

【作者】 连敏

【导师】 陈旋波;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以生命哲学为理论起点,运用了马克思主义的立场、观点与方法,汲取比较文学、文学文化学和结构主义的批评方法,将无名氏放置于20世纪40年代中国文学的历史背景中考察,以创作于40年代的《无名书》前三部为考察对象,从中寻绎无名氏的生命哲学与《无名书》的小说艺术的关系。本论文拟在前人已有学术成果的基础上,着重解决以下问题:无名氏小说对“寻找”与“超越”等20世纪华文文学母题方面的延续与拓展,对生命追寻主题的深化;无名氏的生命哲学对人本主义哲学的吸收与超越及其在形成小说艺术特征——诗性风格、复调的重要作用;无名氏对佛教、基督教的借鉴与超越以及在此基础上产生的独特的宗教意象;确立无名氏在整体性的20世纪中国文学史中的独特价值。 本论文共分三章。第一章着重讨论无名氏“寻找”、“超越”的生命哲学以及在此基础上形成的诗性风格。无名氏是乐观、积极地发扬生命的,他以不朽的信念去实现理想为旨归的追寻,超越了存在主义者以“虚无”为终结的生命哲学。其与宇宙精神相契合的寻找超越体现出诗性的境界和人文主义的理想精神。我从故事情节的淡化、多种抒情手段的运用以及诗的语言等方面入手,阐发诗性小说形式对其寻找超越精神的激发作用。 第二章分析了无名氏的生死感悟与复调的艺术形态。在主人公印蒂的不断追寻中,从对存在本质与焦虑的确证到生命存在的本真体验直到人性恶的颠峰体验,生命在不同阶段呈现出不同的样态。《无名书》中关于生死问题的思考包含着极其丰富的内容,无名氏采用复调艺术来表现这种复杂性,以此形成作者与主人公平等对话的新型关系,并在共时平面上展示处于边缘状态的生命意识。 第三章描述了无名氏对宗教文化的体认和选择以及由此形成的宗教文化意象。一方面,佛教在终极层面上的意义暗合他的人生追求,对佛陀人格的亲近与向往、苦空观的吸纳以及禅宗的净化功能直接影响无名氏对佛教意象的营构,使佛教文化之“象”与作家对于佛学精神的崇仰之“意”完美地融合在一起。另一方面,对基督教文化既借鉴又超越的关系,展示出神性、人性、魔性的纠葛,体现一种全新的现代意识,以反常规的视角生成独特的意象表达其独特的宗教意义。无名氏以集合儒、释、耶的新文化思路为印蒂的精神历程画下了美丽的休止符,由此确立了“星球哲学”的生命新信仰。 结语部分试图寻绎无名氏在20世纪中国文学之共时态与历时态中的独特价值,以此审视无名氏的文学史地位。

【Abstract】 Based on life philosophy, guided by marxism, and used comparative literature and structuralist theories for reference, this thesis backgrounded Wu Ming Shi in the nineteen forties literature of china and investigated him through the three works selected from Nameless Book, at the aim of exploring the relation between life philosophy and the art of Nameless Book. On the grounds of the academic achievements of the foregoers, this thesis plans to probe into the subjects as follows:I How Wu Ming Shi’s novels renewed and deepened the two motifs of 20th century literature of china-pursuing and surmounting?II In what way humanism was absorbed and surmounted by Wu Ming Shi’s life philosophy and what the significance of poetic style and polyphony is?III How Wu Ming Shi absorbed and subverted Buddhism and Christianity and bought about the unique religious images?IV What place of Wu Ming Shi is in the 20th century literature of china? This thesis is divided into three chapters.Chapter one emphatically discusses Wu Ming Shi’s life philosophy for the sake of pursuing and surmounting as well as the poetic style based on it. Optimistically and actively, Wu Ming Shi resorted to the immortal faith to realize the pursuing of life, in this sense, eventually surmounted the "nihility", which the existentialists ended up.Chapter two analyzes Wu Ming She other is the deep perception into existence itself, another is the peak experience for evil humanity. The pattern of life varies on the different phases. As a result of abundant thoughts of life and death in Nameless Book, Wu Ming Shi resorted to nothing but polyphony to convey the complexity. Hence a new relation between the author and the protagonist is established for equal dialogue and synchronically the marginal consciousness is displayed.Chapter three describes Wu Ming Shi’s absorption and acceptance for religious culture as well as the religious images in the light of it. On one hand, ultimately speaking, Buddhism unintentionally agreed with his pursuing of life. The yearn for Buddha’s personality and the purity of Zen , such all influenced directly his construction of religious images. On the other hand, with regard to Christian culture, Wu Ming Shi absorbed and subverted it at the same time. In this sense, a modern consciousness was reflected in the entanglement of divinity, humanity and evil spirit. Hence, from a strange aspect, the unique images were generated to express the religious sense. Wu Ming Shi concluded the spiritual adventure of Yin Di with a new cultural thinking which melted Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity altogether. Consequently, a new faith, philosophy of universe, came into being.The conclusion, synchronically and diachronically, attempts to explore Wu Ming Shi’s unique values in the 20th century literature of china and confirm his historical place.

【关键词】 无名氏生命哲学40年代
【Key words】 Wu Ming Shilife philosophythe forties
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】243