an infringement of the famous trademark owner, but also an unfair rivalry in associated market. The traditional trademark law is out of the legislation of competitive law to regulate dilution may be a new way of anti-trademark dilution.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】363