

Study on the Controlment and Development of Tourist Resources of the Tuo River Basin in Fenghuang County

【作者】 姚玲玲

【导师】 吴甫成;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 凤凰县位于湖南省西北部,湘西自治州南端,地理位置为东经109°18’~109°48’,北纬27°44’~28°19’。全县土地面积1758.5km~2,人口37.05万,其中少数民族占70%。由于地理位置偏僻、交通不便、信息闭塞、苗族土家族聚集、社会经济发展滞后,因而农民人均收入低,是典型的山区贫困县。 该县自然资源丰富,不但气候温和、降水丰沛、光照充足、土地类型多样,生物资源丰富,拥有众多的有地方特色的资源,特别是丰富的旅游资源、草场资源和土特农产品资源,而且人均资源占有量也较丰富。 该县旅游资源丰富,不但又有凤凰古城、南长城、黄丝桥古城、三潭书院等众多具有悠久历史的人文旅游资源;而且拥有古城八景、奇梁洞、南华山森林公园等众多自然旅游资源:其苗族、土家族民俗风情独具魅力,旅游资源开发潜力巨大。 该县多年来产业结构不合理,第二、三产业比例很少;且第一产业中,基本上是种粮、猪型的小农经济,林、牧、渔所占比例少。不但丰富的自然资源未加以科学利用,且因人口增加、耕地减少、人地矛盾突出而导致森林破坏、陡坡垦殖、水土流失加剧而使沱江流域环境恶化,严重制约经济的可持续发展。 本文在综述国内外小流域综合治理成功经验的基础上,针对凤凰县具体情况,提出小流域治理与旅游资源开发相结合的思想,以旅游资源开发促进小流域治理,而小流域治理给旅游资源开发提供条件和保证。使凤凰沱江流域经济能得到可持续发展。具体规划为: 1.调整产业结构。首先,是加大第二、三产业所占比重,尤其是服务业所占比重。其次,在第一产业中,加大牧业、林业和渔业比重,尤其是利用草场资源,发展草食性牲畜。 2.开发凤凰县丰富的旅游资源,如观光农业旅游项目的开发,沱江两岸土家族吊脚楼的建设,山江镇苗族民俗村的建设,腊尔山天然狩猎场和避暑山庄的建设,凤凰古城步行街的建设和黄丝桥古城的建设等。 3.大力发展生态农业,生产具有地方特色的土特农产品,以满足游客的需求。 4.统筹规划。以资源开发促进小流域治理,如水土流失的治理。退耕还林还草,以发展草食性牲畜。 5.发展科技和教育。提高农民科学技术水平,以适应旅游资源开发和小流域治理的需要。 综上所述,凤凰县利用本地丰富的自然资源,尤其是丰富的旅游资源和草场资源,发展旅游,整治环境,一定能求得区域经济和环境的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Fenghuang county is located in the southern part of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture in northwest of Hunan province. The longitude lies 109 18’ - 109 48’E and the latitude 27 44’ -28 19’ N. The whole area of the county is 1758. 5km2 and the population is 370.5 thousand, among which 70% is minority. Due to its remote location, poor transportation, occlusive information, Miaozu and Tujiazu reside concentrate, and the poor development of social economy, the average income of farmers is very low, which is a typical hilly county.Natural resources in Fenghuang county is abundant. It not only has higher temperature, plentiful rainfall, ample sunshine, diversiform soil types and luxuriant biological resources; but also possesses a lot of special resources with typical regional characteristic, especially the abundant tourism resources, grassland resources, and aricultural primary products with regional characteristics as well as high average resource.Fenghuang County has abundant tourism resources, it has not only lots of human tourism resources with long history, such as the old Fenghuang castle, the Great Wall in the southern part of China, old Huangsiqiao castle and Santan academy; but also lots of natural tourism resources, such as the eight landscapes of the old castle, Qiliang hole, Nanhuashan forest park etc. Among these, the customs of Miaozu and Tujiazu have specially enchantment and the explorative potential period which its tourism resources are tremendous.Industrial structure in Fenghuang County is not reasonable for a long time because the proportion or the secondary and thetertiary industry is very minor. Furthermore, in its primary industry, most is small farming economy which focuses on planting and pig raising; and the proportion of forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in the primary industry is also very low.Fenghuang County has abundant natural resources, but they have not been scientifically utilized. What is more, the environments of Tuojiang river has been deteriorated and sustainable development of economy has been seriously restricted because of forest destruction, slope cultivation, water and soil erosion which were caused by population increasing, land exploitation and the contradiction between human and land.Based on summarizing the successful experiment on small regional renovation in China and foreign countries as well as the particular conditions in Fenghuang County, we have carried out some meosures that focus on small regional renovation and tourism resources exploration for Fenghuang County. On the one hand tourism resources exploitation can promote small regional renovation, on the other small regional renovation will bring requirements and guarantee for tourism resource exploration, as a result sustainable development of economy can be realized in Tuojiang region of Fenghuang county. The concrete planning is the following:1. Adjusting industrial structure . Firstly, we should raise the proportions of the secondary and the tertiary industry, especially the proportions of the service trades. Secondly, the proportion of animal husbandry, forestry and fishery should be raised in the primary industry and the grassland should also be used to raise herbivorous animals.2. Exploring the abundant tourism resources in FenghuangCounty. For example, we can explore the sightseeing project of agriculture tourism; construct the Diaoqiao story of Tujiazu on both sides of Tuojian river, the narural hunting field in Mountain La’ er and mountain estate for escaping the heat. On the other hand, we can construct walking streets in Fenghuang castle and the Huangsiqiao castle.3. Devoting major efforts to develop ecological agriculture. For example, primary products with typical regional characteristic can be produced to satisfy the requirements of the visitors.4. Taking the whole situation into account and planning accordingly. We can promote the small regional renovation by resource exploration, such as the renovation of water and soil erosion. At the same time, the cultivated lan

  • 【分类号】F592.3
  • 【被引频次】6
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